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Toastmasters Chapter

Toastmasters Chapter | Qatar University - Image1

 Qatar University Toastmasters Alumni Club is concerned with teaching people communication and leadership skills by applying the arts of public speaking. The branch belongs to Toastmasters Worldwide, a non-profit organization established since 1924 with branches in more than 143 countries. The members of the club meet twice a month and the meeting proceeds according to the agenda prepared in advance, which contains the paragraphs of the meeting and the names of the role performers, and before the end of the year the club holds a competition to choose the people who will represent it in the competition hierarchy to reach the final qualifiers - with 64 clubs in Qatar - and one member who participates in the global tournament qualifies California if participating in the English language. In addition, the certificates granted by the branch to its members after completing a certain number of projects are officially and internationally approved certificates.  

Amani Ahmed OthmanAbdullah Dhikr Al-Hajri


Upcoming Events

Event nameDateRegistration
11-th Cyclic Chapter meetings with all membersThe second Tuesday of every month 
The National Competitions of Toastmasters ClubsIt is expected that it will be held from February for two months 
Meeting with the Saray Toastmasters Club in the State of KuwaitNovember 2020 
Darb Al SaiDecember 2020 


Previous Events

Event NameDateLink
11th meeting - meeting under the theme "What have I learned"13 October 2020
The tenth meeting - a meeting under the theme of the "royal phase"15 September 2020
The eighth meeting - a meeting under the axis of "creativity"11 August 2020
Sector ConferenceMid-April 2020 
The seventh meeting - a meeting under the axis of "friendship" February 18, 2020
Book FairJanuary 2020 
The fifth meeting - a meeting under the title I am FreeTuesday, 10 December 2019 
Fourth meeting - a joint meeting with the Qatar University Club under the "Pharaoh axis"Thursday, 14 November 2019 
The third meeting - a meeting under the title "They said in the past"Tuesday, 8 October 2019 
The second meeting - a meeting under the title "Be Strong"Tuesday, 10 September 2019 
The first meeting - a meeting under the Apical SummitTuesday, April 9, 2019 
Chapter Opening Ceremony - The ceremony includes a simple definition of what the branch will offer its affiliatesTuesday, March 12, 2019 


Social Media

Instagram: qu.alumni_toastmaser


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