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    1. Du, X.Y., Naji K. E., Ebead, U., & Ma, J.P. (2020). Engineering instructors’ professional agency development and identity renegotiation through engaging in pedagogical change toward PBL. European Journal of Engineering Education. In publication line.
    2. Naji K. E., Du, X.Y., Tarlochan, F., Ebead, U. Hassan, M., & Al-Ali, A. (2020). Engineering students’ readiness for transition to emergency online learning – a case of Qatar. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 16(10) em1886.
    3. Naji.K.K, Ebead, U, E., Al-Ali, A. & Du, X.Y., (2020). Comparing models of Problem and Project-Based learning (PBL) courses and student engagement in civil Engineering in Qatar. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 16(8), em1867.
    4. Du, X.Y., Naji, K.K, Sabah, S. & Ebead, U. (2020) Engineering students’ group-based strategy use, forms of collaboration and perceptions of assessment in team projects – a case study in Qatar. International Journal of Engineering Education. Vol. 36, No. 1(B), pp. 296–308.
    5. Du, X., Ebead, U., Sabah, S., Ma, J., & Naji, K. K. (2019). Engineering Students’ Approaches to Learning and Views on Collaboration: How do both Evolve in a PBL Environment and What are their Contributing and Constraining Factors?. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 15(11), em1774.
    6. Naji.K.K, Al-Thani, H., Ebead, U, E., Al-Ali, A. & Du, X.Y. (2020), Characteristics, benefits, challenges and socio-cultural factors of implementing PBL in Qatar. Proceeding of the 8thInternational Research Symposium on PBL (IRSPBL 2020). (SCOPUS)
    7. Du, X., Ebead, U., Sabah, S., & Stojcevski, A. (2018). Implementing PBL in Qatar-Civil Engineering students’ views on their first experiences from a perspective of constructive alignment. In 7 th International Research Symposium on PBL (p. 250).
    8. Mamun A.A., Muthalif A.G.A., Ahmad Z., Ismail A.F., Ismail K., Abdul Maleque Md. “Islamisation of engineering education – A case at IIUM”, 2020, Universal Journal of Educational Research, volume:8, Issue: 2 ,
    9. Halabi O., “Immersive virtual reality to enforce teaching in engineering education”, 2020, Multimedia Tools and Applications, volume: 79, Issue: 43894,
    10. Khandakar A., Chowdhury M.E.H., Gonzales A.S.P., Touati F., Emadi N.A., Ayari M.A. “Case study to analyze the impact of multi-course project-based learning approach on education for sustainable development” 2020, Sustainability (Switzerland), volume: 12, Issue: 2,
    11. Shurair A.S.A., Pokharel S. “Stakeholder’s perception of service quality: a case in Qatar”, 2019, Quality Assurance in Education, volume:27, Issue:4,
    12. Saleh M., Aljaram J.M. “Towards adaptive multimedia system for assisting children with Arabic learning difficulties”,2019 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, JEEIT 2019 – Proceedings,
    13. Al-Sheeb B.A., Hamouda A.M., Abdella G.M. “Modeling of student academic achievement in engineering education using cognitive and non-cognitive factors” 2019, Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, volume: 11, Issue:2,
    14. Ghemri F., Bouras A. “Innovative Education in Cyber Security Field Through Collaborative Education” 2019, TIMES-iCON 2018 - 3rd Technology Innovation Management and Engineering Science International Conference ,
    15. Du X., Ebead U., Sabah S., Ma J., Naji K.K. “Engineering students' approaches to learning and views on collaboration: How do both evolve in a PBL environment and what are their contributing and constraining factors?”, 2019,Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, volume:15, Issue:11
    16. Gasmi H., Bouras A. “Ontology Based Education/Industry Collaboration Modeling: Opportunities and Challenges” 2018, Proceedings - 2017 7th World Engineering Education Forum, WEEF 2017- In Conjunction with: 7th Regional Conference on Engineering Education and Research in Higher Education 2017, RCEE and RHEd 2017, 1st International STEAM Education Conference, STEAMEC 2017 and 4th Innovative Practices in Higher Education Expo 2017, I-PHEX 2017,
    17. Ghemri F., Bouras A., Gasmi H., “Framework of Experiential Learning to Enhance Student Skill”, 2018, Proceedings - 2017 7th World Engineering Education Forum, WEEF 2017- In Conjunction with: 7th Regional Conference on Engineering Education and Research in Higher Education 2017, RCEE and RHEd 2017, 1st International STEAM Education Conference, STEAMEC 2017 and 4th Innovative Practices in Higher Education Expo 2017, I-PHEX 2017,
