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    FAQ (Frequently Asked  Questions) is a collection of  Questions commonly asked by faculty before, during and after the recruitment and relocation process to Qatar University and to Doha.


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    Residence permits and immigration process

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    Human Resources department

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    Academic matters

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    Financial matters

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    Family matters

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    Fulbright Scholars and Students

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     How safe is Qatar?

    Qatar is a very safe country. Generally, crime is not an issue for travelers and residents. However, we recommend that you take normal precautions against theft. Please do not leave your wallet, purse or your credit card unattended.

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    What can I wear in Qatar?

    No one can prevent you from dressing the way you like, but chances are you will feel more comfortable blending in, at least in public places. People in Qatar favor conservative clothing. It is advisable to avoid revealing or tight fitting clothes. Anything that covers the knees, most of the chest and at least a  quarter of the arms is suitable.

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    How is the weather like in Qatar?

    The weather is generally pleasant in winter and hot and humid during the summer months. Winter daytime temperatures average a very pleasant 20-35 degrees Celsius (68-95 degrees Fahrenheit), although nights can be relatively cool. You will need to wear a sweater or a light coat during the winter. In summer, the temperature gets as high as 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit).

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    What is the voltage of electricity supply in Qatar?

    The voltage in Qatar is 220 - 240 Volts, 50 Hz.

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    Are there any recreational facilities in Doha?

    There are many recreational facilities and health fitness centers in Doha. All major hotels in the city have health and wellness programs such as aerobics, fitness classes, gyms, spa treatments, yoga and Pilates. Additionally, there are many sports and sporting associations such as bowling, baseball, basketball, cycling, fencing, hockey, golf and equestrian. Comedy, dancing, drama, music are also some of the things that you can get involved with while in Doha.

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    Are there internet cafes in Doha?

    You will find many internet cafes in Doha. The cost is QR5.00 per hour. Free dial up internet connection from your home is also available through the University IT Department. If you want to purchase a faster internet connection, there are the ISDN and ADSL services available from QTel. However, please note that you can't apply for any of the above mentioned services prior to obtaining your Residence Permit and installing a landline.

    For more information on broadband connection, please contact Ooredoo. You can access their website at

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    What should I do upon receiving the offer letter?

    Please ensure that you email your acceptance of the offer to the addresses shown on your offer letter.

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    When will I be informed about my recruitment progress?

    As soon as the Recruitment Section receives your acceptance email, you will be sent a welcome email which contains information about your next steps. You will have to provide the Recruiting Section with the necessary documents specified in the welcome email. Once the required documents are received the Recruiting Section will process your Entry Visa to Qatar.

    The required documents are:

    • Copy of candidate's passport
    • Copy of highest educational certificate/degree (University transcripts are accepted)
    • Copy of the passport of your spouse and dependent children (if applicable)
    • A copy of your marriage certificate (if applicable)
    • Copy of the birth certificate of your children (if applicable)
    •  Police Clearance Certificate of the candidate from his/her home country duly attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of his/her country and from the Qatari Diplomatic Mission in his/her country. 

    Allocation of accommodation and other relevant information will be communicated to you as soon as they become available from the Housing Department.

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    When should I expect to arrive in Doha?

    The 2013/2014 Academic Year Qatar University HR Orientation period begins on Monday, August 19, 2013 and ends on August 27, 2013. While you can commence your HR processing as late as September 1 (your report to work date), we encourage you to get a head start on the processing as unavoidable delays are common. Additionally, this will allow you and your family enough time to acclimatize yourselves to your new surroundings, and to get over any jet lag. Please note, since the official start date at Qatar University is September 1, you will not be compensated (other than provision of your residence) until September 30, 2013. However, you are entitled to apply for an advance on your first month's salary during the Orientation Week.

    Some faculty members have been offered administrative positions such as department heads. In such cases, the faculty member is considered an academic administrator and is expected to report to work on August 25, 2013.

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    Should I buy my travel ticket or will  Qatar University make my travel reservations?

    The Recruiting Section will get in touch with you once your Entry Visa is issued by the Department of Labor/Qatari Passport Office.

    Recruiting will ask you for your preferred routes of travel. The information will be passed to our travel coordinator who will make your reservations and send you an e-ticket.

    You may also make your own reservations and seek reimbursement from  Qatar University. However, the reimbursement amount will not exceed the  quotation amount received from Qatar Airways.

    If you have opted to arrange your own air travel tickets, please inform the Recruiting Section about your flight details. Please provide the carrier name, flight number, date of travel, departure and arrival times, number of people accompanying you and the estimated number of pieces of luggage you will be carrying. Send the information at least 2 weeks prior to your arrival date so that appropriate transportation can be provided.

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    What are the main documents that I have to carry with me when entering Qatar?

    Print out a copy of the scanned entry visa sent to you by the Recruiting Section and carry it with you while traveling to Qatar. The Immigration Officer at Doha International Airport will have your information in his/her computer and will stamp your passport accordingly.

    It will also be a good idea to carry  Qatar University key contact telephone numbers should you need to contact anyone in case of an emergency.

    If your pet is traveling with you, you must carry the original 'Permit to Import Pets (dogs and cats)' document issued by the Department of Animal Resources in the State of Qatar.

