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    Head of Department Welcome message

    Welcome to the Website of the Department of Accounting and Information Systems at the Collage of business and economics. The Department offers two undergraduate programs: Accounting and Management Information Systems (MIS). The department also offers a Master of Accounting as a postgraduate program while supporting the Ph.D. - Business Administration (with specialization in Accounting) programs. Our programs provide high quality academic and applied education that is relevant to Qatar, GCC and international academic community in alignment with our vision to be regionally and internationally recognized. The department provides students with a broad and deep knowledge of the latest developments in accounting, analytics, auditing, taxation, and information systems. Our graduates enjoy a variety of career opportunities. For accounting graduates, career opportunities include working in national/international audit firms, stock market as financial analysts as well as private, public and governmental organizations. For MIS graduates, opportunities exist in the areas of business intelligence, database management,  networking, system analysis and design. Our alumni are very successful and serving the State of Qatar very well.


    Our faculty members have a wide range of expertise and are qualified, innovative, and dedicated to provide the most relevant education to our students. Their research activities and scholarly publications contribute to the practitioners and academicians in the arena of accounting, auditing, information systems and information security.

    Internship Program

    As a junior business student, you will participate in the College of Business and Economics internship program. The Internship in Business allows you the opportunity to spend a summer semester working with business professionals. As a result of the internship, you will gain practical experience and will make better career decisions. Employers perceive the internship experience very positive and you should capitalize on this advantage when looking for a permanent job.

    Please contact us at if you have any questions or need additional information. We look forward to serving YOU.

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    Dr. Emad Awadallah

    Head of Accounting and Information Systems Department