    18. Halabi O., Abou El-Seoud M.S., Geroimenko V.,“Teaching design project in introductory engineering course using 3D modeling and immersive virtual reality”,2018, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing,
    19. Bouras A., Gasmi H., Ghemri F., “Cooperative information security/cybersecurity curriculum development”, 2018, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, volume: 235,
    20. Abdulwahed M., Hasna M.O., “The role of engineering design in technological and 21st century competencies capacity building: Comparative case study in the Middle East, Asia, and Europe”, 2017,Sustainability (Switzerland), volume:9, Issue: 4,  
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    31. Mahgoub Y., “Project based learning for urban design education: Resilient cities under rapid urban change, the case of Doha, Qatar”, 2015, Proceedings of 2015 International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning, ICL 2015,
    32. Alhazbi S., “ARCS-based tactics to improve students' motivation in computer programming course”, 2015, 10th International Conference on Computer Science and Education, ICCSE 2015,
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    34. Jibril F.I., Yasser B.M., Abdulwahed M., Hasna M.O., Benammar M.A., Ghani S.A., “Contributions of competition based complex engineering design experience to leadership development in engineering students”, 2015, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, volume:122nd ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: Making Value for Society, Issue:122nd ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: Making Value for Society,
    35. Balakrishnan B., Tarlochan F., “Engineering students' attitude towards engineering ethics education”, 2015, IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON, volume:2015-April,
    36. Yasser B.M., Abdulwahed M., Alammari R., Ghani S.A., Hasna M.O., “The impact of authentic complex engineering design experience for k-12 students on 21st century attributes and perceptions towards STEM fields (Evaluation, Strand 3)”, 2015, ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, volume:122nd ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: Making Value for Society, Issue:122nd ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition: Making Value for Society,
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    38. Ali Z.F., Al-Dous K., Samaka M., “Problem-based learning environments in Moodle: Implementation approaches”, 2015, IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON, volume:2015-April,
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    41. Karkar A.G., Saleh M., Saad S., Al Ja'Am J.M.,“An arabic ontology-based learning system for children with intellectual challenges”, 2014, IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON,
    42. Alhazbi S., “Using e-journaling to improve self-regulated learning in introductory computer programming course”, 2014, IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON,
    43. Hamad J.A., Hasanain M., Abdulwahed M., Al-Ammari R., “Ethics in engineering education: A literature review”, 2013, Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE,
    44. Boashash B., “Principles of excellence in Engineering education applied to GCC/MENA Engineering Colleges and comparison with Australia and France: A thesis with analysis, results, observations”, 2013, 2013 7th IEEE GCC Conference and Exhibition, GCC 2013,
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    46. Khair R., Abdulwahed M., Hamouda A., Hasna M.O., “From global to local: Investigation of necessary engineering skills for KBE transformation in Qatar in the context of global engineering attributes”, 2013, Proceedings - Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE,
    47. Erradi A., Almerekhi H., Nahia S., “Game-based micro-learning approach for language vocabulary acquisition using lingosnacks”, 2013, Proceedings - 2013 IEEE 13th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2013,
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    49. Ali Z., Samaka M., “EPBL: Design and implementation of a Problem-based Learning environment”, 2013, IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON,
    50. Dandashi A., Alja'Am J.M., Saleh M., “A combined Cognitive Multimedia Model for children with intellectual disabilities”, 2013, IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference, EDUCON,
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