General Format
Manuscripts should be in English and of a professional style, be submitted electronically as an attachment to an email and should not exceed 25 pages (including all tables and figures). Wherever possible, authors should arrange their material in well-defined sections: Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results and Analysis, and Conclusions and Implications. Papers submitted to Studies in Business and Economics should not be submitted or under consideration by other journals. The submitted manuscripts must be written in the APA (American Psychological Association) editorial style.
Font Type and Size
Manuscripts should be double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font using Microsoft word.
Title Page
Start your paper with a title page. Include the title of the paper and names, addresses, and affiliation of author(s). Do not use titles such as Dr. or Assistant Professor, etc.
Abstract Page
The second page of the article will contain the title of the paper (no author listing) and a one paragraph abstract (not exceeding 150 words).
List 4-6 keywords.
First level headings should be centered and in caps. Second level headings should be left aligned with initial letters capitalized. All headings should be in bold font.
Layout and Margins
Immediately after the abstract paragraph, the paper should be formatted using two columns (newspaper) format. Margins should be set to 1 inch top, bottom, left, and right. Columns should have 0.25 inch between them. All text should be full-justified.
Authors Biographical Information
Each author should submit a paragraph (50 words) of biographical information.
Footnotes are strongly discouraged.
Figures, Tables, and Illustrations
Figures, tables and illustrations should be planned to fit the journal’s page size which is 12 by 18cm. Each figure, table or illustration should be kept on a separate page. The author should indicate the approximate placement of each by inserting a statement such as “Insert Table 1 about here” in a separate line.
Page Numbers
Do not type page numbers. Page numbers will be added in the final stage of publishing.
Appendices, if necessary, should follow the body of the paper, before the references.
References are to be identified in the text by including in parentheses the last names of the authors and date of publication [i.e. (Smith, 2004)]. At the end of the paper, presented under the heading ‘References’, the cited literature should be listed alphabetically.
Titles of periodicals should be abbreviated according to “The World List of Periodicals”.
The articles included in this journal represent the views of the author, not necessarily the views of Qatar University
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For further support addresse our Editor-in-Chief, Studies in Business and Economics, College of Business and Economics, Qatar University, P.O. Box 2713, Doha, Qatar.
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