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    Environmental & Sustainability Achievements within the Al-Bustan South Project

    Wednesday, February 16, 2022



    This workshop presents the Environmental and Sustainability achievements within the Design-Build of the Al Bustan South (ABS) Project as part of the prestigious Sabah Al Ahmad Corridor. The ABS Expressway Project features the longest dual carriageway bridges in Qatar spanning 2.6 km each, with a minimum of 4-lanes in each direction from south of Al Waab St. to south of Rayyan Road forming a +3 level interchange at Al Waab St. and +2 level crossings at Rasheeda St. and Snay Bu Hasa. Other features include:

    • Main interchanges, including overpass bridges.
    • 6 on/off ramps tying into the mainline bridges
    • 3 lane service roads along both sides parallel to the mainline bridges
    • 18.4 km of pedestrian facilities
    • Wet/Dry Utilities, Landscaping, Signing and Striping & Aesthetic Cladding
    • Temporary Flood Management including Deep Wells and lagoons

    Design and building of highways and bridges in urban areas within tight corridors with heavy traffic and tighter schedules are always big challenges to Contractors, Supervision Consultants, and Employers, and further compounded whilst accounting for Environmental and Sustainability during construction.



    Eng. Ali Kara, Ashghal is Senior Projects Engineer at the Public Works Authority (Ashghal) with extensive experience in construction management, value engineering, and stakeholder management on key Design-Build projects in Qatar.

    Eng. Anshuman Ganguli, PE, Parsons International Ltd. is the Design Manager (Parsons International Limited, PIL) for Al Bustan South Project with significant Design-Build experience in multiple international venues.

    Constructing the Future Entertainment Destination in Qatar

    Tuesday, December 14, 2021



    Off the coast of Qatar's Lusail City is Qetaifan Island North, an under-construction state of art mixed-used project aimed to become Qatar's next iconic attraction, which spans over 1.3 million square meter . A prestigious project that features a hotel, retail plaza, festival plaza, beach club, canal, mosque, linear park, and a waterpark that includes an “Icon Tower” the tallest water slide in the world on a reclaimed man-made island. The presentation will give an overview of the project components, packages, phases, and its construction aspects and challenges. It will overview the construction methodologies, challenges, logistics, interface, safety, environment, traffic, stakeholders, etc.



    Eng. Mustafa El Cherkawi, Assistant Construction Manager Qetaifan Projects is a chartered professional civil engineer with Engineers Australia (EA) and Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE-UK). He holds a Diploma of Science & Engineering with distinction from UTS: INSEARCH, a Bachelor of Civil Engineering with Honors from the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), and a Master of Civil Engineering from the University of Sydney (USYD). Moreover, he is a registered engineer in Doha and Beirut.

    Mustafa has more than 9 years of experience in the construction field in Australia and Qatar. Mustafa has been working on different multi-billion megaprojects in Doha. Currently, he is an assistant construction manager at Qetaifan Projects, working on a prestigious mega-development. Moreover, Mustafa worked with AECOM on the Doha Oasis 7-star hotel tower, shopping mall, and amusement theme park.

    Mustafa is a valued member of the community, he is a recipient of the Elizabeth Hasting memorial award for community contribution from UTS, a previous nominee for best international student in NSW Award, a finalist for the young professional engineer of the year 2020 award (Australia), winner of the 2016 UTS: INSEARCH alumni award. He is the past president and a valued member of Engineers Australia Qatar Chapter (EAQC) 2019-2020.


    Sustainability of Reinforced Concrete Structures

    Sunday, November 21, 2021



    Prof. Usama Ebead, Professor, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Qatar University.



