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    Digital Electronics

    Course overview

    The course is aimed at fostering students with basic knowledge on analog and digital electronics. Students will be provided with ample training on building digital circuits using transistors, resistors, integrated circuits that employ gates, flipflops and Arduino microcontrollers. Diverse STEM based activities are designed to engage the students in understanding the contextual knowledge behind the development of digital circuits and systems. Students will be encouraged to create their own innovative project inspired from the course activities.

    Course content

    The program will facilitate course for high school students with the following learning content; Orientation day: Familiarization on electronic components, breadboard and circuit connections and QU college of engineering lab tour.

    • Day 1: Transformation of analog to digital
    • Day 2: Building 7 segment digital display
    • Day 3: Building 2 digit 7 segment digital display
    • Day 4: Building 6 digit clock display
    • Day 5: Design Project – Engineering sensor integrated digital clock by interfacing with Arduino kit.

    At the end of the course, the students will be able to develop the following design projects;

    Course content 


    This “Digital Electronics” course introduces students to the 2 types of electronic circuits – analog and digital circuits. Students will be acknowledged of the pros of digital circuits over analog circuits through hands on activities that employ transistors, gates, and integrated circuits (ICs). It covers the basic operation and some common applications of basic electronic components.

    Target Group

    Grade 9, 10, 11, and 12

    Learning standards

    The learning standards mentioned below follow the Qatar Science Curriculum from the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOEHE).

    • P1109.1 Describe how capacitors can be built and investigate their properties in electrical circuits.
    • P1109.3 Investigate the charge and discharge of a capacitor and use the time constant T = RC in calculations
    • P1111.3 Use logic gates in practical circuits (NOT, AND, OR, NAND, NOR) and determine truth tables for the gates, individually and in combination

    Benefits of this course

    By the end of the course, the students will acquire the following benefits.

    • Students will gain the skills to create electronic circuits for different applications.
    • Students will experience project-based learning, thereby enhancing their research skills.
    • The participating students will practice of electronic engineering, thereby applying the scientific concepts learned in the classroom.
    • The course has the capacity to enable the students to boost their competencies in teamwork, technical expertise, communication, inquiry, research, problem-solving and critical thinking.
    • The students will be provided with the certificate from the Qatar University Young Scientists Center (QUYSC) upon the successful completion of the course.

    Mentoring Team

    QUYSC professionals, including scientists, research assistants, and engineers, will give participants an outstanding learning experience. To fulfill the course objectives, we will use practical tools and techniques to provide training and support.

    Registration Fees

    Fees are QAR 500 per student.​