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    Will someone meet me at the airport?

    Yes, a  Qatar University driver will pick you up at the airport and take you to your assigned permanent accommodation.

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    Why do I need a Police Clearance or a good Conduct Certificate from my country?

    The Police Clearance sometimes referred to as a Good Conduct Certificate or a Criminal Record Check for Overseas Employment is a requirement of the State of Qatar from all citizens intending to work in Qatar. You will need this document in order to process your Residence Permit.


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    How do I get a Police Clearance/Good Conduct Certificate?

    Getting a police clearance or a good conduct certificate is the responsibility of the new hire. The University cannot provide assistance in this matter, however, we can only provide guidance based on information we may receive from local embassies.

    Per State of Qatar requirement, a new hire must provide a police clearance or a good conduct certificate from the same country that he/she is holding a passport from and intends to enter Qatar using that same passport. For example, if a new recruit is planning to enter Qatar on a US passport, they will have to provide the University with a police clearance from the US even if they are residing outside the country. The clearance must be original and stamped by the issuing agency. The clearance must also be authenticated from the employee's home country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Dept of State).

    Two options are available at this point: 1) Get further authentication from a Qatari Diplomatic representation in your country; or 2) Bring the document with you and take it to your embassy in Doha.

    It is essential to have the Police Clearance attested by your home country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and attested by a Qatari Diplomatic Mission in your country.  If you are in Qatar by the time you receive your Police Clearance, you may be able to further attest the document at your Embassy (if a diplomatic mission is available in Doha) and the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  If you country is not represented in Qatar you may take it to the British Embassy for authentication.

    Once stamped by your embassy in Qatar (or the British Embassy) you will have to take the document to the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs for their final attestation. Once the document with the signatures are secured you will need to submit it to  Qatar University's Passport Office to include it with your Residence Permit application.

    Please note that the process of getting this document takes a while and requires patience from your side. Therefore, you are advised to start having it processed as soon as possible. The University has made arrangements with the Qatari authorities to provide all faculty members an exemption for one year if they do not have their police clearance ready. If you do not have your police clearance ready by the time you apply for a Residence Permit, you will be issued a Residence Permit valid for one year. Once you secure the police clearance you can get your Residence Permit extended to three years. Therefore, for  Qatar University faculty members, having a police clearance on hand is not an entry criterion to Qatar. Please note that the police clearance is for the employee only. Family members do not need a police clearance.

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    What are the Residence Permit procedures in Qatar?

    The Work permit or Residence Permit process is a requirement for all expatriates if they are applying to work or reside in Qatar. All expatriates must undergo the process if they are applying for any type of permit.

    The Work permit or Residence Permit process consists of three procedures:

    • a physical examination conducted by the Medical Commission of Qatar
    • a blood typing test at a medical lab
    • a finger print process conducted by the Criminal Evidence and Investigation Department (CEID) of the State of Qatar

    The process starts once you arrive in Qatar.  Qatar University's External Relations will assist new hires arriving from outside Qatar in the process.

    If you are a local hire (hired from Doha) contact the Recruiting Section for guidance on the process.

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    What does the Medical Commission process entail?

    At the Medical Commission facility you will undergo a medical exam which consists of eye exam, chest sounded with a stethoscope, chest x-ray, and blood test for HIV antibodies, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. Children over 11 years of age must undergo a medical examination as well. Children under 11 are exempted from the medical examination. Be prepared to spend approximately 4 hours at the Medical Commission. Results are typically available in 3 working days.

    Any physical taken outside the Medical Commission is not accepted.

    Qatar University's External Relations will provide assistance to new hires hired from outside Qatar. If you have been hired from Qatar contact the Recruiting Section for guidance.

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    What does the Criminal Evidence & Investigation Department (CEID) process entail?

    Once your Medical Certificate is issued by the Medical Commission facility, you will be ready to visit the CEID to be finger printed. If you are a local hire (hired from Qatar) you will need to present your police clearance/good conduct certificate to the CEID. Otherwise, hand it to  Qatar University's Passport Office to apply for a 3 year Residence Permit.

    Male children over 12 years and female children over 16 years of age must undergo fingerprinting.

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    What happens after I complete the Medical Commission and CEID procedures?

    Qatar University's Passport Office will apply for your Residence Permit. It takes anywhere between 2-6 weeks to get your Residence Permit. You should plan to stay in the country during this entire time. Otherwise, you will have to start the process of the medical and finger printing all over again.

    Once your Residence Permit is issued,  Qatar University's Passport Office will apply for your Qatar Personal ID.

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    What do I need to apply for once I obtain a Residence Permit?

    Once you are issued a Residence Permit you can apply for the following:

    • A medical card
    • Transfer you family's sponsorship to yourself
    • Sign your  Qatar University contract
    • Process your permanent  Qatar University ID Card
    • Apply for a driver's license
    • Apply for a land line & broadband internet (if you wish)
    • Apply to sponsor a nanny/maid (if you wish)

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    When can my family get their Residence Permit?

    Qatar University will arrange for your family to enter Qatar through an Entry Visa. Once you get your Residence Permit processed, it is imperative that you transfer their sponsorship to yours.  Qatar University Passport Office will assist you on this during the orientation weeks.

