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    Training, Workshops & Seminars


    Elisabeth Gerber and Michael Traugott - Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan

    This workshop introduced participants to the design of experiments in surveys. Well-designed experiments gave a researcher improved causal leverage over the simple observation of differences within a traditional survey. Organized around the Total Survey Error (TSE) approach to the design of surveys, it emphasized different kinds of experiments that were introduced at different stages of the survey process. This included experiments directed to sample design, mode of interviewing, interviewing, and questionnaire design (wording, order, and response categories). In addition to examples of different designs, the workshop also focused on examples of analytical approaches to evaluating experimental data.


    Session 1

    Session 2

    Session 3

    Session 4

    Session 5

    Session 6

    Session 7

    Session 8

    Session 9


    Experiment Workshop alphabetical

    Experiment Workshop by experiment type

    Experiment Workshop by topic

    Course Outline


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    Research Seminar: Women’s Transition into the Labor Force

    The impact of the cultural dimension on women’s participation in the workforce: gender, family and profession in Qatar



    The system of cultural values in Qatari society is shaped by religious beliefs in addition to social customs and traditions. There are several interrelated factors when trying to analyze the cultural factors affecting the participation of women in the labor market, as the impact of these factors cannot be separated from the economic and institutional conditions and factors. The results of a study conducted by the Social and Economic Survey Research Institute entitled "Public Attitudes towards Women's Participation in the Labor Market", showed that despite Qatari society's support for women's participation in working outside the home, women face challenges related to the family and marriage, and not related to cultural or social values.


    Purpose of the discussion

    The main objective of the panel discussion is to enhance knowledge related to cultural depth by discussing with Qatari men and women their views on the results of this study and the analysis of social policies associated with it. This provides the researcher with opportunities for a deep understanding of the issues of cultural factors affecting women's work. Moreover, the focus group will also contribute to generating new ideas and formulating common concepts that transcend individual information and reflect the values and viewpoints of its participants. It allows participants to re-evaluate their views on the topic after hearing the views of others.





    Agenda of the panel discussion

    5 mins

    Welcome speech

    Dr. Noora Lari-head of policy department

    Panel discussion topics

    10 mins

    The intellectual gap between generations


    10 mins

    Family and marital problems, customs and traditions


    10 mins

    Labor Standards and Policies


    10 mins

    Qatari society's support of women's work


    Panel discussion conclusion