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    Spring 2024

    CPD Poster - Deprescribing for Older Adults

    Deprescribing for Older Adults – A Toolkit for Practitioners

    CPD Points available: Category One - 3 CPD credits
    Target audience: Physicians, Pharmacists, Nurses, Health Researchers, QU Faculty & Staff members
    Venue: ITQAN Simulation and Innovation Center
    Wendnesday, May 15th, 2024, (12:00 PM - 03:00 PM)

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    CPD Poster - Dental Workshop

    Prosthetic Driven Digital Implant Dentistry

    CPD Points available: Category One - 5 CPD credits
    Target audience: Dentists, Dental Educators, Dental Nurses and Dental Hygienists
    Venue: Qatar University - Building H12 Building
    Friday 3 rd May, (08:30 AM - 04:30 PM)
    Program Description & Details of Speakers

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    CPD Poster - Dental Conference

    The Future is Now: High Quality and Innovative Dental Care in Clinical Practice

    CPD Points available: Category One - 6.5 CPD credits
    Target audience: Dentists, Dental Educators, Dental Nurses and Dental Hygienists
    Venue: Qatar University - Building I11 building - Auditorium
    Thursday 2 nd May, (08:00 AM - 03:00 PM)
    Program Description & Details of Speakers

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    QU Health Res SYmp

    8th QU Health Research Symposium 2024

    CPD Points available: Category One - 5 CPD credits
    Target audience: Health Researchers & Educators
    Venue: Qatar University, I06 Auditorium and Foyer
    Saturday 27 th April, (07:30 AM - 03:00 PM)
    Program Description & Details of Speakers

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    CPD Autism Poster

    Navigating Autism Spectrum: A Comprehensive Journey Toward Compassionate and Holistic Care

    CPD Points available: Category One - 5 CPD credits
    Target audience: Physicians, Dentists, Pharmacists, Nurses, Allied HC, Health Researchers & Educators
    Venue: Online Via WebEx
    Every Wednesday for 5 weeks beginning 24 th April, 2024, to May 22nd May, 2024 (12:00 PM - 01:00 PM)
    Program Description & Details of Speakers

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    Qual Analysis

    From Words to Wisdom: The Qualitative Data Analysis

    CPD Points available: Category One - 3 CPD credits
    Target audience: All healthcare professionals
    Venue: Qatar University, Bldg I06 Room GCL05
    Wendnesday, April 24th, 2024, (03:30 PM - 06:30 PM)
    Program Description & Details of Speakers

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    CPD Poster - Health Coaching

    Health Coaching & Motivational Interviewing for Health Professionals

    CPD Points available: Category One - 14 CPD credits
    Target audience: Allied HC & Physiotherapy Practice Educators
    Venue: Qatar University, I06 F L1.10 - Research Dry Lab 13
    Saturday, April 20th & Saturday, May 18th 2024, (08:30 AM - 05:00 PM)

    Participants MUST attend both sessions

    Program Description & Details of Speakers

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    Poster Campylobacter

    Campylobacter Foodborne Disease: Essentials and Advanced Hands-On Techniques

    CPD Points available: Category One - 13 CPD credits
    Target audience:Public health practitioners, veterinarians, epidemiological researchers, and laboratory technologists specializing in both human and animal health
    Venue: Biomedical Research Centre, Qatar University
    February 27th- 29th, 2024, (07:30 AM - 02:30 PM)
    Program Description & Details of Speakers

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    Poster integrated dental education

    Integrated model of dental education in the Faculty of Health Sciences, Are we there yet!

    CPD Points available: Category One - 1 CPD credits
    Target Dentists & Health Educators
    Venue: (HYBRID) Qatar University, Bldg H12, Room 125 AND Via WebEx
    Thursday, February 15th, 2024, (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM)
    Program Description & Details of Speakers

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    Mastering Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs): Navigating Clinical Assessment

    CPD Points available: Category One - 3 CPD credits
    Target audience: All healthcare professionals
    Venue : Qatar University, Bldg I06 Room GCL05
    Monday, February 12th, 2024, (03:30 PM - 06:30 PM)
    Program Description & Details of Speakers

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    Astma WS

    Asthma: Patient Centered Care

    CPD Points available: Category One - 2 CPD credits
    Target audience: Pharmacists & Nurses
    Venue : Itqan Simulation Center, HMC 
    Tuesday, February 6th, 2024, (12:00 PM - 02:00 PM)
    Program Description & Details of Speakers

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    CPD Poster - Monos

    Utilizing long-read sequencing technologies for the deconvolution of challenging genomic regions; the case of MHC and KIRs and the impact on disease association studies

    CPD Points available: Category One - 1 CPD credits
    Target audience: All Healthcare Professions
    Venue : (HYBRID) Qatar University, Bldg H12, Room 125 AND Via WebEx
    Tuesday, February 6th, 2024, (12:30 PM - 01:30 PM)
    Program Description & Details of Speakers

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    The ABCs of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs): Writing & Evaluating Questions

    CPD Points available: Category One - 3 CPD credits
    Target audience: All healthcare professionals
    Venue : Qatar University, Bldg I06 Room GCL05
    Monday, February 5th, 2024, (03:30 PM - 06:30 PM)
    Program Description & Details of Speakers

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    Basic principles of quantitative evidence synthesis (meta-analysis)

    Basic principles of quantitative evidence synthesis (meta-analysis)

    CPD Points available: Category One - 4.5 CPD credits
    Target audience: Physicians and medical staff
    Venue : ITQAN Simulation Center, Hamad Medical Corporation
    Saturday, January 27th, 2024, (7:30 AM - 02:00 PM)
    Program Description & Details of Speakers

    Register Now: send email to