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    The Policy Department at SESRI was established in 2014 with the aim of advancing evidence-based decision-making and policy-making. The Policy Department works in the following streams: it complements SESRI’s Research Department by providing policy analysis to the departments’ survey-based projects; preparing policy reports and briefs, it works directly with governmental and non-governmental institutions in Qatar to provide data-driven analyses and policy recommendations; and it pursues its own research interests based on advancing the goals of the Qatar National Vision (QNV) 2030. The Policy Department at SESRI also seeks to open dialogue with state institutions and works to encourage data-driven policy analysis among academics and the public by organizing workshops and training courses throughout the year.

    The Policy Department’s work is carried out through four specialized desks, as follows:


    The social development desk prioritizes survey research projects relating to the sociocultural development in the State of Qatar, which helps establish evidence-based social policies from research data to decision making. It covers areas of common interest at governmental and civil society institutions and places the subject at policy makers’ agendas, while making the community aware of current sociocultural and socioeconomic challenges.


    The desk aims to collaborate with policy makers and support the engagement with prospective stakeholders. Specifically, the desk aims to achieve the objectives of QNV 2030 Agenda regarding the development of human potential and social policies, through emphasizing how effective is survey research in assessing public opinion trends, while focusing on guiding social policy concerning Qatar society all levels.


    1. Complete at least two projects related to the desk per year.

    2. Publish at least two SESRI outputs based on results from projects

    3. Strengthen research collaboration with non-SESRI QU faculty

    4. Convene at least one policy outreach stakeholder events related to the Desk



    1. Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour, and Social Affairs

    2. Ministry of Culture and Sports

    3. Planning and Statistical Authority

    4. Qatar Social Work

    5. Family Consulting and Counselling Center (WIFAQ)

    6. Qatar Finance and Business Academy

    7. Doha International Family Institute (DIFI)

    8. Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy

    9. Social Development Center (NAMA)

    10. Government Communication office


    The Government and public services desk focuses on government and public service performance in Qatar in terms of service delivery, service quality and users satisfaction with public services. Projects also include users’ satisfaction with the municipality services, e-Government adoption levels, usage of government social media portals, m-Government activities & trends, Open Government Data (OGD) developments, and the development and implementation of a national barometer of satisfaction with public services. This desk mainly focuses on government and public service performance in Qatar in terms of service delivery, service quality, and users’ satisfaction with public services aiming to support the development of strong public sector institutions, efficient and transparent delivery of public services, and dissemination of government information to achieve the target of overall public sector efficiency.


    To support the need of strong public sector institutions, efficient and transparent delivery of public services as highlighted in QNV 2030, the desk aims at informing decision makers and public opinion on the quality of public services, user’s satisfaction with public services in Qatar and potential ways to achieve the target of overall public sector efficiency. The desk aims to measure user satisfaction in general with the e-Government services and m-Government activities in the country and ways to enhance government transparency levels through the dissemination and use of government information data (OGD).


    1. Write policy reports and briefs related to the projects

    2. Publish academic papers related to the projects

    3. Organize workshops related to the projects

    4. Develop communication with prospective stakeholders



    1. Ministry of Transport and Communications

    2. Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour, and Social Affairs

    3. Planning and Statistical Authority

    4. Government Communication office

    5. Ministry of Interior

    6. Ministry of Municipality

    7. Ministry of Public Health

    8. Kahramaa

    9. Ashghal

    10. Ooredoo


    To work in line with current national strategies and Qatar vision in topics of priorities to Qatar state. These priorities include environmental and natural resources sustainability challenges, food security and supporting the achievement of 2030 sustainable development goals through knowledge sharing, research, training and partnerships. Participate in deep understanding of the concept of sustainable development by conducting events with stakeholders and formulation of strategies and policies that guide managers and policy makers. Research also include human interaction with the environment, innovation and technology towards sustainability.


    To closely collaborate with other entities with relevant issues to formulate policies related to food security and resource sustainability by writing proposals for environmental friendly projects that based on avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance. Balancing interrelation between society, economic and environment, to avoid the trap of short-term strategies and therefore the negative environmental impacts. Produce relevant policies that guide decision makers to improve or update current policies. To build national accurate statistics from real world problem through focus group methods.


    1. To lead two policy projects per year

    2. Publish two SESRI publications per year “Briefs and reports”.

    3. Collaborations with QU faculty projects or research papers

    4. Organize policy events with relevant stakeholders from different entities such as workshops, round table discussion, symposiums …. etc.

