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    These pages contain a list of publications (peer-reviewed publications and books/book chapters) generated by the faculty members during and prior to their tenure at Qatar University College of Pharmacy. 


    Nasr ZG, Elamin W, Basil M, Eljaaly K. Pharmacist‑driven antimicrobial stewardship interventions in patients with COVID‑19: a scoping review. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2023 Mar 09.

    Roberts J, Jaam M, Paudyal V, Hadi MA. Minimising Prescribing Errors: A Phenomenological Exploration of the Views and Experiences of Independent Prescribing Pharmacists. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 2023

    Yahya, F., Nazar, H., Huckerby, C, Hadi MA.  Facilitating the transfer of care from secondary to primary care: a scoping review to understand the role of pharmacists in general practice. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy (2023).

    Sara Elshami, Derek Stewart, Ahmed Awaisu, Banan Mukhalalati. Development and evaluation of the pharmacy alumni employment experience questionnaire. Pharmacy Education. (2022) 22(1) 913 - 935.

    Arijana Meštrović, Asmaa Al-Haqan, Marwan El-Akel, Naoko Arakawa, Banan Abdulrzaq S. Mukhalati, Lina Bader, Ian Bates, Andreia Bruno-Tomé, Filipa Alves da Costa, Mariet Eksteen, Paul John Gallagher, Kat Hall, Martin C. Henman, Dai John, Donald E. Mager, John A. Pieper, Michael Rouse, Anisha Kaur Sandhu, Carl R. Schneider, Toyin Tofade, Catherine Duggan. Connecting the dots in pharmacy education: The FIP International Pharmaceutical Federation Global Competency Framework for Educators and Trainers in Pharmacy (FIP-GCFE). Pharmacy Education. (2022)22(4)100-109.

    Sara Elshami, Ahmed Awaisu, Ranin Abidi, Lolwa Al-Ghazal, Turfa Al-Hathal, Mounyah Basil, Nour Fakhr, Ola Yakti, Alla El-Awaisi, Derek Stewart, Fatima Mraiche, Mohammad Diab, Banan Mukhalalati*. Examining Pharmacy Alumni’s Perceptions of Job Satisfaction, Achievements, and Preparedness: A Mixed-Methods Study. 87 (2023) 100059.

    Badulla WFS, Alshakka M, Mohamed Ibrahim MI. Chapter: Health education, promotion and prevention in Z.-U.-D. Babar (ed.), Encyclopedia of evidence in pharmaceutical public health and health services research in pharmacy. Springer Nature Switzerland AG (2023).

    Christopher CM, Loong MCW, Blebil AQ, KC B, Alex D, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, & Ismail N. Helping older adults with their medication use problems: A qualitative study on perspectives and challenges of primary health care providers. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 111, 105007, (2023).

    Sapkota B, Palaian S, Shrestha S, Mohamed Ibrahim MI. Materiovigilance in perspective: understanding its concept and practice in the global healthcare system.  Ther Innov Regul Sci., Apr 27,1–13, (2023). doi: 10.1007/s43441-023-00514-4.

    Hatem NAH, Alshakka M, Al-Abd N, Badullah W, Alawi S, Mohamed Ibrahim MI. Knowledge, attitude, and practice toward antibiotic use among general public in Aden-Yemen.  J Infect Dev Ctries, 17(3),345-352, (2023). doi:10.3855/jidc.17319

    Ansari SR, Mohamed Ibrahim MI. Chapter: Impact of digital healthcare technology and services on LMICs in Z.-U.-D. Babar (ed.), Encyclopedia of evidence in pharmaceutical public health and health services research in pharmacy. Springer Nature Switzerland AG (2023).

    Mahmoud MA, Meyer JC, Awaisu A, Fadare J, Fathelrahman AI, Saleem F, Aljadhey H, Godman B. Medication safety and interventions to reduce patient harm in low- and middle-income countries. Front Pharmacol. 2023 Jan 9;13:1124371. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.1124371. PMID: 36699062; PMCID: PMC9868153.