    • Dr. Wael Alnahhal, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Qatar University.
    • Dr. Mohammed Irshidat, Associate Professor, Acting Director of Center of Advanced Materials (CAM), Qatar University
    • Dr. Sami G. Al-Ghamdi, Associate Professor of Sustainable Built Environment, College of Science & Engineering, Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU)
    • Dr. Mohamed Mohsen, General Manager, Absolute Kinetic Contracting (AKC)
    • Mr. Sabir Khan, Technical Manager, Readymix Qatar


    Technical sessions

    • "Sustainable Seawater Concrete with Non-corrosive Reinforcement", Prof. Usama Ebead, Qatar University
    • "Sustainable Concrete Using Locally Discarded Materials, Treated Municipal Wastewater, and FRP Reinforcements", Dr. Wael Alnahhal, Qatar University
    • "Sustainable Utilization of Industrial Byproducts in Cementitious Composites Production", Dr. Mohammed Irshidat, Qatar University
    • "Reinforced Concrete Structures: Life-Cycle Perspective on the Embodied Environmental Impacts", Dr. Sami G. Al-Ghamdi, Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU)
    • "3D-Printed Concrete: The Future, Cost-Effective Alternative", Dr. Mohamed Mohsen, Absolute Kinetic Contracting (AKC)
    • "Global Branded (Innovative and Sustainable) Products/Solutions", Mr. Sabir Khan, Readymix Qatar



    Accounting for Health and safety in Temporary work design Management.            

    Monday, November 8, 2021



    "Temporary works" is a widely used expression in the construction industry for an "engineered solution" used to support or protect an existing structure or the permanent works during construction The construction of most types of permanent works will require the use of some form of temporary works Examples of temporary works include, Earthworks trenches, excavations, temporary slopes, and stockpiles Structures formwork, falsework propping, façade retention, needling Equipment/plant foundations tower crane bases, supports, anchors and ties for construction hoists and mast and many other aspects The correct design and execution of temporary works is an essential element of risk prevention and mitigation in construction BS 5975 provides recommendations and guidance on the procedural controls to be applied to all aspects of temporary works in the construction industry.



    • Eng. Umar Puthukkudi, HSE Manager-Highway Projects Department, Ashghal
    • Eng. Ryan Palpal Latoc Geronimo,  Safety Engineer-Highway Projects Department, Ashghal
    • Eng. Noushad Moideenkutty, Safety Engineer-Highway Projects Department, Ashghal  


    Risk Identification and Management process

    Tuesday, August 24, 2021



    The presentation will start with the definition of risk management and why it is important. It will then provide information about proactivity in risk thinking, improved project control through risk management, then will speak about risk and issue differences, with some examples. The presentation will provide a summary of the approach to implement risk management in projects; including the risk register and type of risks with the classification. The process of risk management as globally applied, then showing the P/I matrix and how to classify the risks. The presentation will focus at the end on different methods of how to mitigate the risks showing the methods applied in projects. The presentation will be concluded by providing a summary of one system currently used to implement risk management.



    Eng. Suhaib Amer has rich experience in Construction projects and Oil & Gas projects. He started work in construction from 2005, and in Oil & Gas projects in Qatar from 2006 as a site engineer with one of the international companies in Ras Laffan City. From 2012, he worked on roads & infrastructure projects with the same international contractor, then in 2019, he Joined Ashghal as a Risk manager and now with one of the leading consultants in Qatar as Risk Manager in Roads Program management. Eng. Suhaib holds RMP ( Risk Management Professional) and  PMP ( Project Management Professional) certificates from PMI and member since 2014, In addition to the CCP certificate from the American Association of Cost Engineers.


    Developing Specifications for Local Recycled Materials

    Monday, December 14, 2020



    In line with Qatar National Development Strategy 2018 – 2022, conservation of material resources is a major challenge that needs to be addressed. Numerous infrastructure projects in Qatar have increased the demand for quality construction materials. Using the sources available within Qatar to produce quality aggregates that satisfy Qatar construction specifications can be very beneficial. To achieve this, recycling the existing recyclable materials for construction have gained importance. Recycling aggregate from existing pavement, construction and demolition waste and industrial by-products can broaden the supply when sources are getting depleted. Consequently, the establishment of technical base is required to support the use of recycled materials. Specifications and technical guidelines for the use of recycled materials will be illustrated. The innovative locally-developed specifications for excavation waste, demolition waste, reclaimed asphalt pavement, wadi aggregate, crumb rubber and steel slag will be will be outlined in this presentation. Public Works Authority (Ashghal) experience in recycling construction materials will also be presented.



