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Conditions and Evaluation Criteria

Competition Terms

  1. Ph.D., graduate and undergraduate students can participate with their research in this forum.
  2. A student can submit his/her research individually, or a group of students (2 -4) to submit one research topic.
  3. Students from multiple disciplines can participate in a single research team.
  4. The student or group of students can participate with a completed research or undergoing research. Even if the research was presented in another scientific event provided that it comes within one of the themes of this forum. The research must be published during the last two years maximum.
  5. Researchers can submit only one research project. However, in one project, it may include interdisciplinary ideas.
  6. Projects can be either theoretical or practical.
  7. Applications for participation will be submitted with the research title and an abstract of maximum 300 words by October 19, 2023, with CVs including communication information.
  8. Researchers will be informed whether their research work abstract is accepted or rejected for inclusion in the research forum as oral or poster.
  9. Full research report or poster will be submitted by December 21, 2023, to be evaluated by the research committee.

Research Evaluation Criteria

  1. The novelty and the alignment of the submitted topics with the advertised ones.
  2. The ability to identify research questions, aims, and their fundamental problems and explain the research methodology, ethical compliance, data collection tools, and the basis of the scientific experiment, if any.
  3. Discuss the results and come up with recommendations that answer the research questions.
  4. References must be added and should be arranged according to their appearance order in the document.
  5. The research paper should be around 3000 words. Each figure or table will be counted as 200 words.
  6. The font should be Times New Roman with size 12.
  7. The use of audiovisual media in the oral presentation (e.g., images and short videos) is highly encouraged.