    Elbashir M, ElHajj MS, Rainkie D, Kheir N, Hamou F, Abdulrhim S, Mahfouz A, Alyafei S, Awaisu A. Evaluation of health literacy levels and associated factors among patients with acute coronary syndrome and heart failure in Qatar. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2023 Jan 7;17:89-105. doi: 10.2147/PPA.S385246. PMID: 36642998; PMCID: PMC9835006.

    Al-mansouri A, Hamad AI, Al-Ali FS, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, Kheir N, Al-Ziftawi N, Ibrahim RA, AlBakri M, Awaisu A. Pill-Burden and its association with treatment burden among patients with advanced stages of chronic kidney disease. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal. 2023. doi:

    Khalil MA, Kaddoura R, Omar AS, Abohamar AD, Mohamed Ibrahim MI. Optimum heparin dose in off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Perfusion (2023), doi:10.1177/02676591231159506 

    Younes H, Adib SSA, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, Shalash AA. Dissolution testing and content uniformity analysis for Metformin tablets using Vildagliptin as internal standard. J of Hunan University (Natural Sciences),50(1), (2023),

    Ansari SR, Mohamed Ibrahim MI. Impact of digital healthcare technology and services on LMICs. In: Encyclopedia of evidence in pharmaceutical public health and health services research in pharmacy. Springer, Cham, (2023),

    Mohamed Ibrahim MI. Introduction to pharmaceutical health services research in LMICs. In: Encyclopedia of evidence in pharmaceutical public health and health services research in pharmacy. Springer, Cham, (2023), 

    Salem, M., El‐Bardissy, A., Elshafei, M. N., Khalil, A., Mahmoud, H., Fahmi, A. M., Elewa, H. Warfarin‐Rifampin‐Gene Interaction (WARIF‐G): A Retrospective, Genetic, Case‐Control Study. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics (2023).

    El-Elimat, T.; El-Qaderi, H.S.; Hananeh, W.M.; Abu AlSamen, M.M.; Al Sharie, A.H.; Alshehabat, M.A.; Al-Gharai[1]beh, M.; Alali, F.Q. Evaluation of the Wound Healing Potential of Hypericum triquetrifolium Turra: An Experimental Animal Study and Histopathological Examination. Sci. Pharm. 2023, 91, 16. scipharm91010016

    Bedhiafi T, Idoudi S, Ali Alhams A, Fernandes Q, Iqbal H, Basineni R, Uddin S, Dermime S, Merhi M, Billa NApplications of polydopaminic nanomaterials in mucosal drug delivery Journal of Controlled Release 353, 842-849, (2023),

    Ahmed, K., Abdu, Y., Khasawneh, S., Shukri, A., Adam, E., Mustafa, S., Affas, M., Mohamed Ibrahim, M.I., Al Zayed, A., Yassin, M.A.. The Effect of Intermittent Fasting on tThe Clinical and Hematological Parameters of Patients with Sickle Cell Disease: A Preliminary Study. Front. Med. (2023). 10:1097466. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1097466 

    Hatem, N.A.H., Mohamed Ibrahim, M.I., Halboup, A., Kubas, M. A Multi-Institutional Study of Yemeni Final Year Undergraduate Pharmacy Students’ Understanding, Attitudes, and Perceived Barriers Toward Provision of Pharmaceutical Care: A Cross-Sectional Study. Adv Med Educ Pract. 14,109-121 (2023). 

    Shanableh, S., Alomar, M.J., Palaian, S., Al-Ahmad, M.M., Mohamed Ibrahim, M.I. Knowledge, Attitude, and Readiness Towards Disaster Management: A Nationwide Survey Among Healthcare Practitioners in United Arab Emirates. PLoS ONE 18, 2, e0278056 (2023).

    Christopher, C.M., Blebil, A.Q., Bhuvan, K.C., Alex, D., Mohamed Ibrahim, M.I., Rajakumar, S., Ismail, N.  Medication Use Questionnaire for Older Adults in Malaysia: Translation, Cultural Adaptation, and Reliability. Value in Health Regional Issues, 35, 34-41 (2023).

    Zolezzi M, Elhakim A, Hejazi T, Kattan L, Mustafa D, Aboelbaha S, Homs S, Al Hamarneh YN. Translating and piloting a cardiovascular risk assessment and management online tool using mobile   technology. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal (in press). Published online: February 06, 2023.

