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    Ethical Approval Submission IRBNet

    Qatar University has adopted IRBNet an electronic system for managing, submitting, reviewing, and overseeing the research protocols at Qatar University. Some of IRBNet’s many features include electronic document management, web-based protocol sharing and collaboration, automatic notifications, electronic submissions and reviews, integrated training and credential management, and important audit capabilities including electronic revision histories, electronic signatures.

    You may access IRBNet virtually through a web browser by visiting and self-registering as part of Qatar University research community. Please visit to watch the QU New User instructional video and contact the Research Ethics and Integrity Office for a copy of one of the IRBNet Training resources or for any assistance to help you get started.

    Research Ethics and Integrity Office started accepting electronic submissions to QU-IRB, QU-IACUC and QU-IBC Tri-board Committees via IRBNet starting since January 15, 2021. All protocols (including revisions and renewals) must be submitted electronically via IRBNet, and all review decision letters will be issued electronically via IRBNet. As for the protocols already submitted and still in-process, the review will be completed by email as usual.

    For additional information please contact Research Ethics and Integrity Office at Tel: 4403-5307, 4403-6676