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    Facilities and Resources

    The MIE department boasts world-class teaching and research facilities. We have a state-of-the-art engineering workshop that allows many parts and components for student projects and research to be manufactured. With the added hands-on training workshop, senior students can even use the equipment and facilities to undertake their projects.

    The MIE workshop has many modern machines including the basic lathes, drilling, milling, grinding and shaping machines. We also have modern machining equipment like a 5-axis CNC machine, CNC Lathe, Injection Moulding, and Polymer and Metal 3D Printers amongst many others. 

    The Department also has state-of-the-art teaching laboratories. We have 15 well-equipped labs that cater for our undergraduate students' hands-on learning. Students are usually given some pre-laboratory reading material in preparation for their experiments and during their lab activities, they are guided by an experienced instructor on how to conduct experiments and record important and relevant data. Our laboratories cover the whole spectrum of the typical undergraduate Mechanical and Industrial Engineering curriculum including, ergonomics, materials and metallurgy, thermodynamics, fluids, vibration and control, measurements and more. For details of the equipment in individual labs please browse the links below.

    MIE department is following the QU health and safety SOPs in order to maintain the highest possible level of safety and accident-free environments for students and researchers involved with lab equipment and experimental activities. For details of Lab Safety Regulations and Guides, refer to the links below:





    Engineering Workshop


    Automation and Mechanical Control Systems

    Flexible Manufacturing Systems





    Fluid Mechanics


    Air Conditioning and Refrigeration


    Turbo Machines







    Renewable Energy


    Heat Transfer 


     Computer Simulation







    Heat Engines




    Wind Tunnel





    Material Testing

    Mechanical Vibrations


    Work Methods