    5. Participate in at least one conference each year

    6. Participate in at least one research internship per year

    7. Publish two research publication per year



    1. Ministry of Environment and Climate Change

    2. Ministry of Municipality

    3. UN organisation on environment and food security issues such as FAO and UNEP

    4. Non-profitable organisation “Charities”

    5. Sustainability centres

    6. Qatar foundation institute

    7. Ministry of External Relations “climate change issues”


    The Politics/Legislative desk prioritizes research into current legislation and other political developments in Qatar about which decision-making could be informed by the results of SESRI surveys. Such developments include those relating to Central Municipal and Shura Council elections, permanent residency and citizenship, taxation and welfare reform, political values, and the continuing effects of the 2017 blockade.


    The Desk aims to inform policymakers and other stakeholders in Qatar, as well as external scholars and policymakers with an interest in Qatar, about important trends in public opinion, political behaviour, and value change in the country. The Desk also can use surveys—either targeted or general population surveys—as a tool for investigating specific issues or questions faced by relevant entities in Qatar.


    1. Complete at least three policy projects related to the Desk

    2. Convene at least two workshops related to the Desk

    3. Publish at least two publications based on output from policy projects

    4. Develop communication with prospective stakeholders



    1. Ministry of External Relations

    2. Ministry of Interior

    3. Amiri Diwan

    4. Government Communication Office


    The desk aims to achieve the objectives of Qatar National Vision (QNV) 2030’s third pillar of economic development. According to QNV, an outcome (or an evidence) of economic development for Qatar is sound economic management that can secure financial and economic stability. Low inflation rates, sound financial policy, and a secure and efficient financial system are characteristics of financial and economic stability. The desk is expected to offer evidence-based answers to an issue that was declared by the Shura Council (on 25th January 2022) as a “prominent phenomenon in the Qatari society”. The desk will employ a multi-strategy design that integrates qualitative (i.e., semi-structured interviews) and quantitative research (i.e., questionnaires) to generate robust data with rigorous analysis for measuring several factors that lead to inflation in Qatar and proposing policies that mitigate the burden of price rises and increased cost of living on the Qatari society.


    The desk aims to inform policy makers and institutions of governance with robust evidence about the causes of inflation in Qatar by proposing several variables, namely, oil prices, taxes, an international phenomenon, the Russia-Ukraine War, and the social/educational aspect in Qatar. The desk also evaluates the negative consequences of inflation in general, and food inflation, on the standard of living and the prosperity of Qatari citizens and expatriates. By learning about public attitudes and experiences concerning inflation in Qatar through interviews and surveys, the desk aims to help government policymakers better understand why inflation in Qatar needs to be controlled and if so, what are the effective steps needed to protect consumers, limit unjustified price increases, and prevent monopolistic practices.


    1. Complete 2 survey-based policy projects related to the desk

    2. Prepare two policy reports and publish research 2 papers

    3. Conduct two policy outreach stakeholder events



    1. Ministry of Commerce and Industry

    2. Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour, and Social Affairs


    The urban development desk seeks to focus on rigorous analysis and understanding of economic, social, quality of life, wellbeing, and policy aspects of urban life in Qatar, in addition to a critical understanding of the policy and practice of sustainable urban development. Urbanization constitutes one of the most crucial trends of our time and cities are centers of innovation, and drivers of economic transformation and social change. However, urbanization and human development processes are also marked by environmental degradation, housing settlements and social differentiation, transportation problems, and healthcare challenges. All of these have a strong bearing on behavioural urbanism, social cohesion, quality of life and wellbeing. The desk will combine a multidisciplinary approach to generate robust data with rigorous analysis and policy outreach for improving the quality of urban life and sustainable cities and urban communities (SDG goal 11).


    The desk aims to inform policy makers and institutions of governance with robust evidence of people’s choices and preferences to promote urban areas as sustainable, innovative, and happy and healthy places to live and work. Policy outreach areas include urbanization impact on human development, behavioural urbanism, quality of life and wellbeing. To inform policy, the desk aims to conduct population-based surveys for different population groups, adopting deep data collection strategies with validated measurement tools to assess urban environment, behavioural adaptations, skills development and labour market, human development, healthy development, quality of life, life satisfaction and wellbeing.


    1. Complete two survey-based policy projects related to the desk

    2. Prepare two policy reports and publish research 2 papers

    3. Conduct two policy outreach stakeholder meetings

    4. Collaborate with non-SESRI QU faculty and researchers abroad



    1. Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Urban Planning, and Environment

    2. Social Entrepreneurship & Empowerment

    3. Planning and Statistics Authority

    4. Ministry of Public Health