    Dr. Osman Elhussien is a Senior Quality Engineer and Technical Expert in Ashghal Center for Research and Development (ACRD) - Public Works Authority, Quality and Safety Department, Doha, Qatar. Dr. Osman is holding a PhD in civil engineering from university of technology Malaysia (UTM). He previously worked as a Technical Manager in Qatar Industrial Labs - Qatar, and as a Technical Manager in Al-Kaabi Soil & Materials Testing Co., Saudi Arabia and as a Research Assistant in King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM). He’s member of many prestigious local and international committees in the materials field. 


    The maturity of the selection process of the advanced bridges in Qatar and how it reduced the challenges during the design and construction

    Wednesday, November 4, 2020



    The presentation will outline the selection process of the bridges types in Qatar along with the constraint and the triggers of using advanced bridges. The different evaluation criteria as part of the cost-benefit analyses process that is being used in Qatar will be demonstrated showing how this process was successful in selecting the bridge type that brings the best value to the client and the end users. Case studies including Tub girders, precast segmental, and extradosed bridges in Qatar will be presented along with the associated residual challenges during the construction process. Lessons learned will be outlined along with how these lessons could contribute in further improvement in the bridges selection process in Qatar in the future.



    Eng. Tamer AbuTahoun works for Parsons International Limited as a Projects Design Manager with 21 years of successful experience in structural engineering and project management. In addition of being a professional engineer, PE, registered in the State of Colorado, US, Eng. Tamer has a Master of Science in Project Management from University of Roehampton, UK and is certified as a Project Management Professional (PMP) from Project Management Institute. Eng. Tamer is also a member of the Chartered Management Institute, UK. He is registered in Qatar Engineering Committee, Class A. Eng. Tamer has a structural background including structural analysis and design for reinforced concrete, pre-stressed and non pre-stressed, and steel structures, for bridges, underpasses, and buildings in addition to the repair of reinforced concrete structures. He has worked in different and complex projects such as extradosed bridges, rail bridges, segmental bridges, underground metro stations, steel towers, high rise buildings, fully precast structures, top-down construction methods for tunnels and underground stations, micro Tunneling, and Airports.  


    COVID-19: The Medical Response and the Impact on Infrastructure Projects

    Wednesday, September 16, 2020



    This talk will be a refreshing overview of the covid crisis in Qatar and how the country responded with first hand data from Ashghal with 82 thousand workers, our medical response, how we responded to the pandemic, the testing of suspected cases, the isolation process, the recovery and the overall impact. The talk will also touch about the various doubts and questions about covid, the testing process, the various doubts being raised by academics and media regarding the various testing options, the mortality rates, the international patterns and what Qatar did right to tide over the crisis.

    As the Health Advisor of Ashghal, Dr. Surya would be presenting the actual facts and share the details of how the situation was successfully managed to flatten the curve and share non-confidential medical data about the numbers of positive cases, suspected cases, and most importantly the recovered cases.



    Dr. Surya is the Health Advisor of Ashghal Projects Affairs Directorate. He is a medical doctor with 21 years of clinical experience and has earlier worked with Qatar Petroleum and Qatar Foundation as Senior Corporate Medical Advisor. Apart from his MBBS, Dr Surya holds a Specialisation in Occupational Medicine, a fellowship in Emergency Medicine and he is also a Master’s Degree Holder is HealthCare Administration. He is a member of Qatar’s National Health Strategy Group under the auspices of HE The Prime Minister of Qatar and works closely with Ministry of Public Health and Ministry of Labour and his focus is Workplace wellness program. He is the driving force behind the health and wellness initiatives in Ashghal’s 119 infrastructure projects reaching nearly 82 thousand workers. He is actively involved in workers’ health and wellness and in 2020, London based Brit Safe Awards from the prestigious British Safety Council, conferred upon Ashghal the International Wellbeing Initiative Award in honour of Ashghal’s Health and wellness campaign.



