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    Publication 2005 - 2000

    This section contains a list of publications generated by the CBE faculty members during (2005 - 2000)


    • Alshare, K. Miller, D., and Wenger, J. “An Exploratory Survey of Student Perspectives Regarding Search Engines,” The Delta Pi Epsilon Journal, Vol. XLVII – No. 2, 2005, pp. 75-82.

    • Alshare, K. and Miller D., “Combining Traditional and Web-based Learning Environments: An Effective Instructional Approach,” Journal of Transaction on CIS/MIS, Volume 5 (1), 2005, pp. 13-23.

    • Alshare, K., Miller, D., and Akuor, I. “A comparative Study: American and Jordanian Students’ Perceptions of Computer Technologies” The Teaching Journal of ooi Academy Congress, Transactions on Computer Information systems, Volume 4 (1), 2004, pp. 13-27

    • Alshare, K., and Whiteside, M. “Stability Analysis for DEA Models: An Empirical Example" the Academy of Information and Management Sciences Journal* Vol. 8 (2), 2005, pp. 1-15.

    • “Organizational Justice and Satisfaction with Information Systems: User’s Perspective,” International Journal of Business and Public Administration*. Volume 2, Number 2, 2005, pp. 128-137. (Co-authored with O. Kwun).

    • Alshare, k., Grandon, E., and Miller, D. “Internet Usage in the Academic Environment: The Technology Acceptance Model Perspective” the Academy of Educational Leadership Journal*, Vol. 9 (2), 2005, pp. 81-97.

    • Alshare, K. Grandon, E., and Badri, M. “How Do College Students Perceive Arguments for and against the Impact of the Internet on a Country’s Social and Political Affairs? Evidence from Three Countries,” The International Journal of Business and Public Administration*, Vol. 2 (1), 2005, pp. 75-91.

    • “Factors Influencing Student’s Intention to Adopt Online Classes: A Cross-Cultural Study,” The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges. Vol. 20 (4), April 2005, pp. 46-56. (Co-authored with E. Grandon and O. Kwun)

    • “Instructor and Student Perceptions of the Online Teaching/Leaning Environment: A Cross-Cultural Study.” Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, Vol. 9 (3), 2005, pp. 105-130 (Co-authored with O. Kwun and E. Grandon)

    • Al-Khater, Khalid. and A Adnan, "Analytical Procedures Practices by Auditors in Qatar", the Arab Journal of Accounting, Vol. 8, 2005, pp. 1-25

    • Al-Khater, Khalid and A. Sibai, "An Empirical Investigation of Factors Affecting Audit Fees: The Case of Qatar", Journal of Economics and Administration, King Abdulaziz University. Vol. 18, No. 2, 2004, pp. 179-219.

    • Al-Khater, Khalid, "Accounting Education and Practice in the Sate of Qatar", Abhath Al Yarmouk Journal, Yarouk University, , Vol. 21, No. 3, 2005, pp. 817-842

    • Al-Khater, Khalid and Turki Alhmoud, "Obstacles Facing Audit Bureau Auditors in Qatar", Mu'tah Lil-Buhuth wad- Dirasat, Muitah University, Vol. 20, No. 4, 2005, pp. 11-36.

    • S. A. Raza, and A. Akgunduz “The Use of Meta-heuristics to Solve Economic Lot Scheduling Problem”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3448, pp. 190-201, 2005

    • Sharif, K. J. and Kalafatis, S. P. (2005): An examination of the stability of operationalisations of multi item marketing scales, International Journal of Market Research, Vol. 47, Issue 3, pp. 255-266

    • Sharif, K. J., Kalafatis, S. P., and Samouel, P. (2005): Cognitive and behavioral determinants of trust in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol. 12, N0. 3, pp. 409-421

    • Li, Eric P. H., Chester K. M. To, Y. H. Wong, and Jimmy M. T. Chang (2005), “Managing Knowledge in Fashion Businesses: A Contextual Review,” Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 9 (2), 97-104.

    • R. S. Al-Khouri. “Corporate Governance and Firm Value in Emerging Markets, the Case of Jordan.”

    • "Advances in Financial Economics, volume 11", ISBN 0-7623-1187-8, 2005. PP 31- 50.

