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    The full-time study plan for the MSc (Pharm) degree program is open to BSc degree holders from recognized domestic and international colleges and schools. 

    All national and international female and male applicants to the MSc (Pharm) degree program who meet the following minimum criteria will be considered for admission to Qatar University:

    1. Completed a 5-year BSc or equivalent degree in pharmacy, chemistry, biology, biomedical sciences, human nutrition, chemical engineering or related field from a faculty, school or college accredited by an international accrediting association or by the Ministry of Higher Education or equivalent in that country;
    2. Graduated with a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.8 out of 4.0;
    3. Achieved a minimum score of 520 on the paper-based TOEFL (or equivalent) assessment or 6 on IELTS;
    4. Sufficient preparatory academic background to carry out graduate work in the chosen field (students holding a BSc degree in a discipline other than pharmacy will be required to complete bridging course(s) based on the decision of the college Admissions Committee);
    5. A satisfactory performance in the personal interview (by invitation) as conducted by the college Admissions Committee.

    Admission into the graduate program is extremely competitive and is subject to both the current capacity of the college and college approval; satisfying the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission into the program.

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