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Tuesday, 25 February 2025 (Pre-Conference Event)

Venue: Qatar University, College of Business and Economics (H08), Hall C219


9:00am – 9:15amOpening Remarks
Rana Sobh, Dean, College of Business and Economics, Qatar University
Representative of General Tax Authority
9:15am –10:15am
International Tax Architecture and its Impact on Tax SystemsMartin Wenz, University of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein
10:15am–10:30amSustainability and International TaxationZotkaj Kasem, University of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein
10:30am–10:45amAllocation of Taxing Rights and Taxation of ServicesNiklas Kaiser, Liechtenstein University, Liechtenstein
10:45 am – 11:15 am
Coffee Break
Redesign of Tax System Session
Chair: Mahmoud Abdellatif, Qatar University, Qatar

Tax Incentives and Tax Expenditure Analysis

Rick Krever, The University of Western Australia
Assessing the Impact of RHQ Tax Incentives in Saudi Arabia: A Comparative Analysis with the Modified GIDC Model for Enhancing Economic Diversification
Mohamed Tawfik, Catholic University of Murcia, Spain
The Impact of the Global Minimum Tax (Pillar Two) on Corporate Tax IncentivesKinha Romanovska, University of Lausanne

1:00 pm– 2:00 pm

Lunch Break

1st Day, Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Venue: Andaz Doha Hotel, Diplomatic Street, Qatar

8:30 am – 9:00 am

9:00 am – 9:15 amOpening Speeches
H.E. Dr. Omar Al-Ansari, President of Qatar University
H.E. Mr. Khalifa Alkuwari, President of General Tax Authority
9:15am –10:00 amKeynote Speaker: Reshaping Investment Fiscal Incentives in GCC Countries - Global Minimum Tax Perspective 
Katarina Kresal, Andersen Global

10:00am–10:15 am

Coffee Break

10:15 am – 10:45 amSpeaker from AACSB
Eileen McAuliffe, Leadership Officer & Managing Director - AACSB International
10:45 am – 11:15 amKeynote Speaker:
Balancing Act: How Fiscal Incentives May Make or Break
Hassan Yousef Aly, Nile University and Chairman of the BOT of ERF

11:15am–11:30 am

Coffee Break


Investment Fiscal Incentives
Chair: Ashraf Galal, Qatar University, Qatar
Investment Fiscal Incentives in Qatar - I
Hamad M. Al Nasr, Director of Trade Development and Investment Promotion
Investment Fiscal Incentives in Qatar - II
Majed Al Mahmoud, Economic Advisor, Acting Director of Tax Policies Department
Fiscal Policy and Economic Development in Qatar: An Empirical Analysis (2000-2022)
Sana Naseem, Al Yamamah University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Investment Incentives and Public Finance Sustainability: Why Governments should focus on Non-tax Investment Incentives?
Karim Boudekhdekh, Jijel University, Algeria
Rahma Kerbache, Jijel University, Algeria


Lunch Break 

2:00 pm – 2:45 pmKeynote speaker: Future design of tax incentives in investment hubs and high-income countries
Martin Wenz, University of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein
2:45 pm – 4:00 pm

Investment Tax Incentives
Chair: Osama Abdellatif, Qatar University, Qatar
Enhancing Fiscal Incentives for Sustainable Investment Growth in GCC Economies: A Comparative Analysis
Jamshid V.P, Farook College, Kerala, India
Implementing Pillar 2 in New Zealand: a ‘Novel’ Approach
Adrian Sawyer, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Investment Incentives in Indonesia
Christine Tjen, Lecturer, Universitas Indonesia
Green Growth, Fiscal Incentives and Environmental Taxes: Evidence from The European Union Member States
Sabina Hodzic, University of Rijeka, Croatia
Tax Neutrality Schemes and the OECD/G20 Global Minimum Tax
Niklas Kaiser, Liechtenstein University, Liechtenstein

2nd Day, Thursday, 27 February 2025

Venue: Andaz Doha Hotel, Diplomatic Street, Qatar

8:30am– 9:00amRegistration
9:00am– 9:45amKeynote speaker: Will Pillar Two Affect Qatar’s Free Zones and Science and Technology Park?Rick Krever, The University of Western Australia

Tax Incentives and Free Zones
Chair: Salah Gueydi, Managing Director of Taxation, Qatar Financial Center
Pillar 2 and amendment of income tax law in Qatar
Yusuf Al-Dosari – Director of Tax Agreements and International Cooperation Department, GTA, Qatar
Governance of Tax Incentives in Qatar
Lotfi Khalil, Tax Consultant, General Tax Authority, Qatar
‘Flow-through Entities’ and the complexities linked to their variations into (i) ‘Tax Transparent Entities’, (ii) ‘Reverse Hybrid Entities’ and (iii) ‘Hybrid Entities’, with the lens of Pillar Two.​
Giuseppe Campolo, Partner Deloitte Middle East 
The Impact of the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement between Algeria and Qatar on Economic Partnership in the Agricultural Sector: A Case Study of Baladna Qatari Project in Algeria.
Ali Hassen Oulal, Abu Bakr Belkaid University, Tlemcen, Algeria
Sidi Mohammed Abbou, Abu Bakr Belkaid University, Tlemcen, Algeria

11:00am–11:15 am

Coffee Break

11:00am–11:30amKeynote speaker
Giorgia Maffini

Tax Incentives and impact on Tax system
Chair: Bassam Abou Abbass, Qatar University, Qatar
Assessing the Impact of RHQ Tax Incentives in Saudi Arabia: A Comparative Analysis with the Modified GIDC Model for Enhancing Economic DiversificationMohamed Tawfik, Catholic University of Murcia, Spain
Revenue Effects of the Global Minimum Tax Under Pillar Two
Mona Baraké, Paul-Emmanuel Chouc, Theresa Neef & Gabriel Zucman
GCC Tax Incentives Under Global Scrutiny: Transfer Pricing Insights for MNEs
Mani Meyer, Qatar Transfer Pricing Leader  
12:20pm -1:00pm
Open Discussion and Survey on Investment Fiscal IncetivesMahmoud Abdelatif, Qatar University


Lunch Break
2:00 pm – 2:20 pmKeynote Speaker: Impact of the P2 project on tax incentives and incentive post Pillar Two
Vikram Chand, Professor at The University of Lausanne, Switzerland
2:30 pm – 3:45 pm

Tax Incentives and Tax Expenditure
Chair: Rami Zeitun, Qatar University, Qatar
Tracking Tax Expenditures: Lessons from the Global Tax Expenditures Database (GTED) and Transparency Index (GTETI) 
Agustin Redonda, Flurim Aliu,
Council of Economic Policies (CEP), Switzerland

Tax Expenditures as a policy measure to support sustainable development 

Zotkaj Kasem, University of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein
Tax Expenditures in Tunisia
Aymen Bel Haj Abdallah, Ministry of Finance, Tunisia 
3:45pm – 4:00pmClosing and Concluding Remarks