    El Hajj MS, Kaddoura R, Awaisu A, Abu Yousef SEA, et al. Effectiveness of a structured pharmacist-delivered intervention for patients post-acute coronary syndromes on all-cause hospitalizations and cardiac-related hospital readmissions: a prospective quasi-experimental study [published online ahead of print, 2023 Feb 16]. Int J Clin Pharm. 2023;10.1007/s11096-023-01538-4. doi:10.1007/s11096-023-01538-4

    El Hajj MS, Al-Ziftawi N, Stewart D, Al-Khater D. Community pharmacists' participation in adult vaccination: A cross-sectional survey based on the theoretical domains framework. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2023;89(2):773-786. doi:10.1111/bcp.15529

    Al Sharie, A.H.; Al Zu’bi, Y.O.; El-Elimat, T.; Al-Kammash, K.; Lil, A.A.; Isawi, I.H.; Al Sharie, S.; Mousa, B.M.A.; Al Malkawi, A.A.; Alali, F.Q. ANO4 Expression Is a Potential Prognostic Biomarker in Non-Metastasized Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma. J. Pers. Med. 2023, 13, 295. 

    Akbar S, Raza A, Mohsin R, Kanbour A, Qadri SM, Parray A, Zar Gul AR, Philip A, Vijayakumar S, Merhi M, Hydrose S, Inchakalody V, Abdulla R, Abualainin WMKJ, Sirriya SA, Al-Bozom I, Uddin S, Omar OM, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, Al Homsi U, Dermime S.  Circulating exosomal immuno-oncological checkpoints and cytokines are potential biomarkers to monitor tumor response to anti-PD-1/PD-L1 therapy in Non-small cell lung cancer patients.  Frontiers in Immunology 2023;13:

    Al-Ziftawi NH, Alam MF, Elazzazy S, Shafie AA, Hamad A, Mohamed Ibrahim MI. Cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of palbociclib versus ribociclib in women with stage IV breast cancer: A real-world data evaluation. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023; 20(1):512.

    Bhuvan KC, Alrasheedy AA, Leggat PA, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, Christopher CM, Sapkota B, Shrestha S. Types and outcomes of pharmacist-managed travel health services: A systematic review. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 2023;51.

    Elmekaty EZI, Maklad A, Abouelhassan R, Munir W, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, Nair A, Alibrahim R, Iqbal F, Al Bishawi A, Abdelmajid A, Aboukamar M, Abdelhadi H, Abu Khattab M, Al Soub H, Al Maslamani M. Evaluation of Anakinra in the management of patients with covid-19 infection: a randomized clinical trial. Frontiers in Microbiology 2023;14.  doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1098703.


    Owusu YB*, Elkhalifa WH, Awaisu A, Kheir N. Assessment of Qatar community pharmacists’ competence and practices related to renal and gastrointestinal adverse effects of nonprescription NSAIDs. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal. 2022 Oct; 30 (10): 1396-1404.

    Ibrahim SA, El Hajj MS, Owusu YB, Al-Khaja M, Khalifa A, Ahmed D, Awaisu A*. Adherence as a predictor of glycemic control among adolescents with type 1 diabetes: A retrospective study using real-world evidence. Clinical Therapeutics 2022 Oct;44(10):1380-1392. doi: 10.1016/j.clinthera.2022.09.003. Epub 2022 Oct 1. PMID: 36192263.

    Zaghloul N, Awaisu A, Mahfouz A, Alyafei S, Elewa H*. A 5-year trend in the use of sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors and other oral antidiabetic drugs in a Middle Eastern country. Int J Clin Pharm. 2022 Dec;44(6):1342-1350. doi: 10.1007/s11096-022-01464-x. Epub 2022 Sep 28. PMID: 36169802

    Boura F, Awaisu AElGeed H, Katoue M, Kheir N. Pharmaceutical care education at pharmacy colleges in the Middle East and North Africa region: A systematic review. J Clin Pharm Ther. 2022 Aug;47(8):1134-1148. doi: 10.1111/jcpt.13674. Epub 2022 May 4. PMID: 35509234.

