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Training, Workshops & Seminars 2022


A series of lectures on survey research designs and methods will be delivered for the SESRI research faculty and staff during April-May 2022. The lecture series will provide a comprehensive presentation of different areas of survey designs, features, and methods; longitudinal design and panel studies; measurement and instrument construction; experimental designs; randomized controlled trials (RCTs); use of Stata in data analysis; and writing scientific and policy reports.


The objectives are:

- Providing scientific skills in survey research design, methods of data collection and analysis and, policy dissemination

- Enhancing knowledge of scientific methods in survey research and adopt innovative approach in research steps and implementation


Lecture Topics and Timeline

Sl. No.


Lecture Topics



21-04 -2022

Survey Research: Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Designs




Survey Research: Measurement and Instrument Development



12- 05-2022

Experimental Designs: Randomized Controlled Trials (RCT)




Application of Stata in Data Assessment and Analysis




Writing Scientific and Policy Reports



Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes are:

-        Improved understanding of choice of study design features, scope, strengths, and limitations

-        Enhanced capacity in survey instrument construction, measurement tools and choice of measurement

-        Augmented strength in data analysis and high-quality impactful policy report


Faculty Biography

Arokiasamy Perianayagam, Ph.D.


Prof. Arokiasamy has recently joined the policy department at the Social and Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI) at Qatar University. He will lead components of the lecture series and bring years of teaching and research experience to the program. His early background is in demography, but his current expertise and achievements cover a range of subject areas, including survey research, public health, epidemiology, and development studies. He is listed on Sandford University’s list of the World’s Top 2% Scientists in Research Citations. He has more than two decades of experience of heading large-scale nationwide surveys collaborating with numerous international organizations such as WHO, UNFPA, Rand, HSPH, USC, UCLA, UM, LSE, and a network of national institutions in India and in LMICs. He had been an international consultant to the Ministry of Public Health, Government of Qatar for implementing the Qatar World Health Survey and Ageing Survey.