    The residency is valid for the entire period of your contract.  However, if a member of the family (self, spouse, children) wishes to travel after getting the residency permit, he/she has to make sure that the stay outside of Qatar does not exceed 6 months duration.  If he/she does travel for more than 6 months, his/her visa will require renewal.  Visa renewal incurs some charge payable to the Immigration Department.

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    Is there a deadline to process my family's Residence Permit?

    The State of Qatar immigration law requires that the Residence Visa is processed within 30 days from the date of their arrival.

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    Can my spouse or dependent work in Qatar? Does he/she need work authorization?

    A female spouse can work under her spouse's or father's sponsorship without transferring it to  Qatar University's. However, a male spouse or dependent would be required to transfer his sponsorship to his new employer. Once your Residence Permit is obtained, your spouse or dependent can apply for a job outside Qatar University.

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    What if I get married after joining Qatar University, what are the procedures to bring my spouse to Qatar?

    You can apply to bring your family to Doha under your sponsorship. The University's Passport Office will process the visa for your family.

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    Can I bring a nanny (maid) from my country?

    Bringing a nanny or a maid is subject to Qatar Immigration approval. The University will provide a no objection letter to the Immigration Department of the State of Qatar. You need to follow up the procedures yourself.  Qatar University is not responsible to provide assistance in this regard.

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     What are the employment opportunities for my spouse, either full or part time?

    Your spouse may apply for any viable position through our online recruitment system ( The following are suggestions which may help with a job search:

    1. Qatar Foundation has a website for recruiting
    2. Also at Qatar Foundation, on their home page , click on ‘Education’ and this will take you to a listing of all the institutes affiliated with Qatar Foundation. Each institute has its own website with job listings.
    3. You can also check the daily classified ads of the local newspapers, one example is, they post their daily classified ads online. Links to local newspapers can be found on the 'Getting Settled' page of this website.
    4. There are two well known job recruiters in Doha, the first is and the second is, both have job listings of available positions in Doha.


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    Qatar University's mailing address

    Qatar University

    [Faculty or Program]

    Post Office Box 2713

    Doha, Qatar

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    What kind of accommodation should I expect?

    The University has several compounds in which faculty members are accommodated.  Depending on your position and grade level, size of your family and availability, the accommodation can be an apartment or a villa in a compound with or without facilities like a gym and a swimming pool. Academic staff and administrative personnel who are holding executive positions may be allocated villas.  Certain positions/job grade levels are entitled to a housing allowance in lieu of furnished accommodation.   Individuals, however, must comply with University requirements in order to receive this benefit.

    For more information on University housing please visit the Housing website at

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    Who decides which compound accommodation type I will be staying in?

    The Housing Committee decides on your compound/accommodation type.

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    How far is my accommodation from the University?

    Qatar University residential compounds are located throughout Doha. Accommodation is not within walking distance of the University. Depending on where you live and where your department/campus is, driving can take from 10 to 50 minutes during peak hours.

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    If after moving into the assigned accommodation, I realize it is not suitable for my family, can I move to another house?

    You should have acceptable reasons to move out from your place. You should inform the Housing Department as soon as possible. The Housing Committee will make a decision. If in your favor, the Housing Department will help you find a new house.

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    Will I be entitled to furniture allowance?

    If at the start of your employment with Qatar University, you elect not to take up University accommodation and are therefore entitled to a housing allowance, you may also be eligible for a once-off payment of furniture allowance.  Again, the amount depends on your academic grade and as a guide, this is QR 17,500 single and QR 35,000 for married employees for a Lecturer appointment.

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    What do I need to bring?

    This depends on your personal preferences however, one of the easiest ways of settling into your new life at Qatar University is to discover the many excellent shopping opportunities in and around Doha.  The choice is yours, ranging from the charms of the traditional Souq Waqif to the many international and local brands available in flagship shopping malls such as Hyatt Plaza mall, Villagio mall, City Center mall, Landmark mall or the prestige shopping opportunities afforded at the Pearl Qatar development.  International grocery chains such as Carrefour or Giant Stores offer everything that you would need to stock your new household, including bathroom accessories, ironing boards as well as electronic and kitchen appliances.  Giant Stores has a dedicated Ex-pat aisle, making it easy to find familiar brands and products from ‘back home’. 

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    Is the accommodation furnished and what is supplied?

    All faculty accommodations are furnished with basic furniture such as beds, mattresses, closets, dressers, sofa, armchairs, dining table, chairs, TV and satellite, curtains, washing machines, refrigerator, electric or gas stove, air conditioners and some units are supplied with dishwashers.

    The kitchen is not supplied with a microwave nor with pots, pans, plates and utensils. The units are not supplied with linens, bed covers, towels, shower curtains, shower rods. You may bring these items with you or purchase them from the local market in Doha.

    Employees pay for their own utility bills.  However, when you first occupy your unit, you will be required to pay a deposit of QR 2000 to the Water & Electricity Board.  This is also referred to as a connection fee.  The QR 2000 will be refunded to you prior to your final departure from the country.

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    Are there any further details as to what type of housing is available and what condition it is in?