    Lok P, Beyene K, Awaisu A, Woods D, Kheir N. Microcredentials training in pharmacy practice and education: an exploratory study of its viability and pharmacists' professional needs. BMC Med Educ. 2022 Apr 29;22(1):332. doi: 10.1186/s12909-022-03341-7. PMID: 35488266

    Ahmed A, Tanveer M, Dujaili JA, Chuah LH, Hashmi FK, Awaisu A. Pharmacist-involved antiretroviral stewardship programs in people living with HIV/AIDS: A systematic review. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2023 Jan;37(1):31-52. doi: 10.1089/apc.2022.0192. PMID: 36626156.

    Ahmed A, Dujaili JA, Jabeen M, Umair MM, Chuah LH, Hashmi FK, Awaisu A, Chaiyakunapruk N. Barriers and enablers for adherence to antiretroviral therapy among people living with HIV/AIDS in the era of COVID-19: A qualitative study from Pakistan. Front Pharmacol. 2022 Jan 28;12:807446. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2021.807446. PMID: 35153763; PMCID: PMC8832364.

    Alhmoud E, Al Khiyami D, Barazi R, Saad M, Al-Omari A, Awaisu A, El Enany R, Al Hail M. Perspectives of clinical pharmacists on the provision of pharmaceutical care through telepharmacy services during COVID-19 pandemic in Qatar: A focus group. PLoS One. 2022 Oct 13;17(10):e0275627. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0275627. PMID: 36228028; PMCID: PMC9560548.

    Zolezzi M, Al-Rawi S, Eltorki Y. An Exploration of Smoking Patterns Among People with Serious Mental Illness Attending an Outpatient Clinic in Qatar. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 18, 2847-2854 (2022). 

    Yahya F, Nazar H, Hadi MA. Role of primary care pharmacists in the post-hospital discharge care of patients: a scoping review protocol. J Pharm Policy Pract. 2022 Oct 29;15(1):75. doi: 10.1186/s40545-022-00473-5

    Algarni M, Jalal Z, Hadi MA, Alghamdi S. Community pharmacists' views and experiences toward over-the-counter medicines misuse and abuse in Saudi Arabia: A qualitative study. Front Pharmacol. 2022;13:997342. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.997342

    Hashad N, Stewart D, Perumal D, Abdulrazzaq N, Tonna AP. The impact of COVID-19 on antimicrobial stewardship programme implementation in hospitals–an exploration informed by the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. Journal of Hospital Infection. 2022;129:144-52. 

    Sadeq A, Strugaru M, Almutairi M, Stewart D, Ryan C, Grimes T. Interprofessional Interventions Involving Pharmacists and Targeting the Medicines Management Process Provided to Older People Residing in Nursing Homes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials. Drugs & Aging. 2022;39(10):773-94.

    L. Therachiyil, R. Krishnankutty, F. Ahmad, J.M. Mateo, S. Uddin, H.M. Korashy, Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Promotes Cell Growth, Stemness Like Characteristics, and Metastasis in Human Ovarian Cancer via Activation of PI3K/Akt, beta-Catenin, and Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition Pathways, Int J Mol Sci 23 (2022). DOI: 10.3390/ijms23126395.

    T.S. Sayed, Z.H. Maayah, H.A. Zeidan, A. Agouni, H.M. Korashy, Insight into the physiological and pathological roles of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor pathway in glucose homeostasis, insulin resistance, and diabetes development, Cell Mol Biol Lett 27 (2022) 103.  DOI: 10.1186/s11658-022-00397-7.

    L. Therachiyil, O.J. Hussein, S. Uddin, H.M.Korashy, Regulation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor in cancer and cancer stem cells of gynecological malignancies: An update on signaling pathways, Semin Cancer Biol 86 (2022) 1186-1202. DOI: 10.1016/j.semcancer.2022.10.003.

    Al-Dhfyan, A. Alaiya, F. Al-Mohanna, M.W. Attwa, A.F. AlAsmari, S.A. Bakheet, H.M. Korashy, Crosstalk between aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) and BCL-2 pathways suggests the use of AhR antagonist to maintain normal differentiation state of mammary epithelial cells during BCL-2 inhibition therapy, J Adv Res (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.jare.2022.10.006. 