    • R. Rousan, Raya and Ritab Al-Khouri. “Modeling Market Volatility in Emerging Markets: The case of Amman Stock Exchange”, International Journal of Applied Econometrics and Quantitative Studies, VOLUME 2- ISSUE 4: 2005. PP 133-154.

    • Badshah M, Boyer R, Theodosopoulos T, “Properties of a renewal process approximation for a spin market model”, Joint Conference on Information Sciences, July 2005

    • Saleh, A. S., and Zeitun, R. (2005), “Development of Islamic Banking in Lebanon: Prospects and Future Challenges”, Review of Islamic Economics (UK), Vol. 9, No.2, Page 77 – 91. (by International Association for Islamic Economics, UK).

    • Aruna Dhade Human Resource Accounting: A Way to Succeed in Knowledge Driven Economy Journal of Management and Labor Studies November 2005 Vol. 30. No. 4

    • Ngange, W.E., S. Kaitibie, and T. Taban. 2005. Multinomial Logit models comparing consumers and producers’ risk perception of specialty meats. Agribusiness, An International Journal 21, 3:375-390.

    • Akono, J.C., W.E. Nganje, S. Kaitibie, and C. Gustafson. 2005. Investors’ Expectations of New Generation Cooperatives Equity. North Dakota State University (NDSU) Agribusiness and Applied Economics Report 575. NDSU: Fargo, ND, USA.  

    • Siaplay, M., W. Nganje, and S. Kaitibie. 2005. Value-at-Risk and Food Safety Losses in Turkey Processing. North Dakota State University (NDSU) Agribusiness and Applied Economics Report 557. NDSU: Fargo, ND, USA.


    • Hindi, Nitham, Miller, Donald, and Wenger, James. 2004.“Information Systems Educators’ Perspectives: Perceptions Concerning Computer Literacy,” Research Journal of Business Disciplines. (Volume 10): 41-49.

    • Miller, Donald, and Hindi, Nitham. 2004. “Preparing for Accreditation: A School of Business Perspective,” Central Business Review. (Volume XXIII, Number 2): 29-33.

    • Hindi, Nitham, Miller, Donald, and Catt, Stephen. 2004.“Accounting Educators: Perceptions Concerning Communication,” The National Accounting Journal (Volume 6, Number 1): 1-9.

    • Alshare, Khaled, and Hindi, Nitham. 2004. “Presentation Skills in the Classroom: Students and Instructors Perspectives,” The Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges (Volume 19, Number 4): 6-15

    • Alshare, K., Miller, D., and Akuor, I. “A comparative Study: American and Jordanian Students’ Perceptions of Computer Technologies” The Teaching Journal of ooi Academy Congress, Transactions on Computer Information systems, Volume 4 (1), 2004, pp. 13-27

    • Alshare, K. and Hindi, N. “The Importance of Presentation Skills in the Classroom: Stduents and Instructors Perspectives” the Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, Volume 19 (4), 2004, pp. 6-15.

    • Alshare, K., Dwairi, M., Akuor, I. and Miller, D. “The Social and Political Impacts of the Internet on the Developing Countries: The Case of Jordan” The International Journal of Business Disciplines, Vol. 15 (2), Fall/Winter 2004, pp. 89-101.

    • Alshare, k., Miller, D., and Dwairi, M. “Students' Assessments of Social and Political Impacts of the Internet: the case of United States and Jordan" Central Business Review Journal, Summer 2004, Vol. XXIII, No. 2, pp. 21-28.

    • Alshare, K., Grandon, E., and Miller, D. “Antecedents of Computer Technology Usage: Considerations of the Technology Acceptance Model in the Academic Environment” the Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, Volume 19 (4), 2004, pp. 164-180.

    • Al-Khater, Khalid. and A Adnan, "Analytical Procedures Practices by Auditors in Qatar", the Arab Journal of Accounting, Vol. 8, 2005, pp. 1-25

    • AL-khater, Khalid and J. Alattar, " An Analytical Study of the Auditing Profession in Qatar", Accounting, Management and Insurance Journal, Egypt, Vol. 63, 2004, pp. 261-295

    • Trust Building Measures: A review of Consumer Health Portals”, With Wenhong Luo, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2004, pp. 108-113.