    For detailed information, you may contact the Director of Housing, Mr. Yousef Al Sada, via email at More information about housing and facilities is available on our website

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    Regarding the accommodation, is it shared accommodation?

    Accommodations are not shared; more information about housing and facilities is available on our website

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    If I choose not to take the housing offered, will I be given a housing allowance instead? If so, how much will it be?

    The Housing allowance depends on your academic ranking at Qatar University.  As a general guide, for a Lecturer appointment, this is QR 5250 for Single and QR 7000 for a Married couple per month. 


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    What kind of alternative accommodation is available in the Doha housing market, if I choose not to take the housing offered by Qatar University?

    Some accommodations are located in West Bay close to the Corniche area and City Center Shopping Mall at the Ezdan Hotel and Suites []. The rental costs of this type of housing might exceed the housing allowance, which depends upon your rank, and might need to be augmented out of your personal finances.    

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    Where is the Human Resources Department located?

     The Human Resources Department is in the Men's Campus, Administration Building, on the ground and 1st floors. 

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    Where is the Recruiting Section Located?

    The Recruiting Section is in the Men's Campus, Administration Building, on the Ground Floor, Room Nos. 123 & 125.

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     Where is  Qatar University Passport Office located? 

    Qatar University's Passport Office is in the Men's Campus, Administration Building, on the Ground Floor, Room No. 105.

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    What documents do I need to submit to the Recruiting Section during my initial days at  Qatar University?

    Provide the Recruiting Section with the following documents:

    • Original education  qualification certificate/diploma
    • Record of Employment (from previous employers)
    • Passport size photographs (3 pieces)
    • Passport (original)
    • Copy of Entry Visa
    • Copy of Police Clearance certificate attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your country and by a Qatari Diplomatic Mission in your country. (Please note that the original of this document must be given to  Qatar University's Passport Office).

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    When will I sign my contract?

    You can only sign your contract once your Residence Permit is issued. However, you may request a mock copy of your contract prior to your arrival to Doha.

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    Will I have my own mailing box at the University?

    No, but you will be able to use the University's mailing address to receive mail. The address is:

    Qatar University (The name of your college & department) P.O. Box 2713 Doha, Qatar

    Please note that a personal Post Office Box could be rented for a nominal fee from Q-Post, the postal service provider for Qatar. You can access their website at

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    Is there any shipping allowance for my children?

    There is no shipping allowance for your children. You can bring the household goods from anywhere within the amount stated in your offer letter.

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    I am shipping my personal items. What procedure should I follow to pick them up?

    You can ship your belongings in your name c/o University address. Contact a shipping company in your country and arrange with them to ship door-to-door or door-to-port. Please arrange for your goods to arrive in Doha after your arrival date in the country as  Qatar University does not have storage facilities.

    In case you chose to airfreight your personal belonging door-to-port, you will need to go to the Cargo Terminal of Doha International Airport and arrange with a local clearing agent (found on site) to clear your shipment. Please note that although this is a cheaper method than shipping door-to-door the clearing agent will not be able to transport your goods from the airport to your residence.

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    Where do I rent a car from?

     Most new comers opt to rent a car until they are ready to purchase one.   Qatar has excellent road infrastructure with clear street signs in Doha and around the country, making it easy to travel from your assigned University accommodation to the Campus in the West Bay area. Indeed Qatar University is clearly signposted on the main highway, making travel by car an easy option. It is therefore advisable for new arrivals to investigate renting or purchasing a car as soon as they arrive.  A number of international and local car rental companies operate in Qatar, with some providing the service of bringing your rental car to your accommodation.

    To rent a car, it is recommended to budget approximately QR2000 for a compact car from a reputable rental company. Discounts may apply for rentals over 3-6 months, although it is generally advisable to consider purchasing a car if your stay in Doha is longer. If your driver's license is issued in the West, you may use your country's driver's license for 7 days after which you need to apply for a temporary driver's license. When your Residence Permit is issued, you can apply for a permanent Qatari Driver's License. Depending on the country of issue of your driving licence, you may transfer your licence to a Qatari Driver's license without taking a driving test.

    You may also bring an international driver's license if you are planning to rent a car which may allow you more time to apply for your temporary/permanent Qatari driving licence. However, not all rental companies or insurance companies will accept an international driver's license. 

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    How do I get a landline telephone and high speed Internet connections?

    After you receive your work permit or residence permit, you can apply for a landline through the local telecommunication provider.

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    How can I get a mobile phone?

    New hires will receive a mobile phone, a SIM card and a pre-paid credit of QR100 during the HR Orientation Week. The cost of the pre-paid credit will be deducted from your monthly salary.  You may subscribe to the pre-paid service provided by Ooredoo or Vodafone and get a mobile number. You may continue to purchase a pre-paid phone card to make your calls. 

    Two types of mobile phone services are available in Qatar: Pre-paid (Hala) and post-paid. The post-paid service allows you to make an unlimited number of calls and is paid on a monthly basis. Hala works on a pre-paid credit basis and must be renewed periodically. Post-paid service requires that you have a Residence Visa. Both types of services are offered by Ooredoo, the only telecommunication service provider in Qatar. For more information please visit Ooredoo at or Vodaphone at .

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    Can I bring my pet to Qatar?