    L. Therachiyil, A. Anand, A. Azmi, A. Bhat, H.M. Korashy, S. Uddin, Role of RAS signaling in ovarian cancer, F1000Res 11 (2022) 1253. DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.126337.1.

    Deawjaroen K, Sillabutra J, Poolsup N, Stewart D, Suksomboon N. Characteristics of drug-related problems and pharmacist’s interventions in hospitalized patients in Thailand: a prospective observational study. Scientific reports. 2022;12(1):1-8.

    Naseralallah L, Stewart D, Azfar Ali R, Paudyal V. An umbrella review of systematic reviews on contributory factors to medication errors in health-care settings. Expert Opinion on Drug Safety. 2022;21:1379-1399. DOI:10.1080/14740338.2022.2147921

    Kaddoura R, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, Arabi AR. Has low-dose intracoronary thrombolysis gained ground in primary percutaneous intervention? Angiology 2022.  doi:10.1177/00033197221138725

    Al-Quda R, Mohamed Ibrahim MI. Disaster management and preparedness among future Jordanian health professionals: exploring knowledge, attitude, and readiness to practice. J of Hunan University (Natural Sciences) 2022;49(9):190-200.

    Almalki OS, Alqarni TA, Alharthi RM, Algarni MA, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, Asiri YA, Fathelrahman AI. Career readiness among Saudi pharmacy students: exploring the need for and the impact of career counseling services. Adv Med Educ Pract. 2022;13:1267-1277.

    Badulla WFS, Alshakka M, Mohamed Ibrahim MI. Reported side-effects of using skin-lightening products in aden-Yemen: knowledge, attitude, and practice. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International 2022;34(53A):31-41.

    Mohammed OSA, Yahya AAA, Alshakka M, Mohamed Ibrahim MI.  Usage and storage patterns of pcm oral suspension during consumption among mothers  in Aden city.  Journal of Hunan University (Natural Sciences) 2022;49(10):139-145. 

    Abushanab D, Nasr Z, Al‐Badriyeh D. Efficacy and safety of colistin versus tigecycline for multi‐drug‐resistant and extensively drug‐resistant gram‐negative pathogens - A meta‐analysis. Antibiotics. 2022.

    Kaddoura R, Al-Badriyeh D, Abushanab D, Al-Hijji M. Transcatheter mitral-valve repair for functional mitral regurgitation data from the real-life in comparison with landmark randomized trials. European Heart Journal. 2022

    Al-Badriyeh D,  Chbib S, Abdulrouf PV,  Al Hail M, El Kassem W, Abushanab D. Cost-effectiveness analysis of dapagliflozin in addition to standard therapy in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: A Qatari healthcare perspective. Journal of Emergency Medicine, Trauma and Acute Care. 2022.

    Mukhalalati B. *, Elshami S., Adlan O., Elshazly M., Awaisu A., Stewart D., Al-Badriyeh D., Alali F. Perceptions and experiences of undergraduate pharmacy students and alumni towards research after exposure to undergraduate research courses. Frontiers in Medicine, Section Healthcare Professions Education. 

    Mukhalalati B. *, Elshami S., ElJaam M., Hussain F., Bishawi A. Applications of social theories of learning in health professions education programs: A scoping review. Frontiers in Medicine, Section Healthcare Professions Education, 2022. 

    Mukhalalati B.*, Elshami   S, Awaisu A., Al-Jayyousi G., Abu-Hijleh M., Javed B., Almahasneh R., Bawadi H., Al-Amri K., Al-Khal A. Implementation and evaluation of a preceptor educational development programme involving the health cluster colleges at Qatar University. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 2022.

    Li S, Gillani AH, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, Omer S, Fang Y.  Should we focus more on teaching and training disaster management in health-care colleges? An insight into the students' knowledge, attitude, and readiness to practice. J Pharm Bioall Sci 2022;14:147-56. DOI: 10.4103/jpbs.jpbs_420_21 

    Alshakka M, Hatem NAH, Badullah W, Alsakaf R, Rageh A, Yousef SA, Mohamed Ibrahim MI. Detection of short-term side effects of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine: a cross-sectional study in a war-torn country. Pragmat Obs Res. 2022;13:85-91 

    Aljaberi MA, Lee K-H, Alareqe NA, Qasem MA, Alsalahi A, Abdallah AM, Noman S, Al-Tammemi AB, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, Lin C-Y. Rasch modeling and multilevel confirmatory factor analysis for the usability of the impact of event scale-revised (IES-R) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Healthcare. 2022; 10(10):1858. 

