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    Community Participation

    The Early Childhood Center strives to offer distinguished services in the field of Early Childhood Education, professional development and research. Cooperation with various departments and centers from inside and outside Qatar University in order to connect the ECC with the Qatari community as such:

    Inside QU

    Cooperation with many colleges, departments and centers such as:

    • Qatar University Library
    • Qatar University Clinic
    • Alumni Relations Department
    • Security and Safety Department
    • Environmental Sciences Department
    • Astronomy Club
    • Sports and Recreation

    Outside QU

    • RasGas Company
    • Japanese LNG Company
    • Ministry of Education and Higher Education
    • Yogasha Center for Training and Psychosocial Counseling
    • Qatar National Library
    • Aspire Academy
    • Amiri Guard Battalion (Musical Band)
    • Best Buddies Initiative
    • Laid Academy for Music and Arts
    • Cultural Innovation Center
    • Visual Arts Center
    • Al Duhail Sports Club
    • Hamad Medical Corporation (Ambulance and Nutrition Department)
    • School Dental Health
    • Hamad International Training Center
    • Museum of Islamic Art
    • Independent and Private Kindergartens
    • Protection and Social Rehabilitation Center (AMAN)
    • Qatar Cancer Society
    • Community Police Department of the Ministry of Interior
    • Hosting International Authors