    Pets are allowed into Qatar. Keep in mind that you will likely live in an apartment, so a large dog may not be comfortable. In addition, summer temperatures are often too hot for pets to spend much time outdoors.

    Inform the Recruiting Section of your desire to bring your pet. You will have to provide us with a scanned copy of their vaccination records including rabies shot and a health certificate issued by a government approved veterinary clinic at the point of origin. The health certificate must be dated no earlier than two weeks prior to the date of the animal's arrival date to Qatar. The Recruiting Section will obtain the import permit from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture (MMAA) and courier the document to you. The import of certain larger breeds such as Boxers, Bulldogs, Rottweilers and Great Danes are not allowed into Qatar.

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    Can I open an account with any bank in the State of Qatar?

    Yes, you can. There are many banks in Qatar. Qatar National Bank (QNB) and Masraf Al-Rayyan have branches on campus, Islamic banks, and other international banks such as HSBC and Standard Chartered are also available in Doha.

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    Where will I have my monthly pay deposited?

    You must open a local bank account. Qatar National Bank and Masraf Al-Rayyan have branches on campus.  You must provide the Recruiting Section with your bank details after you open an account. This document is in the form of a salary transfer certificate provided by the bank.  Please ensure that this document is handed to the Recruitment Section.

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    If I decide to leave the university before my contract expires, what are the procedures that I must follow?

    The separation terms are provided in your contract. Generally, faculty should give 6 months notice to the department head. Otherwise they may lose some of the allowances mentioned in their contract. Non-academic staff should give a minimum of 2 months notice prior to leaving.

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     What is the University's policy and regulations for the annual incremental increase?

    The annual incremental increase for both faculty and staff is subject to the yearly performance appraisal scheme. The incremental increase is based on budget availability.

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    Will QU compensate me for the airline tickets from the U.S. to Doha when I will arrive with my family in August?

    Yes. In line with Qatar University Policy and Procedures, a faculty member is compensated for airline tickets from his/her point of origin as negotiated in the contract. Hence you will be compensated for air tickets when you arrive for yourself, your spouse and up to 3 children aged less than 18 years of age. 

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    What are the termination rules and conditions?

    The service of a faculty/staff member may be terminated for one of a number of reasons:

    • As a result of disciplinary action
    • For poor performance
    • Redundancy
    • End of a fixed term contact
    • For medical reasons
    • Reaches 60 years of age

    This is not an exhaustive list. In case of termination during a probationary period, no advance notice is given. In all other cases  Qatar University will either provide or pay the notice period stated in the contract and will pay termination benefits.

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    Am I entitled for annual paid leave? If so how many days can I take leave?

    Non-academic staff are entitled to 40 calendar days per annum. Faculty is entitled to take annual paid leave for the number of days specified in the yearly academic calendar. On average it is two months every year.

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    Is the contract renewable?

    As per Qatar University Policies, when desired, the University will negotiate a new contract with the faculty member before the end of the first semester of the final contract year.

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    Do you offer a rolling contract?

    Regular faculty members may be offered a four-year rolling contract at the end of his/her regular term contract. A rolling contract is for faculty who are expected to continue their employment at the University for an extended period of time.

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    What is the process for applying for promotion?

    The conditions for promotion are cumulative achievement in the areas of:

    1. Academic requirement achievements (Teaching and Instructional development). Scholarly endeavors including research activities. Contribution to the University and society.
    2. All promotions shall be recommended to the College/University Promotion Committee that will recommend them to the Vice President and Chief Academic Officer, for approval.
    3. A Faculty member is eligible to apply for promotion to the higher rank when he/she meets all the requirements specific to the rank for which he/she applied.
    4. If an application is rejected, the applicant may apply for the same rank after the elapse of six months from the date of the University Promotion Committee decision if evidence of new scholarly, creative or scientific production is provided.

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    What duration of time typically pass before promotions to Associate Professor and Full Professor occur?

    To be promoted to Associate Professor or Full Professor, you must maintain Assistant or Associate Professorship for a minimum of 5 years before applying.

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    When I applied to Qatar University, I applied for an associate professor position since I already have several conferences and journal publications. Why was I not considered for the associate professor rank?

    According to Qatar University Bylaws and contractual regulation, you can only be appointed to the Associate Professor rank if you have been promoted to this rank in your previous academic institution and you must provide evidence of such promotion. However, you can apply for academic promotion at Qatar University after completion of one year of employment.

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    What will be my teaching load?

    The annual teaching workload for a faculty member is 21 ICH, distributed over two semesters, with the exception of the first year of employment where the faculty member has a reduced load of 18 ICH.

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    What other benefits are there?

    • An annual increment that varies between 3% and up to 5% of the basic salary.
    • One and a half month salary as a bonus for recognition of achievers.
    • Qatar University gives an annual grant (up to 15% of the monthly basic salary x 12 months), to those high achievers that need to be recognized on the university level. Winning of this award is based on merit in their teaching and service to the university.
    • Interest-free car loans are available to all employees.
    • Qatar University offers ample opportunities for Faculty Development and continuing education. We provide full support for attending conferences. We offer a wide range of workshops facilitated by well known local, regional and international instructors.
    • Qatar University offers internal research grants equivalent to more than one million dollars annually. Please refer to the web page, Grants (

    There is also ample research funding from QNRF (Qatar National Research Fund). The Qatar National Research Fund web site (​/) has all pertinent information on the National Priorities Research Program (NPRP), as well as, the Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP). Twenty Five million dollars was recently granted to the awardees of the NPRP.


