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Director’s message

Director’s message | Qatar University - Image1A welcoming message from the Director

Thank you for visiting Qatar University Press (QU Press) webpage. Established in 2018 with the approval of QU’s Board of Regents, the Press is a university publishing house for scholarly books and journals.

We embraced as our mission the dissemination of scholarship at the highest level and the publication of only peer-reviewed works. Our bylaws adopt the highest standards at all publishing phases: acquisitions, production, and marketing & sales. We publish in a variety of formats: print, electronic, and open access. We currently have five leading journals published by us. The books we publish are classified into the following categories: textbooks, monographs, reference books, edited essay collections, translated books, critical editions, theses, and general knowledge books.

QU Press enjoys membership in two international associations: the Association of University Presses (AUP) and the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP). We also welcome you to explore our books and journals are which are hosted on two user-friendly platforms.

To learn more about us, please feel free to contact us at

We look forward to hearing from you and receiving your submissions.


Prof. Fatma M H Al-Sowaidi

Director of Qatar University Press