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    “I am very proud that I am a Qatar University graduate. The time I spent at the university helped me to build my personality, experience and knowledge. Being a graduate from the Human Nutrition program specifically helped me to pursue my dreams in being the nutritionist I am today. It gave me the tools I needed to begin my life career in the right way and directed me to my passion in community nutrition; I am glad that I had the chance to be a part of the Human Nutrition program and Qatar University. I am forever grateful! “ ... Hend Ali Al-Tamimi

    “It gives me great pleasure to say with pride that I am a member of the Qatar University community and to graduate with a bachelor degree in human nutrition. I consider myself very lucky for being a part of QU. It is difficult to sum up the memories and experience of several years in a few lines, as I found my time in the program quite special.  Th​e years I spent at QU helped me to grow professionally and personally and gave me an opportunity to excel in my area of interest. Thank you to all my instructors for guiding, shaping and molding me into the person I am today.” .. Reem Al Saa
    “Qatar University was one of the best experiences I had in my life and I’m very proud to be from one of its graduates. It offers the best environment and facilities for students, which help them succeed. I think studying a bachelor's degree in public health at this university made me more confident at performing my job at the Ministry of Public Health. The knowledge and skills I have gained at QU is reflected in my performance and dedication to my job. I am very grateful to the instructors who taught me and appreciate their efforts. I advise all students who want to have special experience and good education and to be competent in their career in future to study at Qatar University.” .. Hamda
    “The academic experience and the overall student experience have enriched my personal development hugely. Based on my observations and my own experience at Qatar University, I found that it’s really important to be an active student and not only focus on studying but also on communicating with other outside departments that work with my specialty. This is very important in building  one’s career. As a public health graduate, my role as a Coordinator at HPCE is to be proactively responsible for managing Campaign materials, data collection, handling education visits and coordinating with the other Departments. Actually, what we learned in the classrooms with our instructors and professors at QU was of a great benefit to us. Professors play a huge role in helping students along the path to college. Throughout their four years, they support them in setting goals and making plans. When the time came to apply what I know at HMC, all what I studied came to my mind and that what made me succeed  in my job and have a great position. Everyone experiences difficulties with working at one time or another, and overcoming these challenges is all part of the learning process at the university” .. Khuloud Abdulla


    "Message to my fellow young biomedical scientists- Accept yourself, be able to accept and appreciate all your flaws and weaknesses because then you will be able to improve yourself. Being a student in the biomedical science field is a fascinating experience to be able to contribute to the advancement of healthcare services and research in Qatar.” .. Anjud Al-Mohannadi


    ​“Looking back on the rigorous four years of my life in Qatar University, I realize how little I knew of what would lay ahead of me when I started my bachelors in biomedical science in the fall of 2012. The biomedical program not only gave me the skills I needed to be a part of the scientific community but it gave me the confidence of a professional and ultimately opened up a lot of doors to put my knowledge into practice. Whether it is conducting research in the laboratory or interning in the hospital, science never sleeps! Today, I attribute a lot of my growth to my ever-loving colleagues that I was blessed to have beside me through the years and the biomedical department that never failed to encourage and support my academic career, all of whom made the journey unforgettable and worthwhile!” .. Afifah Shifa Sahara