    Why Asset Management shouldn’t work in Qatar , but it does!

    Monday, December 11, 2019



    Why Asset Management should not work in Qatar, but it does!

    The key task within asset management is to prioritise investment and to develop acceptable levels of risk, however when access to capital is not really a problem and one works in a risk adverse environment what is the true challenge and why bother.



    Steve Bird has worked in the Asset Management Field for 40 years in various sectors including Water and Waste Water, Air Traffic Control, Roads, Metro, Facility Management, Chemical, Power Transmission and Airports.

    Having started his professional life as a Maintainer, and having been an Asset Manager for a number of years and he is now a consultant advising on AM implementation in the Middle East. He has also worked in the UK, across the GCC, and Africa

    Having been involved with the initial generation of PAS55 (the first Asset Management standard ) and developing the assessment/certification methodology for the UK Institute of Asset Management, he has most recently been involved in writing a SSG and involved with ISO55001 development.

    He also assessed companies against both standards (PAS55 and ISO55001) and is now undertake progression assessments to journey towards certification.



    Design Review and Approvals process for Transportation Structures

    Wednesday, November 13, 2019



    This workshop presents about the Design review of Al Bustan North Interchange project, Al Bustan North Pedestrian Bridge, Al bidda pedestrian Underpass and Al wukair (QS 49) Underpasses. The work presents about the review and approval of principle (AIP) document, design drawings with calculations, independent checker certifications and overall design co-ordination with both the parties, i.e. consultant and contractor for smooth run of the project. In achieving these, various codal requirements were refered to such as BS, DMRB, Euro, AASHTHO and local QCS with IAN’s guidelines.



    Anil Oruganti is Senior Projects Engineer for infrastructure works of Bridges, Tunnels and Drainage structures working within Designs Department of Ashghal. He has a total of 17+ years of experience mostly on bridges and tunnels design, design reviews (PMC), co-ordination and has wide exposure to many design software.

    Theodoros Tzaveas is a Line Manager for disciplines of Bridges, Tunnels and Geotechnical working within Designs Department of Ashghal. Theodoros 20+ years of experience is mostly on bridges and tunnels design but also has diverse civil engineering experience including management, construction, procurement, handovers and project controls.





    Wednesday, September 18, 2019



    This workshop presents the recent developments in the Design and Build Al Bustan Bridge and Highway Project as part of the Qatar Expresway Programme and the lessons learnt from it.

    Al Bustan South Project comprises Design and Construction of an Expressway to the North of Doha with Grade separated junctions, Four- Lanes Dual Deck to form a 1,946 meter long Bridge Structure. The works include Drainage System, Irrigation Transmission Pipelines, Water Pipelines, Foul Sewer, Landscape, Artscaping Works. Design and building of highways and bridges in urban areas with very tight schedules are always big challenges to contractors as well as to the employers. The employer must manage the busy existing traffic to provide work zones to the contractors. The existing utilities and relocation of them in a restricted urban corridor, have introduced major issues in the structural design to accommodate the foundations. Consideration of these relocations changed the entire concept of bridge’s design and construction. To improve life around the city and have aesthetic harmony in these structures, the employer had to make important provisions.



    Eng. Ali Kara is a Senior Projects Engineer at the Public Works Authority (Ashghal) working in the Highway Projects Department. He has intensive experience in construction management, value engineering, and Design and Build projects. Eng. Kara had coordination responsibility in a number of large projects in Qatar including the Construction of the Shamal Road, as well as Al Rufaa Street (Celebration Road). He is well known for design works and stakeholder coordination in most of the Expressway projects of Ashghal and is a constant presenter of road side safety conferences in Transportation Research Board, Washington DC.




