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    Minor in Policy, Planning and Development

    Minor in Policy, Planning and Development

    This minor program offers students enrolled in other majors a comprehensive knowledge and expertise in Policy, Planning and Development to complement their major. This minor will contribute in equipping students with leadership skills and in enhancing their ability to analyze, define, and develop planning and development strategies for the common good of the country, region, communities, and global society. The program addresses several subspecialties, including sustainability, energy security, public policy and planning.

    Declaring the minor

    Applicants for the minor in Policy, Planning and Development must satisfy QU requirements for declaring a minor.

    Minor in Policy Planning and Development (24 CH)

    A minimum of 24 credit hours are required to complete the minor in Philosophy, including the following:

    • A minimum of 15 credit hours in the Minor Requirements
    • A minimum of 9 credit hours in the Minor Electives

    Minor Requirements (15 CH)

    Students must complete the following courses:

    • POPL 100 Introduction to Public Policy and Analysis
    • POPL 200 Ethical Development of Public Policy
    • POPL 300 Principles and Tools for Evidence-Based Policy Decision Making
    • POPL 400 Public Leadership and Policy Development
    • SOCI 120 Introduction to Sociology

    Minor Electives (9 CH)

    Students must complete a minimum of 9 credit hours in courses selected from the following:

    • POPL 221 International Energy Issues
    • POPL 230 Climate Change Policy Analysis
    • POPL 232 Energy and Environmental Economics
    • POPL 241 Community-Based Policy Development and Analysis
    • POPL 245 Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Urban Planning
    • POPL 321 Energy: Science, Technology, and Human Usage
    • POPL 335 Science, Technology and Policy
    • POPL 340 Organizational Behavior and Management in Public Service Agencies
    • POPL 450 Urban and Regional Economics

    Study Plan