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    Visiting Scholars

    Each semester the College of Arts & Sciences Gulf Studies Masters Program brings prominent scholars and other professionals to the University to teach on the program. In our first year we include award winning scholars specialized in one or more areas of interest of the Program (QU-Brookings Doha Fellow, Dr. Gwenn Okruhlik; Assistant Secretary General for Negotiations and Strategic Dialogue, Dr. Abdel Aziz Abu Hamad Aluwaisheg; and University of Bahrain Professor Dr. Baqer Al-Najjar).

    The Program further invites distinguished scholars from the region and abroad who are specialized in any of the areas of interest of Gulf Studies to teach M.A. courses on a visiting basis. Students choose to concentrate on thematic areas that interest them, among which include security, culture, energy geopolitics, social movements, labor migration, gender, or civil society. Some of the course titles are: ‘Politics of the Gulf’, ‘Human Rights and the Gulf State’, ‘City and Society in the Gulf’, ‘Security of the Gulf States’, and ‘Media and Information Communication Technology in the GCC’. We also offer a course ‘Special Topics’ to cover new themes.