    Wednesday, April 17, 2019


    Contemporary Metro transport systems present unrivalled efficiency for the commuting population. The development of the urban environment is interwoven with the Metro transit systems. The Transit Oriented Development (TOD) is an upcoming topic in the design of the contemporary and of the future City and Metro system alike. It entails the development of a microcell of the city centered around the Metro station. Typically, bulky TOD buildings rise over and around the station and tunnel. The structural engineering aspect of these Mega projects is highly complex. Major part of the complexity is due to complicated interactions between the Oversite Building and the underlying Tunnel or Station with its track-Rail system. A significant number of issues arise, like methods to bridge over the Tunnel or Station, structural isolation, induced displacements to the track – rail system, tunnel movements and impact to tracks, vibration induction to the TOD building and a plenitude of similar problems. It is highly important to design a structural monitoring system that will provide a validation tool of the structural-dynamic performance of the closed system TOD-tunnel/Station. The distilled experience from international projects is presented.


    Dr. Evangelos Astreinidis is Senior Manager of Structural Engineering at Qatar Rail. He has more than 25-year progressive career in designing large-scale buildings, industrial plants, bridges and power stations. His major significant projects include Qatar Rail in Doha, the Athens & Thessaloniki Metro, Highway Bridges and the structural monitoring of the renovations of Acropolis and the Parthenon in Athens, monuments of great architectural and historic significance.



    Wednesday, March 20, 2019


    Roads and Highways are a very significant cost for public works authority to construct, maintain and rehabilitate. Any premature pavement failures would extensively impact the life cycle cost of the road pavement. The pavement life is majorly governed by appropriate pavement design, right selection of materials, good construction practices and suitable operation and maintenance. This seminar will provide overview of these aspects and will provide information and guidelines for pavement failure analysis and Identification of types and causes of premature failure. The seminar will also bring to the floor a few unique experiences from recent pavement distress evaluation study in Qatar.


    Eng. Kanagaraj Muthiah is a perceptive professional with over 20 years of experience in the areas of Highway Planning & Design, Pavement Design, Drainage Design, Traffic Engineering, parking design, etc. Kanagaraj has been in Qatar for more than 5 years and he played leading roles in key projects including Lusail City Infrastructure Development, Al-Khor expressway, and Qatar National Museum Transit Oriented Development.

    Eng. Simon Wanklyn is a Chartered Civil Engineer and Project Director with 20 years in the field of Highways, Transport and Infrastructure Engineering Design and Project Management. Since moving to Qatar in 2014 Simon has taken a leading role in the transport and pedestrian planning and highways projects within Education City including key developments including Sidra Medicine, Qatar Foundation Stadium, Qatar National Library and the Strategic Masterplan for Education City.





    Wednesday, February 27, 2019


    As part of Qatar’s National Vision 2030, the country is experiencing an unprecedented investment in its infrastructure. It is estimated that there is currently $150bn worth of construction infrastructure projects in the pipeline to meet the Qatar National Vision and in preparation for the FIFA World Cup in 2022. Throughout the world improvements in construction techniques combined with an eagerness to exploit sustainable and socially acceptable solutions has led to an increase in the exploitation of underground space when designing many of these projects. In Doha, the development of underground infrastructure and the presence of two aquifers; one which is unconfined and provides a naturally high groundwater table; and one which is confined and has a high piezometric water level, means there is a vital need for groundwater control when considering the temporary works required for construction. The dewatering arrangements for these temporary works are the focus of this presentation.


    Eng. Barry O’Sullivan is a Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers with wide-ranging experience in leading design teams on bidding and successfully delivering multidisciplinary projects related to dewatering, overpumping, drilling, and remediation. He has over 10 years’ experience in dewatering projects in Europe and the Middle East and is Head of Business Development and portfolio diversification. Barry is a founder of Hydroserv establishing the company in Qatar in 2014, later establishing sister companies Drillserv and Siteserv in 2017.



     For inquiries, please contact the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering at