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    Innovative ICT summer course using Arduino

    Course Overview

    Examples of the activities done using ArduinoInformation Technology Communication (ICT) is a significant driver of all aspects of life in the current era. Arduino is considered one of the main building blocks in ICT. QUYSC delivers various summer courses that provide unique interactive learning experiences through online platforms. Participants engage across multiple learning modalities to increase their learning experience and their competencies toward success. In this course, participants are introduced to Arduino through various project-based activities. Students will learn how to integrate electronic circuits and sensors with Arduino to come up with innovative ideas.

    Target group:

    Grade 7, 8, and 9

    Learning Outcomes:

    Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

    1. Understand what Arduino is, and how does it work?
    2. Explore the basics of electronic circuits.
    3. Learn about different sensors and their working principle
    4. Explore the range of hardware and components and build various projects.
    5. Acquire 21st century quintessential skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity skills.
    6. Participants who complete the whole course will receive a certificate from Qatar university young scientist’s center affiliated by Qatar University, in line with the course policies.

    Course content

    1. Overview of the course with hardware and software requirements.
    2. Learn fundamentals of the Arduino – Arduino traffic light system project
    3. Getting Started with Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 and Arduino Interface
    4. Explore servo motors and how to operate them with Arduino
    5. Discover the working principle of temperature and humidity sensors

    Mentoring Team

    Our experts in QUYSC include researchers, scientists, and engineers and will be dedicated to providing an exceptional learning experience for the participants. They will use practical tools and strategies to provide training and support for the participants to achieve course objectives.

    Registration Fees

    Fees are QAR 300 per student