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    The Conditions and process of track changing

    Arts or Technology tracks to science-track Conditions of change

    Active undergraduate students who have completed their secondary school certificate in either Arts or Technology tracks may apply for a change of major to science-track majors, provided that they meet the following requirements at the time of application:

    1. completing a minimum of  12 credit hours . In addition, other approved transfer conditions and rules apply.
    2. Obtaining a cumulative GPA of no less than 3.00/4.00.
    3. Obtaining a full exemption from the foundation program (According to the major Selected by the student).
    4. Passing the specific courses listed in the below table according to the major to which the student wishes to transfer from the first attempt with a final grade no less than very good “B”:
    Desired CollegeDesired MajorRequired Courses
    College of Arts and ScienceChemistry
    • BIOL 101 Biology I
    • MATH 101 Calculus I
    • CHEM 101 General Chemistry I
    Environmental Sciences
    Biological Sciences
    College of EducationSecondary Education – Concentration in Chemistry
    Secondary Education – Concentration in Biology
    Primary Education – Concentration in Math and Science
    College of NursingNursing
    College of PharmacyPharmacy
    College of Dental MedicineDental Medicine
    College of MedicineMedical Doctor
    College of Health SciencesPublic Health
    Biomedical Sciences
    Human Nutrition
    General Health Sciences
    Speech and Language Pathology
    College of Arts and SciencesStatistics
    • MATH 101 Calculus I
    • PHYS 101 General Physics I
    • CHEM 101 General Chemistry I
    College of EducationSecondary Education – Concentration in Mathematics
    College of EngineeringArchitecture
    Industrial and Systems Engineering
    Electrical Engineering
    Chemical Engineering
    Civil Engineering
    Mechanical Engineering
    Computer Science
    Computer Engineering
    Mechatronics Engineering
    General Engineering


    • Satisfying other additional requirements specified by the desired college/ academic department.
    • Satisfying the minimum requirements does not necessarily guarantee admission, as it is competitive and subject to the available capacity of the desired college/academic department.

    Process of changing the student’s track from Art or Technology to Science Track

    The conditions of the Art or Technology track students have been built in the system of the Change of Major Application. Depending on the Major and College, the student who meets the above mentioned requirements will be able to apply. The system will check the student’s records and allow/ deny the student to apply.