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    About Us

    Since its establishment in 1973, the Department of Chemistry and Earth Sciences has been graduating students with a BSc in Chemistry (male and female students) and Canadian Society for chemistry (CSC) has accredited the BSc Chemistry since 2009. The department also offers minors in Chemistry and Geology. In addition, we also offer a variety of courses in chemistry and geology to various programs at Qatar University.

    The chemistry program serves the Qatari community in several aspects, e.g. by offering consultations, suggesting solutions for numerous scientific problems, and by holding symposiums and public lectures. Chemistry faculty members also provide special workshops and training for employees in many sectors. In addition, many graduates from the Chemistry program have one on to serve as teachers in a number of schools and academic institutions.


    The Chemistry Program's mission is to equip students with a contemporary and comprehensive education in Chemistry. Our graduates will have a strong foundation in theoretical and practical aspects of chemistry, which enables them to develop careers in industrial, governmental and educational sectors. Our graduates will have strong communication and research skills. They will be critical thinkers and become lifelong learners.


    The BSc Chemistry Major program in Department of Chemistry and Earth Sciences has received full accreditation from CSC through 2020. The CSC is the Canadian National Technical Association representing the field of chemistry and the interests of chemists in industry, academia and government institutions.

    The CSC provides accreditation reviews for all undergraduate chemistry programs in Canada and to universities abroad. In the course of the extensive accreditation process of the CSC, the curriculum of the chemistry program has been reviewed by international consultants, practical courses and instrumentation have been renewed and detailed safety standards formulated and implemented.

    Accreditation of the B.Sc. Chemistry Major program implies that courses, laboratories and instruments available to chemistry students at Qatar University reach international standards. Accreditation ensures that educational programs have the potential to prepare graduates to practice their profession in a competent scientific manner. Accreditation also helps to maintain national and international standards of education by providing an external audit service for programs, and by promoting the portability of the qualifications of graduates from accredited programs.



    The alumni of the department have gone onto work in various industrial and government sectors.  Some of them are listed below:

    • Colonel Ibrahim Al-Benali (Deputy Manager, ADL)
    • Lieutenant Colonel Abdulaziz Al-Sulaiti (ADL)
    • Lieutenant Colonel Adel Al-Emadi (ADL)
    • Dr. Ali Al-Mari (Ashgal)
    • Mr. Ajlan Al-Enazi (Dolphin Energy)
    • Mr. Mansour Al-Shammari (RasGas)
    • Ms. Mariam Al-Kaabi (RasGas)
    • Mr. Abdullah Al-Ali (Food Chemistry Laboratory)
    • Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Kuwari (Ashgal)