    • R. S. Al-Khouri, A. Magableh and H. Aldamen. “Foreign Ownership and Firm Value: An Empirical Investigation” Finance India, Vol. XVIII No. 2, June 2004

    • Naser, K., Nuseibeh, R., and Al-Kuwari, D.(2004) Dividend Policy Of Companies Listed On Emerging Stock Exchanges: Evidence from Banking Sector of the Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC), Middle East Business and Economic Review 16, pp.1-12.

    • Hossain, I., Epplin, FM, Horn, GW, Krenzer, EG Jnr, “Wheat production and management practices used by Oklahoma grain and livestock producers.” Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin B-818, Oaklahoma State University, Oklahoma, USA, 2004.

    • Badshah M, Theodosopoulos T, “Statistical properties of phase transitions in a spin model for market microstructure”, Academic Computing Machinery Annual Conference, June 2004

    • Theodosopoulos T, Badshah M “Short-Term Equity Dynamics and Endogenous Market Fluctuations”, International Conference on Stochastic Finance, 2004

    • Nganje, W.E., S. Kaitibie, W.W. Wilson, F.L. Leistritz, and D.A. Bangsund. 2004. Economic Impacts of Fusarium Head Blight in Wheat and Barley: 1993-2001. North Dakota State University (NDSU) Agribusiness and Applied Economics Report 538. NDSU: Fargo, ND, USA.  


    • Hindi, Nitham, Miller, Donald, and Slocombe, Thomas. 2003.“Today’s MBA Degree: Characteristics of Programs at AACSBMember Schools of Business,” Southwestern Business Administration Journal (Volume 3, Number 1): 65-69.

    • Hindi, Nitham, Miller, Donald, and Slocombe, Thomas. 2003.Pairing of Courses: An Approach to Cross-Functional Learning.Palmetto Review (Volume 6): 23-30.

    • Al-Khater, Khalid and J. Innes, "Management Accounting in GCC Petrochemical Companies: An Exploratory Study", Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies, Vol. 5, 2003, pp. 95-124.

    • Al-Khater, Khalid and K. Nasser, “User Perceptions of Corporate Responsibility and Accountability: Evidences From an Emerging Economy”, Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 18, No. 6, 2003. pp. 538-548.

    • Al-Khater, Khalid and A. Sibai, “Management Accounting Techniques in Qatari Manufacturing Companies”, Journal of Economics and Commerce, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Vol. 1, 2003, pp.253-284.

    • Hossain, M and Galib, A., (2003), “An Analysis of the Use of Accounting Policies in Islamic Banks”, Journal of Business Studies, Bangladesh, Volume 23, pp. 101-116.(ISSN1681-9748).

    • An Experimental Study of Web Switching”, With James Otto and William Wagner, Human Systems Management, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2003, pp. 87-93.

    • “The Impact of Problem Domains and Knowledge Acquisition Techniques: A content Analysis of P/OM Expert System Case”, With William Wagner and Q.B. Chung, Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2003, pp. 3-10.

    • Das, A. (2003). Knowledge and Productivity in Technical Support Work, Management Science, 49, 4, 416-431

    • Hossain, I., Epplin, F, Krenzer, E, “Planting date influence on dual-purpose winter wheat forage yield, grain yield and test weight.” Agronomy Journal, 95, pp. 1179 - 1188, 2003.

    • Munkin, M.K. and P.K. Trivedi (2003), “Bayesian Analysis of Self-Selection Model with Multiple Outcomes Using Simulation-Based Estimation: An Application to the Demand for Healthcare,” Journal of Econometrics, 114, 197-220

    • Munkin, M.K. (2003), “The MCMC and SML Estimation of a Self-Selection Model”, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 42, 403 424

    • Kaitibie, S., F.M. Epplin, B.W. Brorsen, G. W. Horn, E. G. Krenzer, Jr., and S.I. Paisley. 2003. Optimal stocking density for dual purpose winter wheat production. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 35, 1:29-38.

    • Kaitibie, S., F.M. Epplin, G. W. Horn, E. G. Krenzer, Jr., and S.I. Paisley. 2003. Dual-Purpose Winter Wheat Stocker Steer Grazing Experiments at the Marshall Wheat Pasture Research Unit, Marshall, Oklahoma. Oklahoma State University (OSU) Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin B-816. OSU: Stillwater, OK, USA.  

