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ASCE Student Chapter

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) student chapter at Qatar University is an important organization for Civil Engineering students. The chapter supports students' journey and transition from university to professional life. It is run by a group of volunteer students who work actively, with the support of the department, to provide a range of activities that supplement the Civil Engineering educational program. The chapter is directly linked with ASCE, one of the oldest international professional engineering societies, which aims to enhance the welfare of humanity by advancing the science and profession of civil engineering. According to the ASCE student chapter handbook, ASCE has more than 150,000 individual members, engaged in engineering education, research, public agencies, industry, construction, and private engineering practice.



Mussab Yaser Radwan Ata  President                   
Daniel AmnuaipornVice
Yousef Fazal Karim  
MD Jamil  
Mahmoud Saad Alyousef Media   


Academic Advisors

Prof. Mohammed Hussein and Eng. Wlla Al Mhairat.


ASCE Membership

The student registration is free. To Join ASCE, please click here.


ASCE Website

To access the ASCE website, please click here.