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    Training, Workshops & Seminars 2020

    The Policy Department at the Social and Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI) at Qatar University hosted a virtual workshop with international partners on the Global Index of Vulnerability to Violent Extremism (GIVVE) project.  The GIVVE project uses survey research to develop and track vulnerability to violent extremism at the individual and societal level.  In the discussions, SESRI and its partners finalized plans to begin the first phase of data collection for the project, scheduled for 2021, and made adjustments to the draft survey tool in view of required changes in data collection mode due to Covid-19.


    The director of SESRI, Prof. Kaltham Al-Ghanim has provided some opening remarks. The discussions were led by SESRI Policy Department Manager Dr. Noora Lari, Dr. Majed Al-Ansari Head of The Qatar International Academy for Security Studies, and SESRI Research Associate Professor Dr. Justin Gengler. 


    International participants included representatives of 12 partner institutions located around the world, including the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate, the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) in the United Kingdom, ORSAM - Center for Middle Eastern Studies in Turkey, and Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy in the United States.



    Panel Discussion: Osra Project


     Influencing Factors of Marriage Delay and Women’s Labor Force Participation in Qatar



    February 6, 2020

    10 am to 12 pm

    Qatar University, Research Building (H10, Hall G105)





    A panel discussion was held on Sunday, February 6, 2020, at the Research Complex at Qatar University, on the topic of influencing factors of marriage Delay among Qatari women and their labor force participation in Qatar, organized by the Policy Department represented by its Director Dr. Noora Lari and representatives of academics and administrators from various entities of state stakeholders. The discussion was opened by the Director of The Social and Economic Survey Research Institute, Prof. Dr. Hassan El-Sayed.


    Purpose of the discussion

    1. Understanding the determinants of the late marriage age trends and female labor force participation in the State of Qatar.

    2. Discussing and analyzing the societal and national challenges and measures necessary to reduce the phenomenon of the late marriage age and its impact on achieving sustainable development goals.

    3. Presenting a number of recommendations related to encouraging marriage at the appropriate age and facilitating joining the labor market.



    Panel discussion background

    When implementing Qatar National Vision 2030 (QNV) for a sustainable future, it is important to take into account social, economic and demographic changes. It is also important to understand how these changes are expected to contribute to achieving sustainable development goals. Human resources are considered to be the main component in shaping economic and social policies, and vital in achieving sustainable development and strengthening the link between the population and the sustainable growth of the country. The State of Qatar is going through many social changes as a result of the blockade, westernization, social fabric change, rapid economic growth and the organization of international events such as the organization of the FIFA World Cup 2022, all of these changes have an impact The Qatari society, for which the family is the basic building block, therefore, we must keep pace with all changes and measure what can be modernized in society. In the context of these social and economic changes, a number of factors led to an increase in the phenomenon of marriage delay for individuals in Qatari society and Qatari women in particular. As a result of our strong belief in strengthening the alliance and partnerships with the relevant authorities, this seminar aims to come up with strategies and policies that contribute to achieving Qatar Second National Development Strategy (2018-2022): “Building a strong, cohesive and empowering Qatari family.” It explicitly directs the strengthening of the role of the family and its care and preservation of its unity by investing in the field of human development a national priority, for the citizen is the mainstay of the national economy.



    Dr. Noora Lari - Director of the Policy Department – The Social and Economic Survey Research Institute - Qatar University

    Dr. Sana Abusin - Associate Researcher- The Social and Economic Survey Research Institute - Qatar University

    Muhammad Al-Ansari - Senior Research Assistant - The Social and Economic Survey Research Institute - Qatar University

    Aisha Al Hammadi - Research Assistant - The Social and Economic Survey Research Institute - Qatar University

    Dr. Batoul Khalifa - College of Education - Qatar University

    Dr. Tarek Jumaa - College of Law - Qatar University

    Dr. Azza Abdel Moneim - Director of Research Department - Doha International Family Institute DIFI

    Dr. Hala Mohamed, Director of Family Policies Department - Doha International Family Institute DIFI



    Panel discussion schedule:


    9:30 –10:00


    10:00 – 10:05

    Opening speech: Dr. Hassan El-Sayed – Director of The Social and Economic Survey Research Institute

    10:05 – 10:15

    Objectives of the Osra project and the objectives of the panel: Dr. Noora Lari

    10:15 – 10:20

    Topics for the panel: Dr. Sana Abusin

    10:20  –  11:00

    Topic (1) Attitudes and attitudes and behaviors regarding the phenomenon of the late marriage age of Qatari women

    11:00  –  11:25

    Topic (2): The repercussions of education and work on the phenomenon of the late marriage age

    11:25 – 11:50

    Topic (3): Family Policies and Sustainable Development

    11:50 – 12:00

    Final speech and recommendations: Dr. Noora Lari and Dr. Sana AbuSin