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    About Us


    The Arabic Department aims at promoting the status of Arabic studies among other disciplines. It achieves this goal through enhancing the quality of teaching, research and serving university and society. It keeps pace with the most recent developments in learning and education in order to meet the requirements of institutional accreditation. The Arabic Department rises to graduating a well-established generations that contribute to their language, society, and nation. It prepares its students to be opened to other cultures and civilizations and provides them with dialogue skills and competences.


    The mission of Arabic Department is to distribute the literary, critical and linguistic knowledge within an integrated open learning system as well as to prepare specialists in literary and linguistics studies who are equipped with communication skills and capable of applying their knowledge and experiences in the related research and work fields. Such specialists should be aware of their tradition and open to modern methodologies, believe in citizenship values, possess critical thinking skills, self-learning and team work. 

    Goals and outcomes

    Operational and practical goals of the Arabic Department:


    • To promote the academic level
    • To attract excellent students to study at the Department
    • To promote the scientific and researching abilities of students

    Academic Research:

    • To promote the Department’s scientific research level
    • To provide a high level research environment

    University Services:

    • To contribute to the service of Qatari Society
    • To raise the awareness of local tradition

    The University Environment:

    • To support the learning and academic processes that enhance the quality level
    • To establish a cultural environment that support co-operation in various cultural activities

    Learning goals of the program:

    • To achieve a good quality in teaching Arabic to specialists
    • To advance students’ linguistic and communication skills
    • To enhance students with literary and critical skills in a self-learning and digital environment
    • To enrich the appreciation of Arabic language and Islamic tradition.
    • To improve the culture of dialogue and openness to the other and its civilization.

     Outcome of Students’ Learning:

    It is expected that by ending their study students will:

    • Show a high ability in using Arabic in aspects of reading, writing and research.
    • Employ Arabic in expressing the needs of Qatari, Arab and Islamic societies.
    • Differentiate between the eras of Arabic literature and its different artistic aspects.
    • Apply the acquired skills in research, analysis, criticism and comparing.