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    Linguistics in the Gulf Conference

    After the success of the previous five conferences held in 2007-2015, the Department of English Literature and Linguistics, Qatar University, is pleased to announce its 6th Linguistics in the Gulf Conference (LGC-6), to be held on April 1-2, 2019.

    The conference is aimed at bringing together regional and international researchers to share research ideas and results in formal linguistics and sociolinguistics.

    Keynote speakers:

    Robert Phillipson, Professor Emeritus at the Department of Management, Society and Communication, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. He is an author and editor of books on linguistic imperialism, language rights, language policy, language rights, and multilingual education.


    Jonathan Owens, Professor of Arabic Linguistics at the Bayreuth International Graduate School of African Studies, University of Bayreuth, Germany. His research interests are in Arabic Linguistics, including spoken Arabic (sociolinguistics, dialectology, codeswitching, discourse analysis), the Arabic grammatical tradition, and history of Arabic.


    Important dates:

    1. Abstract submission deadline: January 6, 2019.
    2. Notification of acceptance: by January 31, 2019.
    3. Program and schedule: by February 7, 2019.


    Please address your questions related to the conference to

    The Department of English Literature and Linguistics at Qatar University is pleased to announce its 6th Linguistics in the Gulf Conference (LGC-6) to be held on April 1-2, 2019. It is aimed to bring together regional and international researchers to share research ideas and results in formal linguistics and sociolinguistics. LGC-6 invites abstracts that deal with any aspect of language in the Gulf and more generally in the Arabic-speaking world, including but not limited to the following areas:


    • Bilingualism and diglossia
    • Multilingualism
    • Language contact, variation and change
    • Language ideology, planning and policies
    • Language and identity
    • Linguistic and semiotic landscapes
    • Computer-mediated communication
    • Discourse analysis of Arabic literary and non-literary texts
    • Phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics
    • Language acquisition & learning
    • Educational linguistics
    • Corpus and computational linguistics and data processing
    • Neurolinguistics and bilingual language processing
    • Formal, social, and/or functional aspects of sign language(s)
    • Translation and interpreting



    • Abstracts must be submitted online by January 6, 2019 through EasyAbs (Easy Abstracts) at
    • Abstracts should not exceed 400 words (not counting references) and not indicate the name and/or the affiliation of the author(s).
    • Notification of acceptance: January 31, 2019.
    • Questions related to the conference can be addressed to


    • Dr. Vladimir Kulikov (chair)
    • Dr. Rizwan Ahmad
    • Dr. Michael Grosvald
    • Ms. Mariam Gammaz