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    Important Dates

    All International students are requested to adhere to the dates listed in the table below, so that the University can take the necessary procedures in cooperation with the official authorities in the State of Qatar to initiate the travel arrangements of the admitted international students to the state of Qatar to facilitate their enrollment in the university by the first day of classes. Please note that the delay in these procedures may cause to cancel the student’s admission in the University.

    Note: Qatar University will not accept applications after the published deadline and reserves the right to change any information or dates contained in this calendar without prior notice.

    Arabic Program for Non-Native Speakers Prospective Students (Online)
    15 September 2024Start the online admissions application; upload the required documents.
    14 November 2024

    Last day for Online admission application, upload the required documents. For self-funded students only.

    1 December 2024Announcement of decisions.
    Arabic Program for Non-Native Speakers Prospective Students
    14 January 2024
    1. Start the online admissions application; upload the required documents.
    2. Start the Student VISA application(For self-funded students only).
    15 February 2024

    Last day for:

    1. Online admission application, upload the required documents.
    2. Student VISA application (For self-funded students only).
    Undergraduate Prospective Students
    1 February 2024
    1. Start the online application admission and Admission Scholarship for International Students
    2. Start the Student VISA application (For self-funded students only).
    3. Start the submission of all required documents for admissions
    13 March 2024

    Last day for online admission application and Admission Scholarship for International Students

    14 March 2024

    Last day for:

    1. Submitting all required documents for admissions.
    2. Student VISA application (For self-funded students only).
    28 May 2024

    Announcement of scholarship decisions.

    Graduate Prospective Students

    24 December 2023

    Start the online admission application and Student Visa application for International students.

    29 February 2024

    Close graduate online admission application and Student Visa application and submission of all required documents.

    All International Prospective Students

    18-19 August 2024
    (Tentative Date)

    International Students arrival to Doha

    21 Aug 2024
    (Tentative Date)

    ACCUPLCAER test for International students (UG & FP)

    22 Aug 2024
    (Tentative Date)
    International Students Orientation program for newly admitted students