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    Current Student

    Important Dates

    Transfer conditions within QU

    Please be aware that admission is competitive based on the number of seats available: it is possible to reduce the credit hours and GPA, but the student must pass one of the required mathematics courses for their application to be considered, along with other criteria. *The student must meet the following conditions.

    1-   Have completed a minimum of 24 credit hours AND attended a minimum of two semesters (Fall and Spring) of undergraduate coursework with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 out of 4.00 .

    2-   Met Qatar University's Mathematics competency requirements. Or Math 103.

    1. For English track , the applicant need to satisfy Qatar University's English competency requirements by satisfying either of the following official English test score .

    Application Requirements for Major and Minor Specializations

    Students who completed the all mentioned below eight courses can declare their major. The Major Declaration link will be available in mybanner and only for the students who completed all the courses mentioned below or completed some of the courses while registered the remaining courses in order to complete all the eight courses by the end of the semester.

    • The Major Declaration results will be announced at the end of the semester.

    Course ID

    Course Name


    Principles of Financial Accounting


    Principles of Managerial Accounting


    Principles of Management


    Principles of Marketing


    Management Information Systems


    Principles of Microeconomics


    Principles of Macroeconomics


    Principles of Finance

    Study Abroad Instructions and Procedures

    The following courses are not allowed to be taken outside of Qatar University:

    • All Major required courses.
    • All Minor required courses.
    • MAGT304 Production & Operations Management.
    • MAGT405 Strategic Management.
    • All students are required to comply with QU policies of study abroad

    Change Major and minor for non- business student Conditions

    Change major to general business student is based on QU policy, in addition to Mathematics competency requirements. Or Math 103.

     Change minor  CBE offers only one minor for Non- Business Students which is (Entrepreneurship and innovation for non- business student)

    Please be aware that admission is competitive based on the number of seats available: it is possible to reduce the credit hours and GPA, but the student must pass one of the required mathematics courses for their application to be considered, along with other criteria. *The student must meet the following conditions.

    1.    Have completed a minimum of 30 credit hours AND attended a minimum of two semesters (Fall and Spring) of undergraduate coursework with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 out of 4.00 .

    2.    Met Qatar University's Mathematics competency requirements. Or Math 103.

    3.     For English track , the applicant need to satisfy Qatar University's English competency requirements by satisfying either of the following official English test score .

    Internship course Instructions and Procedures

    It is offered in summer only and you are required to finish the pre- requisite and ern 75 credit hours or more by the end of spring semester.