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    Assistive Technology foundation course program - MADA

    About us

    The program is held in partnership with Mada. It consists of several training workshops provided in both English and Arabic for specialists who work with individuals with various disabilities. The participants are from the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Hamad Hospital and Shafallah Center. The workshops aim at improving daily lives of people with learning and physical difficulties and facilitating connection with Qatari educational curriculum through utilization and use of modern aids and technology.

    Our Objectives

    The project aims at:

    • Introducing participants to the latest types of assistive technologies and devices, their use and their application to individuals with disabilities.
    • It also provides participants with necessary skills required to assess and identify the needs of individuals with disabilities in order to enable them to choose the appropriate technology that supports individual’s functioning and independence.

    Targeted Audience

    Specialists working with individuals with disabilities and individuals with special educational needs


    The Mada Center for Assistive Technology - Local Partner of the National Center for Educational Development - organized The Assistive Technology Education Conference for the Arab Gulf Great from 23rd to 25th of April 2018 at the Kempinski Hotel - The Pearl.
    The conference included discussion sessions and workshops under four pillars: Education, independent Living, Digital Access, and Innovation. The conference concluded with the delivery of certificates of graduation to attendees as well as trainees in the capacity-building project. They also received diplomas accredited by the National Center for Educational Development - Faculty of Education - Qatar University for completion of the Foundation Program for Assistive Technology.