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The LARC laboratories are defined as BS level II diagnostic type consisting of various divisions. All divisions are provided with controlled room temperature and humidity along with dust control and clean environment. Dedicated general, chemical and cold storage spaces are allocated in the laboratory division. All sections are equipped with hand-held fire extinguishers, chemical, biological spill kit along with first aid and wash stations. Laboratory division comprises of a safety team to monitor and manage the current laboratory activities and to meet out the future needs, in addition the well trained laboratory technical team is encouraged to interact with scientist, PI, researchers and students of various disciplines.

The laboratory division of LARC is mainly involved in conducting in-house diagnostic tests only for the vivarium animals to maintain it as a SPF (Specific Pathogen Free) facility. The diagnostic routine comprises of both the facility environmental surveillance for Bio-contamination and Health monitoring for the detection of pathogens in the vivarium animals. Environmental monitoring involves testing the water quality, surface area of the animal holding rooms and the animal cages and racks, while the health monitoring is done by serology and PCR methods after collecting samples from the animals. The panel of pathogens and the frequency of testing are decided based on FELASA recommendations.

The laboratory section has dedicated and experienced staff of microbiologist, molecular biologist, technologists which led by Section Head, Laboratory Operations to carry out all the routine diagnostic tests. Additionally, the laboratory team also work with the practicing veterinarian and animal technicians for development of new test methods and validations.

LARC Lab provides the following services

  1. Environmental monitoring
    • Drinking Water Quality Testing
    • In-Door Air Quality testing
    • Microbiological Testing
  2. Health monitoring (Pathogen Detection)
    • Rat Mycoplasma pulmonis, Rat RCV/SDA, Pneumonia virus of mice, Sendai Rat Virus, Rat Parvo virus and Mouse TMEV, Mouse Hepatitis virus, Pneumonia Mouse Virus, Sendai mouse virus, Mouse Mycoplasma pulmonis, Mouse LCMV, Mouse Parvo virus
    • Mycoplasma
    • Clinical examination
    • Parasitology
      Aspiculuris tetraptera, Syphacia muris, Syphacia obvelata, Eimeria spp., Giardia muris, Rodentolepis nana

LARC laboratories are equipped with state of the art equipment and accredited by ISO/IEC 17025:2017- American Association of Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) for Drinking water quality testing, In-door Air quality and Animal (Rat and Mice) pathogen detection testing.

LARC laboratory supports research activities such as Exercise physiology, cardiovascular, cancer and molecular studies.