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    Student Services

    Student Services Department provides services that aim to support the personal, academic and professional development of Qatar University students and contributes to providing a comprehensive and educational environment.

    In May 2019, the department’s reorganization was approved within the SLS division organization and three (3) Sections were established as follows:

    • Student Financial Services Section
    • University Text Book Section
    • Student Auxiliary Services Section: provides Campus Cards, Lockers Self-Service Photocopying, Internet Lounge, and Stationery Store.

    As a result, of this new structure, the department is able to address nimbly and directly the needs of a rapidly changing student population while ensuring the University graduate outcomes and National Vision 2030 are met effectively.

    The Department purposefully designed and structured its programs in compliance with the following international standards:

    1. Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) - Professional Standards for Higher Education; and
    2. ACPA-NASPA Professional Competency Areas for Student Affairs Educators.


    Student Services Department seeks to support student growth by facilitating the learning process by providing financial aid services, university books and a range of support services.


    In support of the Student Service Department's mission, the Department has the following goals:

    • Supporting student success by providing efficient services efficiently and in accordance with the department framework and developing existing services according to a permanent evaluation methodology.
    • Developing the types of financial aid and methods of providing it to serve students and provide various and sustainable sources of support
    • Providing learning resources whether from hard books or electronic books in a way that better serves the teaching/ learning process.
    • Improve and enhance the level of professional performance of the staff in the Student Services department.

    The Student Services Department has three main functions: Financial Aid Services, University Textbooks, and Student Auxiliary Services. These functions provide essential services in support of student access and success at Qatar University and are designed to

    • Facilitate access to the university by removing financial barriers
    • Enable textbook distribution and management
    • Generate student ID cards
    • Provide other basic students, staff and faculty conveniences including self-service photocopying and printing, stationery supplies, convenient-to-use-lockers and other auxiliary services.


    Student Service Department stakeholders consist of three categories:

    • Students:
      • Undergraduate,
      • Foundation Program,
      • International Students,
      • Graduated,
      • Others.
    • Faculty & Staff:
      • On-Campus departments: Including but not limited to Finance, Communication, Information Technology, Transportation Service, and QU Housing …etc.
    • Community:
      • Partner Organizations (Businesses, Charities, NGOs, etc.)
      • Governmental and Semi-Governmental Organizations
      • Parents.


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    Auxiliary Services

    The Student Auxiliary Services Section at Student Services Department provides a variety of general services that support Qatar University students and stakeholders.

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    Financial Aids

    Our Mission is to increase access opportunities for undergraduate students who face financial difficulties in achieving their educational goals by providing the highest quality financial aid service to facilitate student recruitment, enrollment, and success at Qatar University.

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    University Textbook Section is here to support and improve the research and learning skills of students at QU through the provision of a variety of textbooks and eBooks for QU students and instructors, and the University provides a subsidy equaling 50% of the total price for books over QR 50.

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