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    Doha: 24-25 January 2023

    Regional Conference for the Arab Region Global Sustainable Development Report 2023

    Qatar University's Social and Economic Survey Research Institute initiated a two-day "Regional Conference for the Arab Region and West Asia - Global Sustainable Development Report 2023." The primary objective of this conference is to examine the priorities, challenges, and potential solutions for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in the Arab region.

    This conference serves as a precursor to the forthcoming United Nations Global Sustainable Development Report 2023, which is scheduled for release in September. The release of this report marks the halfway point toward achieving the 2030 Sustainable development target.

    The two-day conference,  witnessed the presence of notable individuals including H E Dr. Saleh bin Mohammad Al Nabit, President of the Planning and Statistics Authority; Dr. Hassan Al Derham, President of Qatar University; Professor Mariam Al Maadeed, Vice President for Research and Graduate Studies at Qatar University; a delegation from the United Nations, several researchers, and faculty members from Qatar University.

    To watch the conference's recordingclick here

    Doha: Wednesday 17/4/2019

    Conference room at the Higher Administration Building (B01)

    The Social and Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI) at Qatar University is pleased to announce the 2019 National Identity Conference to be held on Wednesday 17/4/2019. On this occasion, we invite researchers and students to participate with research papers.

    About the conference:

    During the last four decades, Qatari society has undergone major transformations at various levels, and today the composition of society has become diversified and includes within it different and overlapping identities. With the economic development, society is exposed to multiple ideas and phenomena that it did not witness in the past. Therefore, we find that many national institutions consider that strengthening Qatari identity is one of its main concerns. Until this moment, the definition of Qatari identity remains undetermined and amenable to different interpretations. As a result of this ambiguity, we sometimes find a conflict between some official and societal programs aimed at strengthening identity; the compass is lost when some controversial social issues are raised. There is no reference framework for compatibility, and therefore it is necessary to establish the concept of identity and its multiple dimensions in a scientific manner.

    Conference themes:

    The topics of the conference are based on analyzing the reality of national identity in Qatar through its various dimensions and identifying the determinants of national identity and ways to strengthen it. SESRI provides an opportunity for researchers to benefit from the data of the National Identity Survey in Qatar that was implemented in 2018, by visiting the Institute's website:

    The themes of the conference are as follows:

    1.  National identity and legislation in Qatar.

    2 . The role of education in strengthening the national identity in Qatar.

    3.  The psychological dimension of the national identity in Qatar.

    4.  Determinants of Qatari national identity.

    SESRI hosted the WAPOR 2015 regional conference in Qatar during the period of March 7 – 9, 2015. The conference was held at Qatar University and brought together researchers and practitioners who shared the latest on innovative public opinion research methods, as well as highlighted key differences and commonalities on how public opinion research is conducted around the world.

    To learn more about the conference, please visit WAPOR home

    SESRI hosted the World Values Survey conference. The event brought together researchers from 60 countries around the world to launch the 6th Wave of the surveys. This was the first time the conference was held in Qatar since the WVS's inception 30 years ago.

    To learn more about the conference, click here.

    SESRI opened its second international conference – The Rise in Public Engagement: The Region and the World – highlighting the importance of engaging the public and of recording changes to society since the Arab Spring. Experts from across the world gathered at Qatar University’s library auditorium for the three-day conference, which covers issues including identity, democracy and governance, economic change and development, women and gender issues, religion, sustainability and human security, and electoral integrity – the problems and progress in holding free and fair elections. The below agenda elaborates more on the speakers and presentations that took place during the event.