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    Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

    A minimum of 36 credit hours are required t​o complete the Master of Science in Electrical Engineering including the following:

    • A minimum of 9 credit hours in Major Requirements
    • A minimum of 15 credit hours in Major Electives
    • A minimum of 12 credit hours in Thesis Requirements

     Major Requirements (9 CH)

     Students must complete 3 credit hours from the Major Core Requirements Sub-Package in addition to 6 CH from the Core Supporting Requirements sub-package.

     Major Core Requirements sub-package (3CH)

    • GENG 602 Applied Research Methodology
    • GENG 606 Graduate Seminar

    Core Supporting Requirements sub-package (6 CH)

     Students must complete 6 credit hours from the following courses:

    • GENG 603 Advanced Numerical Analysis
    • GENG 604 Project Management
    • GE NG 605 Applied Statistics Analysis
    • GENG 607 Optimization Methods

    Thesis Requirements (12 CH)

     Students must complete the following course:

    • ELEC 698 Master Thesis

    Major Electives (15 CH)

    Students must complete 15 credit hours from the following courses:

    • ELEC 601 Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering
    • ELEC 602 Advanced Energy Distribution Systems
    • ELEC 603 Advanced Topics in Electric Power System Engineering
    • ELEC 604 Advanced Wireless Communication
    • ELEC 605  Bioinstrumentation
    • ELEC 653 Advanced Topics in Power Electronics
    • ELEC 654 Advanced Topics in Machines and Drives
    • ELEC 655 Advanced Topics in Control System Theory
    • ELEC 656 Advanced Digital Communication
    • ELEC 657 Biomedical Signal Processing & Diagnostics
    • ELEC 658 Medical Imaging
    • ELEC 659 Communication and Information Theory
    • ELEC 661 Power System Dynamics & Control
    • ELEC 662 Advanced Digital Signal Processing
    • ELEC 665 Statistical Signal Processing