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How to apply and follow-up application status

In order to apply for financial aid service or follow up the application status, please follow the instructions below using your account at Banner Self-Service System.

For students who wish to apply for a new financial aid application, renew/extend an existing application, or add another financial aid, please follow the step-by-step guide for financial aid application.

For students who wish to transfer from one financial aid type to another, please follow this step-by-step guide.

To track you financial aid application status, please follow these steps:

  1.  Go to Banner Self-Service.
  2.  Log in with your username and password.
  3.  Click "Student Services".
  4.  Click "Financial Aid Services".
  5.  You will be directed to the main dashboard that contains all financial aid application related information as shown in the below picture as an example:  Monthly aid




The application got acceptance.


The application was not accepted.


The application has been received and is currently under review.


The application is a special case and has to be reviewed by the Financial Aid Committee to make the final decision.

Incomplete documents

The applicant did not submit the required documents before deadline.


The applicant applied online, but still not reviewed by student financial services counselor.


The application transferred to the external party that you applied for its financial aid program through the Student Financial Services Section.

  • To transfer from Tuition Fees to Monthly Aid service:

    If the student has active Tuition Fees Aid Application and become eligible to apply for monthly aid according to the policies and procedures, he/she can apply for a transfer from Tuition Fees Aid to Monthly Aid through the below steps:

    • Apply online for “Transfer Application” through Banner self-service before the deadline for the intended service.
    • Attach “To Whom It May Concern Letter” issued by any bank with the student’s bank account number within the online transfer application without submitting any additional documents.
    • The section will receive the application, present it to the committee to make decision, and inform the student with the decision.
  • To transfer from Monthly Aid to Tuition Fees service:

    If the student has active Monthly Aid Application and become eligible to apply for Tuition Fees Aid according to the policies and procedures, he/she can apply for a transfer from Monthly Aid to Tuition Fees Aid through the below steps:

      • Apply online for “Transfer Application” through Banner self-service before the deadline for the intended service.
      • Send e-mail to the Student Financial Services Section ( to ask for transferring the financial aid service from Monthly Aid to Tuition Fees service without submitting any additional documents.
      • The section will inform the student that the application received, present it to the committee to make decision, and inform the student with the decision.
  • The student should apply online “Apply Application” to extend the financial aid application period through Banner self-service before the deadline for the intended service.
  • Upload, electronically, the required documents, according the financial aid type and family condition, when applying for extension of the intended financial aid type.
  • Send e-mail to Student Financial Services Section ( to ask for extending the financial aid service application for two semesters and mention the remaining credit hours to graduate before the deadline for the intended service.
  • The section will inform the student that the application received, present it to the committee to make decision, and inform the student with the decision.