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February 2 - 5, 2020

Grand Hyatt Doha Hotel, Qatar

To Download the Proceedings of the CIC 2020, Please Click Here.

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Welcome to the International Conference on Civil Infrastructure and Construction (CIC2020). The aim of the conference is to provide a platform to discuss next-generation infrastructure and its construction among key players such as researchers, industry professionals and leaders, local government agencies, clients, construction contractors and policymakers in the construction industry.The central theme of the conference is in Civil Infrastructure and Construction with special emphasis on importantaspects for the industrial sector such as: sustainability,innovation, and technological impact.


The conference is organized by Qatar University and the Public Works Authority (Ashghal). The conference will have a number of professional partners from engineering societies inside and outside Qatar including the Institute of Civil Engineers (ICE), Engineers Australia, the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), the Green Building Council. The conference will have world-class keynote speakers from top international engineering organizations and societies. Invitation will also be made to the policy makers and key-figures in Qatar in the field of infrastructure and construction to present at the conference.


  • Research and technological advancements in civil infrastructure and construction

  • Case studies – lessons learned

  • Best practices in infrastructure development and construction

  • Bringing experiences of practitioners, policy makers and research scholars together


The conference welcomes the papers in the following four thematic areas:

  • Construction Management and Process

  • Materials and Transportation Engineering

  • Geotechnical, Environmental and Geo-environmental Engineering

  • Sustainability, Renovation and Monitoring of Civil Infrastructure



Platinum Sponsors 


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Gold Sponsors

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Silver Sponsors

AlTawfiq   QBC  WSP

Professional Partners 


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