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    Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering

    A minimum of 60 credit hours are required to complete the Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, including the following: 

    • A minimum of 15 credit hours in Core Required Courses
    • A minimum of 12 credit hours in Concentration Elective Courses
    • A minimum of 33 credit hours for the PhD Thesis
    • Passing the comprehensive examination
    • Passing the Candidacy Examination
    • Passing the Dissertation Defense

    Core Required Courses (15 CH)

    Students must complete 6 credit hours in the courses listed below in addition to 9 CH from the Core Supporting

    Requirements sub-package.

    •  DENG 602 Applied Research Methodology
    • DENG 621 Graduate Seminar

    Core Supporting Requirements sub-package (9 CH)

    Students must complete 9 credit hours from the following courses: 

    • DENG 603 Advanced Numerical Analysis
    • DENG 604 Applied Statistics Techniques
    • DENG 624 Innovation and Technology Management
    • DENG 625 Sustainable Development
    • DENG 626 Modeling and Simulation

    Thesis Requirement (33 CH)

    Students must complete 33 CH in the Thesis Requirement Course:

    • DENG 699 PhD Thesis

    Students who choose the Electrical Engineering Concentration area must complete 12 CH in the Electrical Engineering Electives package as detailed below.

    Electrical Engineering Electives package (12 CH)

    Students must complete 12 credit hours from the following courses: 

    • ELEC 552 Power System Dynamics & Control

    • ELEC 561 Advanced Digital Signal Processing

    • ELEC 653 Advanced Topics in Power Electronics

    • ELEC 654 Advanced Topics in Machines and Drives

    • ELEC 655 Advanced Topics in Control System Theory

    • ELEC 656 Advanced Digital Communication

    • ELEC 657 Biomedical Signal Processing & Diagnostics

    • ELEC 658 Medical Imaging

    • ELEC 659 Communication and Information Theory

    • ELEC 660 Communication Networks

    • ELEC 751 Advanced Special Topics I

    • ELEC 752 Advanced Special Topics II

    • ELEC 753 Time-Frequency Signal Processing