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Message from the founding chair

Welcome to the Empower Generation Consortium

We believe that science transforms lives, strengthens communities’ well-being, and helps societies to improve the quality of lives.

The Empower Generations Consortium aims to enhance the conceptual development of life sciences and health care, grant youth the opportunity to pursue life-fulfilling careers that help them to dynamically engage with societies, heighten their competency levels, and influence their adeptness to their surroundings. These main goals are archetyped through a number of educational schemata within the consortium.

The operated projects under the consortium are firmly aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and Qatar National Vision 2030. It enterprises the investment in youths to shape stronger societies through several national and international collaborations in science education. The consortium functions within a broad range of educational and social contexts; it plays a substantial role in achieving the local equity and employability in the careers of life sciences and health care.

The consortium tackles career related challenges from the secondary education’s platform through facilitating genuine engagement of high school students with professors and researchers. This initiative helps new generations to meet their role models at various health care facilities and re-enforces responsibility. Eventually, the project strives to invest in our youth, in order to build a solid foundation of national human resources and create a culture of productivity.

  • Chaired by Prof. Asmaa Ali J F Althani, PhD
  • Associate Vice President for Strategic Planning- VP office of Medical and Health Sciences
  • Professor of Virology- College of Health Sciences
  • Director of Biomedical Research Center - Qatar University
  • Chair of Qatar Genome Program Committee
  • Board Vice Chairperson - Qatar BioBank