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    Frequently asked questions

    There is no limited number of times to apply for re-admission, but student can be admitted once for readmission.

    Applicants seeking readmission must, at minimum, satisfy admission requirements of the requested degree program for the semester of intended readmission. They are required to apply to their intended college of study by filling the QU online admission application and answer all questions in the readmission section that is included in the online application and Submit required documents by admission deadlines.

    No there is no specific online applications, they should choose Admission - Readmission online application. Instead, there is a specific section for readmission were applicants have to answer all required questions.

    Active students including “No Show” students and students with a “Leave of Absence” or who formally “Withdrew from the Semester” and returning to the university in the semester of their expected return may register in courses without the need to apply for readmission, including students placed under the “Leave of absence” status.

    Applicants who were previously admitted to Qatar University but whose admission was terminated are not eligible for readmission and must re-apply for admission if they wish to attend QU in a future semester.

    Applicants who were permanently dismissed from Qatar University are not eligible for readmission.

    Students applying for readmission may request to join their original program or another program offered at the university possibly at another college.

    Upon readmission, students may be required to complete the degree requirements of their degree program in effect at the time of their semester of readmission. These may or may not be the same degree requirements in effect when the student left Qatar University.

    Yes, it's is allowed to apply for any program including programs that require enrollment in the Foundation Program. Except for applicants who were placed under the Foundation Program “Foundation Academic Suspension” status, they may apply for readmission only to a program that does not require enrollment in the Foundation Program or provide evidence of having achieved the English and Mathematic competency requirements for admission into the program they are applying to.

    Yes, Students who were reinstated in a degree program they were enrolled in before their reinstatement can apply for readmission to that same program.

    All holds and outstanding financial obligations to the university must be resolved and removed before the application for readmission is processed.

    Applicants seeking readmission must, at minimum, satisfy admission requirements of the requested degree program for the semester of intended readmission, special committee will review all applications. The decision is based on criteria and guidelines approved by both the Vice President for Student Affairs and the Vice President and Chief Academic Officer. These criteria and guidelines take into consideration several factors including program capacity, previous academic achievement, prior disciplinary actions, length of absence, and activities during the period in which the applicant was not enrolled at QU.

    Once readmitted, students are subject to all university rules and policies as applicable to regular degree seeking students.

    All previous course work completed at Qatar University remains part of the permanent record of readmitted students.

    Applicants seeking readmission may request to eliminate from their cumulative records including the calculation of their cumulative GPA, the effect of up to four courses in which a grade of F, D, or D+ was earned or all courses completed in one specific semester provided that the student was not previously found in violation of the academic integrity policy in any of the concerned courses and that the applicant is to benefit from such measure for the first time. Courses approved for elimination shall not be used towards satisfying the program degree requirements including the program credit hour requirements unless the student registers and successfully completes these courses after readmission.

    Applicants seeking readmission may request a transfer of credit for courses completed at QU or other institutions within five (5) years of the student?s semester of readmission, and a minimum grade of “C” or its equivalent subject to approval by the College and provided that the total transferred credit does not exceed 50% of the credit requirements of the degree program.

    Applicants who were academically dismissed or placed under the "Foundation Academic Suspension" status are readmitted to the university under the following conditions:

    • At least one regular semester, excluding the summer term, has elapsed since their academic dismissal or placement under the "Foundation Academic Suspension" status.
    • Satisfy additional requirements, if needed, in order to ensure their readiness to resume their studies at the university.
    • Return with a fresh record where all courses and grades earned prior to the student’s readmission remain on the student’s QU transcript but are not counted towards degree requirements and are not considered in the cumulative records of students including in the calculation of the student cumulative grade point average (GPA) except for courses approved under the transfer of credit rules.

    The cumulative records including the cumulative GPA of readmitted students who were not academically dismissed from the university or placed under the “Foundation Academic Suspension” status, taking into account all courses completed and grades earned within ten (10) years prior to the student's semester of readmission to the university except for courses approved for elimination from the student cumulative records or if the student requests to return with a fresh record.

    Courses completed more than ten (10) academic years prior to the semester of readmission by readmitted students who were not academically dismissed from the university or placed under the “Foundation Academic Suspension” status, are not automatically counted towards the student degree program and in the cumulative records of the student including the cumulative GPA. Such courses must be reviewed for eligibility by the academic program in order to be counted towards the degree and to effect the cumulative records of the student including the student cumulative GPA.

    Applicants who were previously readmitted to Qatar University are not eligible for readmission. student can be admitted once for readmission.