    • Nganje, W.E. and S. Kaitibie. 2003. Food Safety Risk Perception and Consumer Choice of Specialty Meats. North Dakota State University (NDSU) Agribusiness and Applied Economics Miscellaneous Report 193. NDSU: Fargo, ND, USA.

    • Munkin, M.K. and P.K. Trivedi (2003), “Bayesian Analysis of Self-Selection Model with Multiple Outcomes Using Simulation-Based Estimation: An Application to the Demand for Healthcare,” Journal of Econometrics, 114, 197-220

    • Munkin, M.K. (2003), “The MCMC and SML Estimation of a Self-Selection Model”, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 42, 403 424


    • Hindi, Nitham, Miller, Donald, and Wenger, James. 2002.Computer Literacy: Implications for Teaching a College-Level Course. Journal of Information Systems Education (Volume 13,Number 2): 143-151.

    • Fox, Terry, Swanson, Zane, Remington, William, Durler, George, and Hindi, Nitham. 2002. An Analysis of Student XBRL Project Teams: Value-Adding Educational Experiences using Emerging Technology. The Review of Business Information Systems (Volume 6, Number 3): 15-20.

    • Hindi, Nitham, and Sundaram, Sridhar. 2002. The Relation between Off-Balance Sheet Activities and U.S. Bank Profitability. Journal of Accounting and Finance Research (Volume 10, Number 3): 15-25.

    • The Market for Loanable Funds in Lebanon: A Simultaneous Equations Approach. The Middle East Business and Economic Review. Vol. 14, no. 2, December 2002.

    • Kaitibie, S., F.M. Epplin, E.G. Krenzer, Jr, and H. Zhang. 2002. Economics of lime and phosphorus application for dual-purpose winter wheat production in low pH soils. Agronomy Journal 94, 5:1139-1145.


    • Fox, Terry, Hindi, Nitham, and Remington, William. 2001.Students’ Perceptions and Misconceptions of a Career in Information Systems. The Journal of Computer Information Systems (Volume XXXXII, Number 1): 83-89.

    • Ashan, Q..M. G., Hossain, M., and Hossain, M.J., (2001), “The Use of Internet in Business Organisations”, Journal of Asian Studies, Bangladesh, No. 20, June, pp.78-85.

    • Selection of Knowledge Acquisition Techniques Based Upon The Problem Domain Characteristics Of Production and Operations Management Expert Systems”, With William Wagner and Q.B. Chung, Expert Systems, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2001, pp. 76-87.

    • Hwang W, Badshah M, Officer T, Tidball J, Capetanaki Y, Rodarte JR and Boriek M “Desmin integrates the three-dimensional mechanical properties of skeletal muscle” J Appl Physiol. 90(4):1258-1266, 2001


    • International, Interdisciplinary Management Education and Development: Can Business Schools Deliver?”, Najdawi, M and Steve Stumpf, et. all., May 2000, in Management and New Economy, Edited by Ralph Berndt, Springer, pp. 59-78.

    • Object Analysis in Organizational Design: A Solution For Matrix Organizations”, Najdawi, M, David Cackowski and QB Chung, Project Management Journal , Vol. 31, No. 3, September 2000, pp. 44-51.

    • “Web - User Satisfaction: An Exploratory Study”, Najdawi, M, James Otto and Karen Caron, Journal of End User Computing , Vol. 12, No. 4, Dec 2000, pp. 3-10.

    • Das, S. & Van de Ven, A. 2000. "Competing with Product Technologies: A process model of strategy", Management Science, 46, 10, 1300-1316.

    • McEvily, S., Das, S., & McCabe, K. 2000. " Avoiding Competence Substitution through Knowledge Sharing", Academy of Management Review, 25, 2, 294-311.M. Sweidan & Ritab Al-Khouri. “An Empirical Examination of theRelationship Between Increased Disclosure in Jordanian Corporate Annual Reports and Risk. ” Journal of Dirasat , Vol. 27, no.2, 2000.

    • M. Suwaidan & Ritab Al-Khouri. “The Impact of Firm Size and Internal Funding on Investment: Evidence from Jordanian Firms.” The Journal of Manarah, 2000.

    • Epplin, F., Hossain, I., Krenzer, E, “Winter wheat fall-winter forage yield and grain yield response to planting date in a dual-purpose system.” Agricultural Systems, 63, pp. 161 - 173, 2000.