    Mohamed Ibrahim MI. Pharmaceutical Health Services Administration, Planning, Management, and Leadership: Lessons Learned for LMICs. In: Encyclopedia of Evidence in Pharmaceutical Public Health and Health Services Research in Pharmacy. Springer, Cham. 2022.

    Pathadka S, Yan VKC, Neoh CF, Al-Badriyeh D, Kong DCM, Slavin MA, Cowling BJ, Hung IFN, Wong ICK, Chan EW. Global Consumption Trend of Antifungal Agents in Humans From 2008 to 2018: Data From 65 Middle- and High-Income Countries. Drugs 2022.

    Kaddoura R, Abushanab D, Arabi AR, Al-Yafei SA, Al-Badriyeh D. Cost-effectiveness analysis of sacubitril/valsartan for reducing the use of implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) and the risk of death in ICD-eligible heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2022.

    Al-Badriyeh D, Hssain AA, Abushanab D. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Out-Of-Hospital versus In-Hospital Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for Out-Hospital Refractory Cardiac Arrest. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2022.

    Kaddoura R, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, Al-Badriyeh D, Omar A, Al-Kindi F, Arabi AR.  Intracoronary pharmacological therapy versus aspiration thrombectomy in STEMI (IPAT-STEMI): A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials. PLoS One. 2022.

    Abushanab D, Al-Badriyeh D, Marquina C, Bailey C, Jaam M, Liew D, Ademi Z. A Systematic Review of Cost-Effectiveness of Non-Statin Lipid-Lowering Drugs for Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2022.

    Osman A, Al-Badriyeh D, Hussain FN, Riaz S, Elewa H, Mraiche F. The design and implementation of an undergraduate health professional degree elective course on scientific writing, peer assessment, and critical appraisal. Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2022.

    Abushanab D, Eldebs M, Basha A, Naseralallah L, Kazkaz H, Moursi A, Albazoon F, Wafi O, Badran S, Doi SAR, Al-Maadeed S, Alam MF, Al-Badriyeh D. The Economic Impact of Optimizing a COVID-19 Management Protocol in Pre-Existing Cardiovascular Disease Patients. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2022.

    Eljilany I, Elewa H, Al-Badriyeh D. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Genotype-Guided Interruption Days in Warfarin Pre-Procedural Management. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2022.

    Eljilany I, Elarref M, Shallik N, Elzouki AN, Bader L, El-Bardissy A, Abdelsamad O, Al-Badriyeh D, Cavallari LH, Elewa H. Genetic and Non-Genetic Factors Impact on INR Normalization in Preprocedural Warfarin Management. Pharmgenomics Pers Med. 2022.

    Abushanab D, Liew D, Marquina C, Al-Badriyeh D, Ademi Z. Cost-Effectiveness of Empagliflozin and Metformin Combination Versus Standard Care as First-Line Therapy in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Endocr Pract. 2022.

    Abushanab D, Al-Badriyeh D, Liew D, Ademi Z. First-line Treatment with Empagliflozin and Metformin Combination Versus Standard Care for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiovascular Disease in Qatar. A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2022.

    Sourour Idoudi, Yousef Hijji, Takwa Bedhiafi, Hesham M.Korashy, Shahab Uddin, Maysaloun Merhi, Said Dermime, Nashiru Billa. A novel approach of encapsulating curcumin and succinylated derivative in mannosylated-chitosan nanoparticles. Carbohydrate Polymers. (Link)

    Omar Ashraf ElFar, Nashiru Billa, Hooi Ren Lim, Kit Wayne Chew, Wai Yan Cheah, Pau Loke Show (2022). Advances in delivery methods of Arthrospira platensis (spirulina) for enhanced therapeutic outcomes, Bioengineered, 13:6, 14681-14718, 

    Fairuz, S.; Nair, R.S.; Billa, N. Orally Administered Amphotericin B Nanoformulations: Physical Properties of Nanoparticle Carriers on Bioavailability and Clinical Relevance. Pharmaceutics 2022, 14, 1823. 

