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Course Description

CVEN 610: Advanced Topics in Civil Engineering

A selection of state-of-the-art topics in civil engineering. [Equivalent to: CVEN 500]

CVEN 611: Finite Element Method

Constitutive, equilibrium and compatibility equations for three-dimensional solid elements, two-dimensional solid elements, truss elements, beam elements, and plates. Finite element procedure. Finite element formulations for truss, beam, and two-dimensional solid elements. Matrix structural analysis formulations of trusses, beams, and frames.  Use of a software to solve finite element structural problems. [Equivalent to: CVEN 504]

CVEN 621: Advanced Topics in Design of Steel Structures

Advanced strength of materials; Torsion on steel members; Compression members: columns and plates; Topics on flexural design of steel members; Analysis and design of steel connections; Floor vibration serviceability of steel framed structures. [Equivalent to: CVEN 501]

CVEN 622: Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

Free vibration of Single Degree of Freedom Systems (SDOF), Forced Vibration of Single Degree of Freedom Systems (SDOF); Generalized SDOF Systems; Free vibration of Multiple Degree of Freedom Systems (MDOF), Forced Vibration of Multiple Degree of Freedom Systems (MDOF); Introduction to Earthquake Engineering; Earthquakes: Cause and Effect; Earthquake Loading of SDOF Systems; Seismic Hazard Analysis; Earthquake Loading of MDOF Systems; Inelastic Behavior of Materials and Structures; Concepts in Seismic Resistant Design. [Equivalent to: CVEN 502]

CVEN 623: Design of Highway Bridges

Historical background of bridges and types; Bridge design considerations; Review of applicable design codes; Loads on bridges and force distribution; Bridge geometry; Reinforced concrete and steel deck design; Reinforced concrete and steel girder design; Bridge abutment design, Analysis tools for highway bridges; Design of highway bridge foundations. [Equivalent to: CVEN 503]

CVEN 624: Theory of Plates and Shells

This course delivers the background and fundamentals of theory of elasticity and its applications for the analysis of plates and shells. The course presents an introduction of the main assumptions and basic relationships of the theory of elasticity, the derivation of the bending plate theory and examples analysis of practical problems, the derivation of membrane theory of shells and examples analysis of practical problems. [Equivalent to: CVEN 505]

CVEN 630: Advanced Geomechanics

Secondary consolidation; soil aging; design of vertical drains; mineralogy and fabrics of soil; critical shear strength conditions; types and use of drained shear strength; progressive failure in soil slopes; use of linear vs nonlinear shear strength envelopes; stress path to failure; drained shear strength correlations; estimation and use of undrained strength; soil liquefaction; settlement analysis of single piles; modulus of subgrade reaction and pile-spring constant for structural analysis of piled foundations on rock; advanced analysis of pile-group settlement. [Equivalent to: CVEN 506]

 CVEN 640: Hydrology

Analysis and synthesis of the hydrograph. Streamflow routing. The hydrograph as a function drainage characteristics; estimation of runoff from meteorological data. Infiltration theory. Sea water intrusion in coastal aquifers. Application of hydrologic techniques including statistical methods. [Equivalent to: CVEN 511]

CVEN 641: Analysis of Hydraulic Systems

This course deals with advanced methods of analyzing hydraulics and water resources. Exact and approximate methods are reviewed. The formulation and solution of problems by finite difference and finite element methods is a major part of the course. Typical examples from open channel and groundwater flows are included. The method of characteristics is applied to transient flow in open channels and closed conduits. [Equivalent to: CVEN 513]

CVEN 650: Groundwater Contamination

Introduction of Darcy’s equation and governing equation; construction of flow‐nets, flow quantifications, and groundwater resource evaluation; contaminant hydrogeology, mas transport equations, reaction, and adsorption; introduction to biodegradation and natural attenuation; simulation of groundwater flow and transport. [Equivalent to: CVEN 512]

CVEN 660: Advanced Traffic Engineering

An advanced overview of traffic engineering concepts including data collection technologies, traffic engineering studies, traffic control devices, warrants, and guidelines and applications for traffic control measures. Selected topics include capacity analysis of uninterrupted flow facilities and principles of analysis and evaluation of signalized intersections. [Equivalent to: CVEN 507]

CVEN 661: Geometric Design of Highways

This course covers the theory and application of street, highway, and intersection design. It also provides an overview of geometric design concepts including functional classification of highways, horizontal and vertical alignment design, cross-section elements, intersection design, design of auxiliary lanes, and access management and control. [Equivalent to: CVEN 508]

CVEN 662: Traffic Safety Analysis

This course addresses the concepts for performing traffic safety analyses, crash data collection and database management, crash data analysis, identifying safety deficiencies and countermeasures, before-after studies, traffic conflicts, and crash reduction factors. [Equivalent to: CVEN 509]

CVEN 663: Pavement Management Systems

Role of pavement in today's transport system, basic components of pavement management systems (PMS). Planning pavement investments and pavement research management. Evaluation of pavement structural capacity performance, distress and safety. Analysis and economic evaluation of alternative design strategies. Construction, rehabilitation and maintenance as related to other phases of PMS. Data management requirements. [Equivalent to: CVEN 510]

CVEN 690: Master Project

The student will be required to complete a project ending with a report that shows an excellent degree of understanding of the subjects studied in graduate courses as well as high technical writing skills. The report will be evaluated by examiners specialized in the project subject. [Equivalent to: None]

CVEN 698: Master Thesis

A distinct and original contribution to basic knowledge of the subject. The student will be required to show initiative and resourcefulness in overcoming both theoretical and practical difficulties by devising novel ways and means of achieving objectives that elude the more conventional approaches to them. The course is a test of the initiative and of the student's ability to accept responsibility and conclude a task. [Equivalent to: GENG 699]

CVEN 699: Master Thesis Defense (0 CH)

The student will be preparing him/herself for the thesis final defense. [Equivalent to: None]

CVEN 710: Advanced Special Topics I

A selection of state-of-the-art topics in a certain specialty of civil engineering. [Equivalent to: CVEN 651]

CVEN 711: Advanced Special Topics II

A selection of state-of-the-art topics in specific area(s) of a certain specialty of civil engineering. [Equivalent to: CVEN 652]

CVEN 890: PhD Thesis

A distinct and original contribution to basic knowledge of the subject. The student will be required to show initiative and resourcefulness in overcoming both theoretical and practical difficulties by devising novel ways and means of achieving objectives that elude the more conventional approaches to them. [Equivalent to: DENG 699]

CVEN 899: PhD Thesis Defense (0 CH)

The student will be preparing him/herself for the thesis final defense. [Equivalent to: None]