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    IACUC and IBC

    The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

    Qatar University – The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (QU- IACUC) is placed within QU- Ethical Compliance as the University places significant moral value on humane animal care and use in research. QU-IACUC given the authority and resources necessary to fulfill the responsibility of ensuring that the LARC care and use of animal program is conducted in compliance with the MOPH regulations and that the principles of the 3Rs are properly applied.

    Kindly visit the below website for more information:

    Institutional Biohazard Committee (IBC)

    Qatar University -The Institutional Biohazard Committee (QU- IBC) is responsible for reviewing all research protocols and teaching activities involving the use of biohazards, recombinant DNA molecules, select agents, or blood borne pathogens, animal tissue and cell lines.

    Kindly visit the below website for more information:​/research-resources/research-excellence/ethical-compliance