    Therachiyil L, Krishnankutty R, Ahmad F, Mateo JM, Uddin S, Korashy HM: Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Promotes Cell Growth, Stemness Like Characteristics, and Metastasis in Human Ovarian Cancer via Activation of PI3K/Akt, beta-Catenin, and Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition Pathways. Int J Mol Sci 2022, 23(12).

    Attafi IM, Bakheet SA, Ahmad SF, Belali OM, Alanazi FE, Aljarboa SA, Al-Alallah IA, Korashy HM: Lead Nitrate Induces Inflammation and Apoptosis in Rat Lungs Through the Activation of NF-kappaB and AhR Signaling Pathways. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int 2022.

    Alanazi FE, As Sobeai HM, Alhazzani K, Al-Dhfyan A, Alshammari MA, Alotaibi M, Al-Hosaini K, Korashy HM, Alhoshani A: Metformin attenuates V-domain Ig suppressor of T-cell activation through the aryl hydrocarbon receptor pathway in Melanoma: In Vivo and In Vitro Studies. Saudi Pharm J 2022, 30(2):138-149.

    Al-Thani HF, Shurbaji S, Zakaria ZZ, Hasan MH, Goracinova K, Korashy HM, Yalcin HC: Reduced Cardiotoxicity of Ponatinib-Loaded PLGA-PEG-PLGA Nanoparticles in Zebrafish Xenograft Model. Materials (Basel) 2022, 15(11).

    Attafi IM, Tumayhi MM, Banji D, Albeishy MY, Khardali IA, Korashy HM: Analysis of fatalities involving amphetamine in Jazan, Saudi Arabia. Foren Sci Inte Rep 4, 2022; 100237

    Hossain MS, Karuniawati H, Jairoun AA, Urbi Z, Ooi DJ, John A, Lim YC, Kibria KMK, Mohiuddin AKM, Ming LC, Goh KW, Hadi MA. Colorectal Cancer: A Review of Carcinogenesis, Global Epidemiology, Current Challenges, Risk Factors, Preventive and Treatment Strategies. Cancers. 2022; 14(7):1732.

    Yun WZ, Kassab, YW, Yao LM, Khairuddin, N, Ming LC, Hadi MA. Effectiveness and safety of early versus late caffeine therapy in managing apnoea of prematurity among preterm infants: a retrospective cohort study. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy (2022).

    Patel T, Vibhu Paudyal V, Hadi MA. A qualitative exploration of pharmacy students' opinions and experiences of volunteering during the COVID-19 pandemic. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 2022,

    Alshakka M, Badullah W, AL‑Dhuraibi A, Alshagga S, Mohamed Ibrahim MI. Teaching pharmacovigilance to undergraduate students: our experience in poor‑resource setting. J Pharm Bioall Sci 2022;14:31-7 

    Nashwan A, Yassin M, Soliman A, De Sanctis V, Mohamed Ibrahim MI. mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines booster dose: benefits, risks and coverage: COVID-19 vaccines booster dose. Acta Biomed [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 1;93(3):e2022236 

    Thapa P, KC B, Lee SWH, Dujaili JA, Gyawali S, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, Alrasheedy AA. Managing pain in low resource settings: healthcare professional’s knowledge, attitude and practice on pain management in Western Nepal. J Pain Res. 2022;15:1587-1599 

    Sapkota B, Palaian S, Shrestha S, Ozaki A, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, Jakovljevic M. Gap analysis in manufacturing, innovation and marketing of medical devices in the Asia-Pacific region. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res. 2022;1-8 

    Christopher C, Kc B, Shrestha S, Blebil AQ, Alex D, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, Ismail N Medication use problems among older adults at a primary care: A narrative of literature review. Aging Med. 2022;5:126– 137. 

    Halboup AM, Alzoubi KH, Mohamed Ibrahim MI, et al. Awareness and perception of hospitalized patients on thromboembolism and thromboprophylaxis: a cross-sectional study in Sana'a-Yemen. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2022;16:1649-1661

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