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    Archival Documents Collection


    The Special Collections contains archival documents from many sources that are available to the users. The collection includes many different archival documents in languages such as Arabic, Old Turkish, English, and Russian.

    The archival collection is important because they provide documents and correspondences related to the history of the Gulf region. These documents are valuable to researchers and to the scientific research as these documents represent the history of the region. These documents include a set of indexes to facilitate accessing the historical documents of the Gulf region.

    The available historical documents include:

    • Historical documents from the Ottoman Archives.
    • Historical documents from the Indian Archives.
    • Historical documents from the Russian Archives.

    These historical documents take many different forms such as: telegrams, minutes, memoranda, petition, letters, editorial, maps, reports, statements, tables, lists, regulations, instruction sheets, and indexes.

    You can find the archival document collection through: Qatar University Digital C​ollection Center.

    Collection Located

    Floor Room Number
    Ground Floor121

    Opening Hours

    Days Time
    Sunday - Thursday07:30 AM - 02:30 PM

    Contact Information