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    Can I negotiate my salary package?

    You are not "expected" to negotiate a higher salary than is initially offered, but at the same time you should not hesitate to negotiate an offer that is unreasonable. Just make sure that you base your decision on accurate information.

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    Can I negotiate the benefits?

    The benefits offered by Qatar University are standardized across the University and are non-negotiable.

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    What is the timeframe for the pre-employment process?

    On average the pre-employment process can take up to 12 weeks. Sometimes it may take less time or it could take longer, it depends on various factors including when you return your pre-employment paperwork and when you return the forms required by Human Resources.

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    What is the average of monthly cost of living in Doha?

    This varies depending on the number of people in your household. The average is about 6000 - 8000 QR. The highest living expense in Doha is "housing rent" which is already covered by Qatar University.

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    Is the furnished accommodation a villa or an apartment?

    We provide furnished housing as a choice of either an apartment or a villa depending on your preference. Qatar University always offers villas for faculty members. Both have three bedrooms, but the Villa has the privilege of a small garden and an office room. More information about housing and facilities is available on our web site​using_department/.

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    Are we allowed to choose our own housing from a list of available housing?

    No, the Housing Committee decides on your compound/accommodation and is dependant upon availability.

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    How far is housing from the university, is it within walking distance or is transportation required?

    There are no compounds within walking distance to the university, so you will need transportation.

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    Is health insurance private or public?

    Health insurance is very high quality governmental insurance.

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     Will my salary be tax free even if I'm in Qatar for only one year or slightly less than one year?

    Qatar imposes no income tax but your home country may.    Check with a knowledgeable tax consultant in the country that might levy a tax on your Qatar earned income.  

     ^ top

    With regard to insurance, what will the coverage be on trips to the United States?

    The private health insurance plan offered to all QU employees is worldwide. The private insurance is renewed annually. For details refer to the Qatar University Insurance Policy on the Portal under the My Services tab.

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    What types of schools are available in Qatar?

    There are 3 types of schools, public, independent, and private. Public schools are tuition-free, while independent schools are at low costs.

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    Will Qatar University pay my children's school fees in their entirety or just a fraction?

    Qatar University will cover education fees for at most three children starting from first grade and until 18 years of age.  The maximum yearly amount for each child is 45000 Qatari Riyals.  Therefore, for three children the maximum yearly allowance is 135000 Qatari Riyals; for two children it is 90000 Qatari Riyals.

    ^ top

    If my children decide to continue their education at home, will I still be eligible for education allowance?

    Your children must attend school here in Qatar to be eligible for the education allowance.

    ^ top

    Can the airfare for children be extended for my 15 year-old daughter who resides in the U.S. with her mother but may visit us in Qatar?

    Yes, your daughter would be eligible for a ticket allowance once per year. However, when she arrives in Qatar, she will need to process her residency paperwork and obtain resident status. This residency status would allow her to get a return ticket back to the states. The residency permit would showcase that she has resided in Qatar and would therefore be entitled to a return ticket.

    Your daughter will need to maintain her residency status in Qatar in order to benefit from the ticket allowance. It is important to note that to maintain the residency status, she must not be away from Qatar for more than 6 months. If she does not visit within the 6 month time frame, her residency permit will be cancelled and she will not be able to process a new residency permit application unless at least two years have elapsed from the earlier stay in Qatar. These are the ministry of interior residency policies that prevail across the country.

    ^ top

    Are there provisions for compassionate leave or family emergencies?

    Yes, there is a compassionate leave policy that would allow you take a one week leave in the case of death of any immediate relative.

    ^ top

    How much is the end of service gratuity?

    End of service gratuity is equal to one month's salary for every year of service.

    ^ top

    Is there any baggage allowance for my children?

    You and your spouse are the only ones eligible for the baggage allowance.

    ^ top

    Is the transportation allowance an extension of the monthly salary, or is it exclusively a car allowance?

    The transportation allowance is an extension of your monthly salary. You are free to use it as you wish i.e. car rental, car purchase, driver, etc.  Should you wish to purchase a car, this will be in your name and you will bear all responsibilities associated with owning a car, i.e., insurance, licensing, registration.  Qatar University offers interest free car loans to all employees. 

    ^ top

    Are there any ethical considerations?

    Yes. Once you have accepted a job offer, you must terminate all other job-search activity. Notify all other employers that you are no longer available for employment, and cancel any interviews you might have pending. Acceptance of an offer is a commitment. If you are not ready to make that commitment, do not accept the job offer. 

    ^ top

    What are the educational allowances for our children?

    Qatar University will cover education fees for at most three children starting from first grade and until 18 years of age.  The maximum yearly amount for each child is 45000 Qatari Riyals.  Therefore, for three children the maximum yearly allowance is 135000 Qatari Riyals; for two children it is 90000 Qatari Riyals.

    This is Human Resources policy that cannot be amended.

    ^ top

    When do I need to present the original documents pertaining my academic qualification?

