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    Foundation Program Distinguished Student Award

    Purpose of the Award

    The Foundation Program Distinguished Student Award aims to accentuate the outstanding academic performance of the Foundation Program students. Additionally, the award aims to celebrate their contributions to the wider extracurricular activities based on the complementarity of students’ individual efforts and the Foundation Program community and its services.

    Conditions of the Award

    Eligible students applying for the award must:

    1. Be enrolled in at least three Foundation Program courses.
    2. Achieve a grade of B+ to A in the courses they are registered.
    3. Have participated in workshops, voluntary work, or conferences organized by FP, Qatar University, or outside the university.
    4. Have not received any academic or non-academic violations.
    5. A recommendation letter from one of their lecturers in the courses they are registered.

    How to Apply

    Nominations and all supporting documents must be submitted via the link below no later than 7 Dec 2023: (Click here to apply)

    The application file must include the following supporting documents:

    1. A recent CV
    2. Evidence of attendance of any of the services and events organized by the Foundation Program.
    3. Certificate of attendance, participation or volunteering in a conference, a training course, a workshop, an award event or voluntary work.
    4. At least one recommendation letter from a lecturer of one of the courses students are registered in, to be sent by the lecturer to

    No nominations will be accepted after the deadline and candidates must ensure that all the support documents are submitted through contacting the award coordinators:

    • Male Students: Men's Foundation Building - A06 Room 101
    • Female Students: Women's Foundation Building - D05 Room 117 or 118

    The committee has the right to withhold the award should no nominee found merit the award. The committee’s decision is definitive and non-reviewable. 

    Important Dates

    • The deadline for submitting the nominations is 7 Dec 2023
    • Successful nominees will be announced shortly after the closing date

    For further information, please contact us at: