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    Graduation Requirement

    Fall 2024 Admission This year (admission for Fall 2024), the College of Business and Economics will consider applications for ONE of the following disciplines: Accounting, Information Systems, Management, Marketing or Finance. The discipline to be offered will be determined according to the quality of applications. Online admissions applications will open on Wednesday December 24, 2023 and it will close on Thursday February 29, 2024.

    Students enrolled in the CBE offered Ph.D. program must successfully complete the degree requirements as stipulated by Qatar University policy including:

    1. Successfully completed a minimum of 30 credit hours of course work as described in the Ph.D. program curriculum with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a scale of 4.0.
    2. Pass the comprehensive exam in the specialization field of study no later than the third semester after enrollment.
    3. Pass the candidacy examination no later than the fourth semester after enrollment.
    4. Successfully defend a dissertation in field of study.
    5. Publish (or receive acceptance for publication) at least two research papers in a peer reviewed journal.

     The journals must meet at least one of the following criteria:

    1. ISI impact factor of at least 1,
    2. Listed in SCOPUS,
    3. Listed in ABDC, with a ranking of “B” or better,
    4. Listed in Association of Business Schools' Academic Journal Guide with a ranking of 2 or better.

    The paid journals (journals that require publication fees) cannot be counted for the publication requirement for the CBE Ph.D. program. Please consult with your supervisor before submitting your research work for publication.