    Once you have accepted our job offer, Mr. Omar Al Jeilani, Head of Recruitment, will be in contact with you regarding the submission of the required documentation.

    For more comprehensive answers to the most frequently asked questions, please visit HR Department.

    ^ top

    As I understand it, I will be doing quite a bit of business travel in this position. Will I be issued a multiple exit visa to facilitate these business trips?

    All faculty members receive a renewable multiple exit permit which allows them to travel outside Qatar at their discretion. The Teaching Assistants on grade G are not issued multiple exit visas.

    ^ top

    Of what does the Residence Permit process consist?

    The Residence Permit process consists of:

    • a physical examination conducted by the Medical Commission of Qatar;
    • a finger print process conducted by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the State of Qatar.

    The Residence Permit process is a requirement for all expatriates if they are applying to work or reside in Qatar for over 6 months. All expatriates must undergo the process if they are applying for any type of visa other than a tourist visa.

    ^ top

    Who looks after the Residence Permit process?

    QU’s Recruitment Section will provide you with a letter to take to the Medical Commission.

    ^ top

    Who pays for the documents and related service costs?

    Qatar University will reimburse the employee for processing fees charged by the Medical Commission and the Immigration Department. The cost of getting a medical is QR 150. Please keep your receipts as proof of payment.

    ^ top

    Where will I live in Doha? How far is the compound from the University? Do I have a choice between an apartment and a villa?

    Most Fulbright Scholars/students stay at the University Guest House. It is approximately half an hour away from the University Campus.

    ^ top

    Is the accommodation for Fulbright scholars furnished and what is supplied?

    The accommodation has basic furniture such as: beds, closets, dining table, a sofa and chairs. A TV and satellite connection is also available. The kitchen is supplied with pots, pans, plates and utensils, a fridge, an oven and a washing machine. Some units are supplied with dishwashers.

    The units are supplied with linen, bed covers, towels, shower curtains, shower rods. The kitchen is not supplied with a microwave.

    ^ top

    Describe the Internet connection:

    QU is in the process of installing wireless connection in the Guest House. The service will be ready be September 08.

    ^ top

    How do I get a mobile/cell phone?

    QU will provide all new arrivals with a SIM card and a mobile phone (Contact Mr Moh’d Hussein, External Relations). You may opt to keep the mobile phone with you or return it to HR after two months of employment. The SIM card is yours to keep. The cost of the SIM card and the pre‐paid minutes for QR 150 must be reimbursed to the External Relations as soon as you pick up your mobile phone. You may continue to purchase a pre‐paid phone card to make your calls. You may also choose to subscribe to the post‐paid service with QTel, the local telecommunication provider.

    ^ top

    Where do I rent a car from?

    Most new comers opt to rent a car until they are ready to purchase one. It costs approximately QR 2000 per month to rent a car. Please contact the Recruiting Section for a list of car rental companies and private taxi firms (locally known as ‘limousines’).

    If your driver’s license is issued in the West, you may use your country’s driver’s license for 7 days after which you need to apply for a temporary driver’s license. When your Residence Permit is issued, you can apply for a permanent Qatari Driver’s License. Some country’s licenses are transferable to a Qatari Driver’s license without taking a driving test.

    You may also bring an international driver’s license if you are planning to rent a car. However, not all rental companies will accept an international driver’s license.

    ^ top

    Is transportation provided?

    During the first two weeks of your arrival, transportation is provided by the University (to and from Campus only). This service is provided to help you get by until you rent a car.

    ^ top

    How can I get a vehicle permit/parking permit?

    During the HR Orientation & In-processing week you will be able to apply for a vehicle permit in order to access the Women's Campus with your vehicle. If you have your own car you can go ahead and apply for a permanent permit. If you are renting a car you will require a temporary vehicle permit which you can renew every 2 weeks. You must have the permit returned to the Safety & Security Section once you sell your car, change your vehicle plate number or even if you have a car accident.

    If you have a vehicle permit you can park your car anywhere in the designated faculty/staff parking areas.

    Your contact person on vehicle permits at the Safety & Security Section is Mohamed Mubarak Al-Dosari, Unit Head of Transportation. Mr. Al-Dosari can be reached at 4403-3565.

    ^ top

    Does the University provide transport to and from work?

    Starting from August 29th, 2007 and for 6 consecutive weeks, there will be a shuttle run every morning at 8:00 AM from Al-Zuhoor 2 residential compound to QU Administration Building and at 2:00 PM from QU Administration Building to Al-Zuhoor 2 residential compound. After this period you should plan to rely on your own transportation method.

    ^ top

    Will the University give me a loan to buy a car?

    The University provides an interest free car loan, repayable over three years. Please refer to QU HR policies and procedures as the amount provided differs from one grade level to another.

    ^ top

    What is driving like in Qatar?

    Driving is on the right-hand side of the road. Speed limits are 50, 60, 80, 100 and 120 KMs /hr. A number of streets and traffic lights are under radar or camera surveillance. The penalty for jumping a red light is QR3000. Wearing seat belts is compulsory for driver and co-passenger, the fine for violation is QR200. Children below 10 are not allowed to sit in the front. Most of the roads in Qatar are three lanes with roundabouts and traffic signals.

