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Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Program

The College of Law was the first among QU colleges to develop and apply the "Undergraduate Teaching Assistants Program" which later been adopted and implemented by some colleges within the university.

Emanating from the believe of the importance of connecting faculty with distinguished students, we are pleased to inform you that the College of Law has launched a new project named "Undergraduate Teaching Assistant". This project enables faculty to spend more time on academic and other responsibilities while benefiting from our undergraduate students assistance in teaching their courses in return of financial and non-financial incentives. In addition, students will also benefit from having the chance to work closely with faculty members during their academic semesters.


The selected students must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. The student must have completed and passed at least 24 C.H and maintained a GPA of 3 or above.
    1. Gained at least B in the determined course.
      3. Did not violate any academic integrity rules at QU, such as cheating and plagiarism.

Duties of Undergraduate Teaching Assistant:

  1. Attending some lectures in the presence of the course instructor.  
  2. Explaining some parts of the course in the presence of the course instructor.
  3. Providing academic assistance and support to LAWC students in the Student Learning Support Center (Successful Oasis).
  4. Helping in receiving and welcoming the guest speakers.

Number of working hours for UTAs per week (2-3 hours only)

For more details, please do not hesitate to contact the program's supervisor Mrs. Rania El-Murtada via email (shown below).