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Director’s Message

I am very pleased to welcome you to Qatar University’s Core Curriculum Program (CCP) in the Deanship of General Studies.

To ensure quality and viability in all Program aspects and find its niche, the CCP will further pursue the institutional work and the preceding sincere and tireless efforts to revamp the Program.

As the name suggests, the Core Curriculum is the hallmark and cornerstone of QU’s undergraduate education. The Core helps all QU students- regardless of their academic disciplines- recognize own identity and appreciate its underlying values; develop knowledge of human cultures, physical and natural world and internal and external influences that affect human behavior and social interaction; develop an understanding of human cultures and demonstrate knowledge of various modes of human thought. The Core advances their intellectual and practical skills and competencies that are needed for their academic success, intellectual maturity, responsible citizenship, and to launch a successful and meaningful future. These include communication, critical thinking, quantitative literacy, civic responsibility, digital information literacy, entrepreneurial thinking, identity, and cultural diversity.

The Core Curriculum is a set of carefully selected robust and distinct courses from many academic disciplines that are distributed into six packages: Identity and Communication, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Humanities and Fine Arts, Core Knowledge and Skills in addition to supplemental College/ Program package.

Our ultimate goal and the focus is to produce well-rounded, competent and ethically and socially responsible citizens and life-long learners who are able to bring about positive change and work for the greater good in Qatar and the humankind.

I feel extremely happy and privileged to lead this amazing CCP team. We will pursue our diligent work to improve our Program.

Guided by QU strategy and community needs, we are providing an ongoing platform for improving our core courses. We are also supporting our stakeholders in colleges and programs. We will pursue our plans to help our colleague faculty members in colleges towards implementing the five excellence themes adopted by Qatar University.

In efforts to enrich our program, I invite you to share with us your creative and inspiring ideas that could benefit the CCP and help us gain different perspectives on how to move forward in the near future.

You can contact me at:

Dr. Saba Mansoor Qadhi

Director, Core Curriculum Program