    ^ top

    Can I import my car?

    The import of cars over 3 years old is not permitted by the State. However, you may wish to contact the Customs Department via email:; telephone +974-445-7457; fax +974-441-1550.

    ^ top

    When and where can I purchase a car?

    In accordance with Qatari Traffic regulations, you can purchase a vehicle only after obtaining your Residence Permit and a Qatari driver"s license. Qatar has many car dealerships selling new and used cars.

    ^ top

    Is auto insurance required in Qatar?

    Yes. There are many companies with different plans for various types of coverage. All insurers are mandated to issue what is called the 'Unified Motor Policy' document. This policy sets out terms and conditions for both full comprehensive and third-party insurance. However, wider coverage is available now through insurance brokers and some selected insurers, extending the scope of the terms of cover under the Unified Motor Policy.

    ^ top

    How long can I drive with my foreign driver's license?

    Until you receive your Permanent Residence. When you become a resident you are required to use a Qatari Driver's License.

    A driver’s license issued in the West permits the holder to drive in the country for 7 days using her/his country’s driver's license. If your country’s driver’s license is not accepted in Qatar, you may apply for a temporary driver's license.  Contact Mohamed Hussain in External Relations on 4403-3076, for assistance.


    ^ top

    What documents are required for obtaining a permanent Qatar driver's license? 

    To arrange for a permanent Qatar driver's license you will need the QU Transportation Department application form which is available from QU External Relations. The form must be duly signed by you and QU/HR Employee  Relations Section Head, Mohamed Hussain [4403-3076], the University’s authorized signatory. The documents that you need to present are:

    • Copy of passport
    • 3 passport size photographs (with eye glasses, if applicable, and on a non-white background);
    • Copy & original valid driver's license from home country
    • ID card of sponsor  (for family members only)
    • Temporary driver's license (if any)
    • Eye examination (conducted at the Driver’s License Department)
    • A processing fee of QR 155 (approx US$50) (paid by credit card or a debit card - nocash) and not reimbursed by QU.

      ^ top

    What is an official transcript?

    An official transcript is the University's certified statement of your academic record. The official transcript is printed on security sensitive paper and contains the University seal and signature of the University Registrar. An official transcript is a transcript received directly from the issuing institution or received from you in the original institutional sealed envelope, again, properly signed/authenticated.

    ^ top

    What is unofficial Transcript?

    We define an “Unofficial” Transcript as any transcript received from you and not in a sealed institutional envelope. Any transcript marked “Student Copy” or “Unofficial Transcript” or "Academic Record" obtained from your institution’s SIS Portal or Academic Records are recorded in the on-line application as “Received (Not Official).”

    ^ top

    I have an official transcript that I requested sometime ago and did not open it. Will you accept this?

    If the transcript is sealed with the institution seal and marked as an official transcript it should be valid and it will be accepted.

    ^ top

    Would you clarify what the transcript should state exactly?

    A transcript is a chronological listing of all coursework taken by a student in their PhD or Master’s programs.

    Also included on a transcript are:

    • Degrees earned from an accredited University
    • Transfer credit amounts
    • Cumulative credit totals and grade point averages
      There are two types of transcripts:
    • Unofficial - labeled as such (generally used on campus by students and advisors)
    • Official - labeled as such and stamped with the University seal (generally used to send to places outside the University)

    ^ top

    I have the originals with me and I will bring them to Qatar. Is this acceptable?

    No, in all cases, please send the original sealed transcript to the address mentioned in the e-mail or arrange for the official original sealed transcript to be sent to the same address

    ^ top 

    May I scan a copy of my transcript and email it?

    The original official transcript needs to be sent by mail to the address mentioned in the e-mail sent to you.

    ^ top

    There are no transcripts for a Doctorate in French Universities, what should I do?

    You need to send an original, official certification letter from your university registrar in a sealed envelope to the address mentioned in your e-mail.

    ^ top

    Regarding the transcript of ‘terminal’ degree please kindly clarify what you exactly mean by the word ‘terminal’?

    A terminal degree is defined as the "highest" degree available in a particular field. A Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) is often mentioned as the terminal degree in several fields of study. Other terminal degrees include: DA, DBA, Ed.D., DEng, DM, DMus, DMA, DPS, DSc, MD, et al. The purpose of a terminal degree is to ensure the highest level of competence in a particular discipline.

    ^ top

    My final degree was a Ph.D. obtained from a UK University where there is no taught course as part of the Ph.D. degree requirement. It is based on a viva examination, what should I do?

    Please request an original certification letter of your attainment of the degree, the letter must be official, original on university headed paper signed by the registrar, and it shoultranscriptaddressd be sent directly to the address in your e-mail or mailed by yourself to the same address.

    ^ top

    To which address should the official transcript be sent?

    You should have the official transcript mailed to:

    Office of the Dean

     {enter your college / program}
    Qatar University

    P.O. Box 2713

    Doha, Qatar

    Select your College or Program from the following:

    { College of Arts & Sciences | College of Business and Economics | College of Education | College of Engineering | College of Sharia and Islamic Studies |

    College of Law | College of Pharmacy | Foundation Program | Sports Science Program | Honors Program }  

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