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EGC Policies

Possible Risks and Harms

There are no possible risks or harms for the participants involved in this educational framework. The learning activities do not involve any biological, chemical or radioactive hazards, etc. The training does not include any human, animal or plant samples. The training is conducted under strict health and safety supervision provided by the instructors and trainers. The QU- Legal Department has already reviewed and approved the training context as well as the application forms used in this educational framework. The male and female participants are trained separately in different locations within Qatar University.

Withdrawal Policy

The participants have the right to withdraw at any stage of the project, however this requires written notice from the participant’s parent/guardian explaining the reasons of withdrawal. In case of withdrawal, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and the school will be notified, the withdrawn participant’s data will be transferred to the archive and will remain confidential and not suitable for follow up or statistical usage in this project. No community service hours will be granted to the withdrawn students as per the agreement with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.

Financial Obligations

Empower Generations Educational Framework is offered free of charge for high school students. No financial obligations are required from the parents/guardians, or schools.

Maintaining the Data and Participant's Confidentiality

The data concerning the participants’ identity will be maintained in permanent & confidential records at the College of Health Sciences. Disclosing the participants confidential information such as name, phone number, age, gender, school, etc. is prohibited.

Data Usage and Statistical Results

The data concerning the initial career interest and final career choices will be analyzed statistically upon the participant’s completion of their high school degree. A team of researchers will screen the annual admission lists to QU Health. The admission list will be crossed-checked with the participants’ list of the projects. For those participants who are not found in the admission list and expected to be registered in other local or international universities, a group of researchers will communicate with the participants and their guardians through emails and documented phone calls to gather information regarding their final career choices. The collected data will be analyzed statistically to evaluate the effectiveness of this educational framework.

The involved data will include the number of participants annually and their initial career choices, versus the exit survey results and the final career choices. The results will be published in recognized peer-reviewed journals every three to five years of the study until 2030 in compliance with the Qatar National Vision. The participants, business partners, schools, ministries and society have the right to access these results once published.